New Memories


Mari woke up from what felt like a very long dream.
She...she remembered...
Did she?
Right...she finally got through to him. Sunny was willing to move on with his life.
He would tell everyone the truth. He might just forgive himself.
He wouldn't hate himself as much anymore.
And above all he wouldn't kill himself.
She went past the curtain, and...
Where is she?
Mari looked around to find herself in a small room with few things in it, like a dresser with some items on top of it she recognized from home. Mari turned around to find a bed with a lump cuddled up in the blankets. Mari began to approach it and recognized it as her little brother.
"Sunny!" She called out, hoping to get his attention. He didn't hear her. "Sunny, I know you can hear me-oh wait, you can't." Dead. Right. Mari let out a sigh. What time was it? "Let's see, it's about...1:43pm?! Sunny, you should be out of bed now!" Had mom not waken him up? What day was it even? Mari walked over to the nearby calendar. July 20th, 200X. Sunny's birthday was circled on the calendar. "It's your birthday, and you're asleep? Sunny!" Mari turned back to him before circling around the bed. "Sunny, shouldn't you have set an alarm for-"
Mari let out a squeak before falling back. She hit the wall and slid down it, but didn't feel it.
Why-why was his eye-
Oh, right, Basil had-and Sunny...
She felt horrible. Did it still hurt? Did he take pain medicine for it? "Oh, Sunny... I'm sorry, I-" She felt so mean for yelling at him like that. She's so lucky he can't hear her. He needs as much rest as possible. She crouched at his bedside she started petting his head to try and comfort him somehow. Strange...she can feel his hair. She couldn't feel the wall when she hit it, but she can feel him.
"Why are you all alone?" Mari felt a terrifying question exit her lips. It was his birthday, and nobody was here. Nobody alive.
... can't be. left to get him a cake? Whatever the reason, she wanted Sunny to get more sleep. He needed it.


Sunny slowly opened his eye.
Mari gave him a smile. "Good morning, sleepyhead."
Sunny blinked a few times, but his eye wasn't focusing at all.
"You can't see me, can you? Figures."
Sunny pulled himself up, setting his back against the headrest as he stared blankly. Sunny sat there for a minute before letting out a sigh and getting out of bed. Mari watched him up until he pulled clothes out of the closet. She moved to the door and faced the wall. She didn't want to leave him right now, but she also shouldn't peep on her little brother.
Soon enough the sound of rustling of clothes came to an end. Mari decided to take a chance and look with her eyes squinted. Asides from his eyepatch, Sunny didn't look that much different from how he did all those years ago. He was still shorter than her. He still looked as tired as ever. Sunny moved to the door and opened it, leading into a cramped corridor with 3 other doors and a closet.

Sunny entered one which turned out to be a small bathroom.
Her eyes were drawn directly to the mirror.
She saw her own pale reflection besides Sunny.
"Ah, look, There I am!' She waved an arm at him.
Sunny moved forwards to grab a toothbrush and toothpaste. He still didn't see her.
"Your loss. I look pretty good for being dead." She huffed, moving over to his side. Sunny started brushing his teeth, not noticing the sister that started holding his shoulders and fawning over him. "You're still brushing you're teeth, I'm so proud! You should also start combing your hair, I bet you'd look really handsome if you did." He gargled a bit before spitting into the sink, turning on the faucet to wash it away. His eye was drawn to something. Mari followed his gaze. A few sticky note dotted the mirror's upper left corner.
"Don't forget to brush your teeth!"
"Mommy loves you."
"Mari loves you."
Mari felt her heart twinge at that, before she noticed multiple sticky notes leaving a message.
"Sunny, I can't be home today. Something urgent came up."
"I left 30 dollars near the door that you can buy whatever you want with."
"I'm so, so sorry."
Mari gave a murderous glare. "Mom! It's his birthday!" She gritted her teeth. "Sunny, can you believe her-" She turned to see Sunny's eyelids drooping just the tiniest bit as his eye lowered to the ground. She felt her anger pass and quickly hugged him, a feeling of emptiness slowly overtaking her.
He can't hear her. He can't feel her. Mom's gone. Sunny was all alone.

Sunny had picked up the money his mom left at a table in a decently sized living room before exiting through a door. It led to another hallway, this one had many doors just like this one, and some stairs Sunny moved towards. Mari felt a bit childish when it took her a while to realize what this was. This was a bunch of small houses people lived in. Apartments. Sunny went from living in a big house filled with memories to a shabby three room apartment with a closet and a bathroom. Mari let out a bitter laugh.


