BYI i might be hyperactive or just dry at times deppends on my mood i WILL bite. only if i dont like the way you talk to me or any of my freinds.
im ok with sex jokes but avoid overusing it to me, im just abit uncomfy w them im not good @ starting conversation so pls be patient w me lots of typing mistakes, either on purpose or not, pls do NOT correct me ( unless in a joking way ) im fine w ppl flirting w me jokingly or platonically jst not romantically. i say " HELP " "STOP" or jst a bunch of uppercase stuff as a way of laughing i talk abt my interest alot especially if theyr a hyperfix or a spins of mine i use emoticons mostly :3 and ^_^ ( n others i possibly forgot ) if you hate them, pls stay exactly 60000 feets away from me ( /hj ) possibly alot of kys / kms jokes jst lmk if yr uncomfy or dni 4 yr own safety i say slurs i can reclaim and ONLY the ones i can reclaim i will go sv/nv sometimes i do not think b4 i speak sometimes pls dont mention any countryhuman stuff to me. for the love of god

back 2 main meeow

Pub: 26 Aug 2023 12:38 UTC
Edit: 26 Aug 2023 12:39 UTC
Views: 322