About Me

  • call me feixing or feising, depending on the romanization system you prefer
  • 20+ y/o
  • I talk about:
    • yuanqing/jingyan from hsr (I rt yanjing too)
    • other hyv's games (gnsn, tot)
    • danmei novels. I'm nostalgic and read lots of novels published in or before 2016.
    • random stuff of my life
    • some fandom discourses on censorship
  • No DNI list but I block and/or mute accounts, words, and hashtags for my own online experience and safety in advance. No hard feelings.
  • I mainly tweet in English and Mandarin Chinese/putonghua
  • rt heavy


  • 飞星传恨四个字随意组合叫什么都OK
  • 成年人
  • 推文成分:
    • 崩铁景彦(会转彦景)
    • mhy其他游戏(原,未)
    • 原耽小说。耽美老妪了,看老作者老文比较多。
    • 生活琐事
    • 同人圈吵架,主要是有关审查制度的
  • 没习惯列雷区,但我会为了个人网上冲浪体验预防性屏蔽或/并静音账号、单词以及tag。不是针对谁不要难过。
  • 推文普通话英文混杂
  • 转推很多
Pub: 28 Jul 2023 00:28 UTC
Edit: 31 Jul 2023 21:21 UTC
Views: 6163