bold = favourites/most used
purple = only if close / testing out

heartdecayangel captors
sinners sanctuary⠀crucifix kiss ⠀planchette⠀⠀⠀prayers&pills ⠀
fonzpondsys ⠀haunted apologises
lavender bloodline⠀dolly destoryers


colbycole ⠀nikita ⠀kita
tommy ⠀tom

keep in mind not all of these terms will fit everyone in the sys, just ask beforehand if ur not sure.

boyfriend ⠀partner ⠀husband
girlfriend ⠀⠀wife ⠀⠀pretty
handsome ⠀cutebeautiful
dude ⠀⠀⠀man ⠀⠀⠀brother

Pub: 12 Sep 2022 05:04 UTC
Edit: 02 Jan 2024 13:48 UTC
Views: 173