RimWorld mod list
Created with RimSort v1.0.8
Mod list was created for game version: 1.5.4104 rev435
Local mods are marked as yellow labels with packageid in brackets.
Mod list length: 297
1. Prepatcher {packageid: zetrith.prepatcher}
4. Fishery - Modding Library {packageid: bs.fishery}
6. RimWorld {packageid: ludeon.rimworld}
7. Performance Fish {packageid: bs.performance}
8. RimWorld - Royalty {packageid: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}
9. RimWorld - Ideology {packageid: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}
10. RimWorld - Biotech {packageid: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}
11. RimWorld - Anomaly {packageid: ludeon.rimworld.anomaly}
Big and Small - Framework
A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
AFU女士发型_Women's hairstyles
AFU男士发型_Men's hairstyles
ATH's Styleable Framework
Adaptive Storage Framework
Adaptive Simple Storage
Vanilla Expanded Framework
Vanilla Furniture Expanded
Vanilla Recycling Expanded
Adaptive Trash Storage
Alpha Biomes
Alpha Genes
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
Alpha Mechs
Alpha Memes
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
Alpha Props - Parks and Gardens
Alpha Props - Ship Parts
Ambient Rim
Animal Tab
Vanilla Fishing Expanded
ReGrowth: Core
Vanilla Textures Expanded
Animal Variety Coats
Architecture of the Rim (Adopted)
Armor Racks
Basic Double Doors
Biotech Expansion - Core
[NL] Facial Animation - WIP
Vanilla Textures Expanded - [NL] Facial Animation
Big and Small - Genes & More
Big and Small - Heaven and Hell
Big and Small - Races
Big and Small - Lamias and other Snake-People
Big and Small - More Xenotypes
Big and Small - Vampires and the Undead
Big and Small - Weapons
Big and Small - Yokai
Bionic icons
Biosculpter Pod and Neural Supercharger Variations
Biotech Expansion - Mammalia
Biotech Mechanoid Retexture
Blood Animations
Blooming hedges
[LTO] Colony Groups
CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
Ceiling Mounted Orbital Trade Beacon
Ceiling Turrets
Cerveza Cristal
Change map edge limit
Choose Wild Plant Spawns
ReGrowth: Aspen
Vanilla Plants Expanded
Clean Textures
Colored deep resources
Dubs Bad Hygiene
Common Sense
Compact Hediffs
Conservationist and Polluter - Mort's Ideologies: Memes and Precepts
Consistent Gene Inheritance (1.5 UNOFFICIAL PATCH)
Damage Indicators [1.5]
78. Decorative Cliffs (Continued) {packageid: mlie.decorativecliffs}
Designator Shapes
Diagonal Walls 2
Door Mat
Dub's Paint Shop
Dubs Mint Menus
Dubs Mint Minimap
Dubs Performance Analyzer
Dubs Skylights
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
EGI Holograms and Projectors
Eccentric Extras - Angel Hairs
Eccentric Extras - Beach Stuff
Eccentric Tech - Core
Eccentric Tech - Advanced Shields
Eccentric Tech - Angel Apparel
Eccentric Tech - Defense Grid
Eccentric Tech - Fusion Power
Eccentric Tech - Spacer Furniture
Enhanced Beliefs
Environment Category
Vanilla Cooking Expanded
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
Even More Linkables
ExGT Bio Mechanoid
Faction Control (1.4/1.5)
[MUS]捕鱼装饰 FishingDecorative
Fishing Decorative Retexture
Floor Lights
Vehicle Framework
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded
Garbage Truck
Garden Light
Gene Banks Expanded
Gene Bank Indicators
Gene Extractor Tiers
Gene Ripper
Genepack Reprocessor
Geological Landforms
GiTS Cyberbrains
Glass Double Doors
Go Explore!
