another day of daily grind behind
pretty sweet deal, standing around, looking intimidating, beating up people if someone thinks they can outsmart the business owner
legal? barely. this land seemed rather lax, in ways it reminded her of her homeland
train home was absolutely brimmed with all manner of creatures - some of her kind following where food was
famine tearing her homeland in ways was bit tragic
she moved her large tail, forcing those around her give her more space out of force or fear
although she did not let it show, she was rather exhausted and lonely after long day of work
nothing would not beat coming back home, flopping on her bedding, letting it creak and nearly break under her
and take her little comforter out of the cabinet, her toy in shape of man
human, she think they called his kind. there weren't many living in the city, and she had never seen one prior to coming here
either way, lovely creatures. soft, warm.
she had been rather frustrated last week, the season overlapping with aggravatingly long workdays
and she might have gotten little too aggressive on the human that bumped into her
his apathetic response had rubbed her wrong way - she was thinking of hospitalizing the little thing, but had gotten curious instead
strange strands on their head, smelled rather nice, tasted rather lovely too - and then there was his soft and warm flesh
heaven on her scales
perhaps it was the season... she lost control of herself
one thing had let to another, and afterwards she had dragged unconscious body to her home
once he woke up, he did get rather unreasonable. male of her kind would have probably understood their place by now
so she had to simply teach him. bind his limbs and stuff his mouth. she had loved his little noises prior
pathetic whimpers and cries
but he started to get too loud. so she had to just silence him to keep attention away from them
then she had snuggled the warm body until night - listened to the quiet sobs until falling asleep
this was her stop. she had gotten too caught in this and almost missed it
pushing past the lesser creatures that did not dare to resist her, she started making her way toward den
although now she was somewhat worried. two nights ago she might have gotten little overboard again and hurt him
his wrist looked rather bad. mayhaps needed medical attention
but were there doctors for his kind in the city? and would they rat her out?
she might be able to intimidate them, but she did fear possible legal repercussions. especially considering her work
maybe some underground doctor...
last night she had even entertained thoughts of moving again, maybe heading to some other country
maybe one where owning another creature wouldn't be looked weird upon
why was she so infatuated with this creature anyway? why didn't she just seek comfort of her own kin
find some lesser male and bully them into becoming her mate for time
she sighed. the more she thought about this, the more she needed his comfort

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:27 UTC
Views: 659