. . AHKULT! 🩸 Ousija HE/She ⠀&͙⠀ IT/They sufferer of several disordereds andf whtnot! i mvery silly and i have a bit of a temepr~ i ,gnerally mean no harm.. 🩸🩸🩸 * bleeds all over you * (^་།^) i genereallyy say msut tihngso n ,my mind im blunt & to thapoint.. all over the place & a bit odd ! 🚑 .. White + Moar! blah blah blahhh ENTP 7w8.. workin on the rest 😉 mmhmeeee i id FULLY! as Male attracted.. slipping bertween bisexual & gay due to my genderrr. { femmasc boygirl } & alignment... WLM / MLM / NBLM! 💉 iveeben inejcted with gay evr since i was a wee little lamb... hehejaa! ++ often hallucianting& out of touche with reality... will afrfect how i itneract with others

Pub: 28 Feb 2022 18:19 UTC
Edit: 19 Dec 2023 21:44 UTC
Views: 2666