A Scene after the Rain (Part 2)
A Silent Reflection Event Side Story
Sasuga, Kokona, Detective Work and…
Chisa: So, Kokona, will you join me?
Kokona: Huh? What do you mean…?
Chisa: Um, but I’ve just explained it.
Kokona: S-sorry!
Kokona: I was caught off guard by your sudden change in tone and couldn’t process what you were saying…
Kokona: Could you, please, explain it once more…?
Chisa: I want to practice a bit in order to get better at improv and ad-libbing.
Chisa: So I thought I’d come up with a character and act like them for a while.
Kokona: Ah, that’s what it was… That surely sounds fun!
Chisa: Glad you like the idea. It felt a bit sad doing it on my own.
Kokona: Of course, I’ll join you! Sasuga-chan, I think practicing with you will be a great learning experience.
Kokona: Let’s hone our skills and take everyone by surprise!
Chisa: Yay!
Kokona: But what about the roles? You’ll continue to perform as a cool character?
Chisa: Yes, that’s the kind of character I want to portray.
Kokona: Then I should come up with a character that’s a good match for yours.
Chisa: Alright, then let me be a detective and you’ll be a young girl working as my assistant. How does that sound?
Kokona: I like it! Though, a young girl probably is too close to my actual self.
Kokona: Maybe, I should try portraying an adult woman instead? I’m not sure if it will work out, but…
Chisa: “Hah… Kokona, you’re charming as always.”
Kokona: (Sasuga-chan has already started?! But I can't fall behind…!)
Kokona: “Y-you think so? That’s so kind of you to say that.”
Chisa: “I didn’t mean to flatter you. It’s just a fact.”
Chisa: “By the way, remember that case we solved recently?”
Kokona: (Wh-what she might have in mind…? For now let’s try to keep the conversation going and figure it out…)
Kokona: “Yes… It was truly terrible.”
Chisa: “Yeah… Just thinking of it makes my skin crawl. To think we’d find the victim’s mentsuyu replaced with cola.”
Kokona: (What?!)
Chisa: “Kokona, had you not noticed the fizzing sound, that would have been a dead case…”
Kokona: “Oh, please, you’re exaggerating. We only solved it due to your effort, detective.”
Chisa: “Fufu. I was always fond of your modesty.”
Kokona: “Th-thank you…”
Chisa: “Well, I’ve finished my coffee. Time to get to our next case.”
Kokona: “Wait… Where are we going?”
Chisa: “Isn’t it obvious? To take a look at the crime scene, of course. Hurry up.”
Kokona: “R-right… I’m coming…”
Kokona: (I wonder where Sasuga-chan is planning to go…)
Chisa: “This takes me back… It’s been a few years since I’ve come to this park.”
Kokona: “It’s a nostalgic place for you…?”
Chisa: “Nothing so sentimental as you might think. Guess, I’ve never told you…”
Chisa: “When I was a kid… I’ve met an acquaintance here, with whom I’m bound to this day.”
Chisa: “The boss of the mafia group Giant Panda that controls this area… The ruthless villain Don Panda…!”
Kokona: (Now Panda-chan is a part of the story?! No, no time to wonder about that… I should keep acting…!)
Kokona: “Who could have thought… Don Panda was your childhood friend…?!”
Chisa: “That was a fatal bond. We used to talk about our dreams standing on that slide…”
Kokona: (That part is probably true…)
Chisa: “But he stepped onto the path of evil… He was seduced by the allure of enormous power of the mafia…”
Kokona: “That’s so tragic… Had things played out differently, he could still have been by your side…”
Chisa: “I’ve given up on such naive dreams. We can’t go back to how we were…”
Chisa: “Besides, he’s built connections with my sworn enemy. As long as they work together, we can’t possibly make up.”
Kokona: (A sworn enemy for any detective… that would be…)
Kokona: “Your sworn enemy? You’re talking about that phantom thief? I didn’t know you were still trying to capture him.”
Chisa: “He stole the soul of my boss, the great detective Hiiragi. I’ll never forget it… When I arrived at the crime scene, liquor bottles were all over the place…”
Chisa: “Just you wait, Eighty Faces! I’ll arrest you no matter what…!”
Kokona: (Eighty Faces… Does she mean Yae-chan?)
Kokona: (So Yae-chan’s a phantom thief… She’d probably use her acting skills to disguise herself…)
Kokona: “But Eighty Faces is so inventive when it comes to disguise, right? He managed to trick us the other day…!”
Chisa: “Yeah, got away in the guise of an otter… But next time I won’t let him escape…!”
Kokona: (An otter?! How did that even happen?!)
Kokona: (But when I imagine Yae-chan running away squeaking… It’s both cute and kind of surreal…)
Kokona: Fufu…!
Kokona: Ah! S-sorry! I couldn’t help it…!
Chisa: Heh. Means I win.
Kokona: Wait, we were competing?! But bringing up Yae-chan disguised as an otter is cheating!
Chisa: It’s not. Making people you know a part of your performance is a legit technique.
Kokona: Really?
Chisa: Really.
Kokona: Ahahahaha!
Chisa: Oh, you’re taking a new role now?
Kokona: Fufufu, no, that’s not it. I’ve just thought that hanging out with you is a lot of fun.
Chisa: “Kokona, you’re so charming when you smile.”
Kokona: Ehehe, thank you, detective.