Summary of The Origins of The People of /yeah/

"God Sees All"

"God Sees All", boomed the voices from heaven, and all those who heard it felt fear in their hearts. Not knowing what this message could mean, the people that inhabited the land that would become /yeah/ descended into a panic. Some rode onto their horses and fled to the steppe, to live a nomadic life. Some, dispersed throughout the continent, living in individual settlements and tribes. Then some, decided to band together and settle into a larger city. Those who set out to the steppe would become The Kosakan Nomads, those who dispersed throughout became the Phantomo Tribes, and those who chose to band together would become The City State of /SCAM/, and the reunion of these peoples would soon give rise to The Kingdom of /yeah/.

will be fleshed out with time

Pub: 11 Mar 2022 11:03 UTC
Edit: 11 Mar 2022 13:03 UTC
Views: 454