Graphics Settings+
Greenworld Lite
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
[T] MoreFloors 1.5
126. Gulden Biome {packageid: pphhyy.guldennew}
Hunters Use Melee! (Continued)
I Aint Building That
Ideo Roles Don't Forbid Work
Integrated Genes
Interaction Bubbles
Invisible Walls and Doors
Lag Free Lamps
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
More Prop Categories
Panels & Frames
Signs and Comments
XML Extensions
Progression: Aesthetics
ReBuild: Doors and Corners
Lighting Category
Log After Def Error
Vanilla Skills Expanded
Mad Skills+
Map Designer
Map Preview
Metalhorror Scanner
Micro Comms Console
Mid-saver Saver
More Faction Interaction (Continued)
More Linkables
More Vanilla Turrets (Continued)
My Little Planet
Mya's fufu
Name Your Entities
Natural Paths
Nephilim Xenotype
No Job Authors
Non uno Pinata (don't drop items)
Oharo's Stained Glass Lamps
Replace Stuff
RimNauts 2
Vanilla Books Expanded
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
Vanilla Temperature Expanded
Paintable Spots & Objects
Pawn Editor
Pawn Suppression Implants
181. Perspective: Buildings {packageid: owlchemist.perspectivebuildings}
Perspective: Paths (unlisted)
Pick Up And Haul
Ponpeco Accessories
Progress Renderer
Reel's Expanded Storage
Progression: Storage
Progression: Temperature
Prop Integration for Architecture of the Rim
Prop Integration for MUS FishingDecorative
Prop Integration for Panels and Frames
Prop Integration for SimpleStairs
Psychic Emanator Retex + Self Powered
Psychic Harmonizer Lag Fix
Quality Colors 1.5 - Forked
Quasimorph - Main
Quasimorph - Church Of Revelation armoury
RR's Furniture pack-Collection Rapture
Rah's Vanilla Turrets Expansion
Random's Gene Assistant
ReGrowth: Arid
ReGrowth: Boreal
ReGrowth: ReTextures
ReGrowth: Swamp
ReGrowth: Temperate
ReGrowth: Tropical
ReGrowth: Tundra
Realistic Rooms Rewritten
Relations Tab
ResearchPal - Forkd
RimFridge: Now with Shelves!
RimNauts Satellite Dish Retexture
RimPy Mod Manager Database
RimQuest (Continued)
RimTraits: General Traits
Rimsenal - Core
Rimsenal - Hair pack
Rimsenal - Storytellers Pack
Rimsenal Xenotype Pack - Harana
Risk of Rain Bungus
Roads of the Rim (Continued)
Roo's HD Glasses Hairstyles
Roo's HD Hairstyles
Roo's HD Royalty Hairstyles
Roo's Painting Expansion
SRTS Expanded
Scattered Flames
Set Up Camp
Show Hair Under Stuff
Simple Utilities: Ceiling
Sin's Cuter Child Clothes
Smart Farming
Smart Medicine
Smarter Construction
Stress Red Letter Sound
Style Change Anytime
Tabletop Decorations
Terraform Rimworld
Toggleable Shields
Trade UI Revised
Trader ships
Trait Rarity Colors
Trait and Backstory Icons
Trash Mod
Turret Vanilla Retexture and Restyle
UNAGI Battle Coat
Ugly Together
Universal Trade Hub
Ushankas Luciferium Expansion
Utility Columns
Van's Retexture : More Vanilla Turrets
Wall Vitals Monitor (Continued)
Vanilla + Wall Vitals Monitors Retexture
Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
Vanilla Armour Expanded
Vanilla Backstories Expanded
Vanilla Brewing Expanded
Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded
Vanilla Events Expanded
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded
Vanilla Outposts Expanded
Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts
Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate
Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage
Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent
Vanilla Traits Expanded
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Upgrades
Various Space Ship Chunk (Continued)
WVC - Work Modes
Wall Decorations
Wall Heater
Won hair_women
World Map Beautification Project (Continued)
World Map Beautification Project - for Alpha Biomes
Xeva's Rimhair
[CF] Better Looking Plants
[ELIF] Flooring and Decorative Options
[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
[FSF] Meditation Freedom
[GMT] Trading Spot
[JF] Geometric Floors
[JGH] SRTS Expanded retexture
[Og] 2x4 Sun Lamp
[WD] Expanded Floors