ran-ran's kin tropes!! planning to make this aesthetic soon
tv tropes:
CreepyLonerGirl ElegantGothicLolita CreepyDoll LonelyDollGirl Hikikomori DoesNotLikeMen
BreakTheCutie LivingDollCollector MarionetteMaster HidingBehindYourBangs DaddysGirl SoullessShell BrokenBird
DaddysLittleVillain VampireLolitaArchetype EmpathyDollShot PeoplePuppets HatesBeingTouched AdultHater Chuunibyou TheOphelia SkippingSchool BadInfluencer FriendlessBackground SplitPersonality FaceOfAnAngelMindOfADemon YourSoulIsMine EmptyShell TheSoulless
AmbiguousInnocence BabyDollBaby DestroyingPuppet PerversePuppet MoodSwinger ManChild TheFakeCutie SecretIdentity AfraidOfTheirOwnStrength BadassAdorable TheHeartless DamagedSoul GoThroughMe AffablyEvil ItAmusedMe ChaoticNeutral AmnesiacLiar IRejectYourReality LonersAreFreaks AngerBornOfWorry TheCynic BackFromTheDead BerserkButton AllOfTheOtherReindeer ForgetsToEat TheHermit
dere types
tier 1:
Hikikomori Nemuidere Menhera
tier 2:
Dandere Chuunibyou Otaku Hinedere
tier 3:
Burikko MahouShoujo Yangire Dorodere Kiridere Tsundere Undere Utsudere
non-human types:
tier 1:
doll, puppet, bunny, soul collector, vessel, guide to the afterlife
tier 2:
ghost, death, vampire, spirit, rumor, vampire, tulpa, undead, time traveler
tier 3:
magical girl, AI, zombie, shadow, void, emptiness
profession types:
puppeteer, soldier, ninja, detective, gamer, streamer/influencer, nurse