"funny ass quote"

Welcome to kuros manifesto. a work-in-progress art piece that'll never finish. (trademarked) joke, satire, schizophrenia, it's all up to interperetation.

1. I am not crazy.

lots of people tell me im crazy. insane. mentally deranged. why? because im different. thats all that it is. Im different from them, and they dont like that. they never did. Thats fine. let them hate me.

What makes me so different you ask?? well. many things.

for one.....

I am Miss Circle from Fundamental Paper Education.

a secret i can never hide my large z cup breasts.

thats right, but only on tuesdays.

"whats it like to be chlomaki from okegom and miss circle at the same time?"


i have conflicting personality traits.

on tuesdays i can't remember anything i do, only the aftermath, which is what im met with when i wake up.

wrappers on the floor, sex toys on the bed, and a cute note from my wife that reads "don't tell that little alter of yours we did this~ ;)" it's tiring. i wouldnt wish this on anyone.

It's a pain in the ass, but the good thing is, Nobody seems to know that it's me.

It's like a werewolf transformation. Out of my control. On tuesdays.

now youll ask me "why tuesdays"" and well, theres a simple answer to that.

if i transformed on mondays, i'd get sued for copyright infringement.

with that out of the way, i'll continue venting on rentry about my evil alter "Miss Circle".

2. Desires that aren't mine.

I just want to let you know that i am not crazy. I never was crazy.

I can't remember why this happened or how she developed, but i remember , i called a black cat a "stupid dumb (slur)" because she was REALLY cute and i call all cats i find cute slurs (doesnt everyone???!?!)

out of nowhere i had what felt like a panic attack, i nearly collapsed on the sidewalk. I remember my wife carrying me to the car before i blacked out. When i woke up, i was a whole new "person."

A "person" isn't the best way to describe it, honestly. It was more like I felt.......animalistic. Like a wolf in heat, an alpha who needed to fill everyone i saw with my pups.

I felt my dick throb. Did I forget to add, miss circle has a sheath for some reason? Am i a reverse zoophile?????? What the fuck?

I just couldnt control my rut.

the first victim was my wife. I think she liked it though, so i should probably take her off the list....... the second was this old lady. I mean she looked kinda like a crackhead but i fucked her anyway because she offered free crack if i did. Miss circlechan loves crack. Maybe even more than oreo cookies.

the third and final was your mother. if it makes you feel better, it stopped at sexting when she showed me her tits for no reason. one sagged more than the other, what the fuck?

after all of these shitty sexual encounters (except my wife because she's very beautiful and pretty), This new version of me decided to quit fucking street bitches altogether. maybe for the better, yeah? with my 8 foot 6 claws, I drove me and my girlfriend home.

unfortunately for me (and fortunately for miss circle) She found a new street bitch. and she was the sweetest woman I've ever met.

3. Cookie Fucker.

The minute I saw it, I couldn't take my eyes off her.

She was mixed, Dark as cacao and White as a convention attendee. She was mostly black though. Thank god for that. She was so eager too, She let me lick the cream out of her folds and screw her until she crumbled. There were several of this girl. I did this to each and every one. I snap out of it. 12 AM. fuck.

I just kinda stare at the mess i made with a hard on. OH MY GOD I JUST FUCKED A PACK OF VEGAN SANDWICH COOKIES.

and theyre ON MY 700 DOLLAR CARPET!!!!!!!

Awe turned into panic and panic turned into a meltdown.

It's kinda weird because I dont know how i remembered that. maybe I have a fanchild in the headspace who watched me do it?? Anyways my wife had to comfort me but it was kind of weird cause who the fuck comforts their wife for shoving cookies up their pussy???????????????? so she was bullying me and it made me real mad and i blocked her for like 3 days but we made up and that was like 3 months ago anyway so it doesn't even matter..

I hoppeeeeed after that it would get better, itd be a one time weird experience but it DIDNT. sigh!

4. Objectophilia.

rn as im writing this, it's tuesday. i want to have sex with cookies RIGHT FUCKING NOW. one of the worst symptoms of literally being miss circle IN REAL LIFE is that sometimes i fuck objects. object shows aren't really that hot to me though.

ill stick my dick in the computers, laptops, grilled cheese, BRICKS, anything. why am i telling you this? Did you know i fuck cookies? Oreos are okay i GUESS, yeah that's right. MISS CIRCLE.. Doesn''t completely prefer oreos??? what the FUCK??? Yeah!

Id fuck the ever living shit out of a taco. shove the lettuce up my ass and lick the shit off because i thought it was bean paste

GRAPHIC the end......for now. back to kuromaki

Pub: 14 Sep 2024 20:05 UTC
Edit: 11 Oct 2024 17:24 UTC
Views: 126