socials sys pinterest : khazads tumblr : neverendingspirals toyhouse : dragonsickness sp : khazaddum

interests (highlighted is special/current interests )

movies, tv, etc -
lord of the rings / the hobbit - supernatural - doctor who - a song of ice and fire - midnight mass - gotham - xmen - raimi spiderman - the magnus archives - welcome to nightvale

games, web series, etc - the legend of zelda - minecraft - terraria - creepypasta - vita carnis - homestuck - gemini home entertainment

misc -
horror - ancient egypt & mummification - dungeons & dragons - wolves - horses - cowboys - vampires, werewolves, and misc folklore - riddles - dragons - saints, angels, and demons


Pub: 12 Mar 2023 05:41 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2024 00:22 UTC
Views: 385