Mari didn't recognize anything. The city felt so different from Faraway, so packed. There were crowds, too. Crowds of people, so many she could't believe it. She sticked as close to Sunny as possible, terrified at what might happen if she lost him. Actually, it occurs to her she has no idea where Sunny is going. The city was so much bigger than Faraway was. She really, really missed home. Why did their mom move them here?
Sunny didn't know anyone here. He was all alone, probably had nobody else he could trust, and their friends were-
Mari let out a sharp gasp. "Where are our friends?" She exclaimed
Why didn't they call? Why aren't they here? Do they not know his new address? At least Basil should know, what...
He was alone. No notes from his friends, no calls, no letters, no nothing.
Did they...not forgive him? Did they abandon him? Did they really...even after...
Mari was so thankful she was invisible. Crying in the middle of a bunch of strangers would be really embarrassing.

Sunny seemed to have reached his destination, a shopping mall. Despite how she still felt, Mari couldn't help but feel a small bit of excitement wash over her. She'd never been in one of these! She had heard of them, but to actually see one? And it was so huge! What did Sunny want to buy? Maybe he was going to buy himself a gift with his money? The mall was quite the exciting place. Some parts were open, others were large hallways filled with shops and stores. A game store, a comic a shoe store, a clothes store, a jewelry store, oh my! Mari felt a bit guilty feeling this excited, but It was like if Hobbeez and Othermart had merged together to create a super store! And this was only the first floor, there's an escalator!
She was so busy seeing the sights she almost missed Sunny going a different direction, into a store filled with sweets. She followed Sunny as they observed the treats lining the walls. Cakes, cupcakes, pies, and even some freezers with ice cream. After some glances, Sunny bought a simple, small chocolate cake for 8 dollars. Mari drooped a little comparing it to his 12th birthday cake. "Are you sure that's good enough?" He didn't answer. Mari followed him out of the mall. And back through the streets. All the way to where he now lived.


Sunny froze with apprehension at the door to the apartment.
Mari wondered what he was thinking as he hesitated at the door.
Whatever it was, it soon passed. He turned the doorknob open.
Both of them practically leaped into the air backwards, shock written on their faces.
Sunny dropped his cake on the ground, but it was safe in it's container.
Once she recovered, Mari looked around as her eyes grew wider.
"I told you it'd be too loud." She heard a familiar voice, and more after that.
"Heh, the look on his face was worth it."
"Come on in, we got you a cake!"
"Happy birthday, Sunny!"
"Welcome home, dear."
Mari's eyes widened. "M-mom?" She gasped.
And Hero. Aubrey, Kel, Basil...they...they...
Sunny and Mari were frozen in place, before a very tall boy ran over. "Come on in, dude!" Kel grabbed his arm and pulled him in, but not before sneakily snatching up the cheap cake off the ground. Mari followed quickly before they closed the door on her and glanced at the living room The whole room had transformed. Streamers, presents lying in a corner, a huuuuge cake, party hats, there was even some hastily put up wallpaper. It finally clicked in her head. Mom had left to pick everyone up. "Oh, mom!" Mari joyfully cried out.

Sunny was dragged over to the table and set down in a chair at the table. Basil gave a smile as he fiddled with his camera, pulling out a photo.
"Look at this one!" He set it down on the table for everyone to see. Aubrey was right, his face was priceless. Sunny looked so shocked, it made her smile. She wasn't in it, though. Shame.
"Now that's a good one." Hero gave a big grin as he set down next to Sunny and faced him.
"Sorry it took us so long to visit, we got caught up with our own things back home." Hero left it at that.
Sunny's eye was still darting around, not processing any of this.
"Woah, I think he's really out of it."
"Deep breaths, Sunny."
Sunny closed his eye and started breathing. It took a moment for him to calm down.
Sunny slowly opened his eye, and looked at everyone.
Kel was giving him a big grin.
Aubrey was smiling at him.
Hero was patting his back and giving him an understanding smile.
Basil was beaming at him while holding his camera.
Mom had placed a fancy cake on the table, a warm smile on her face.
And if he could see her, Mari was giving him the warmest smile she could.
Sunny's cheeks started to lift, a smile forming on his face. "Thank you..." We whimpered.
"Make a wish, Sunny."
He closed his eye for a few moments before blowing out the candles. Smoke rose from the candles, dissipating in the air. But before it dissipated, Sunny's eye widened a bit. Mari wondered what he was looking at until she realized Sunny was right across from her. She gave him a warm smile. "Happy birthday, Sunny." He looked like he was about to tear up. But everyone erupted into another chorus of "Happy birthday, Sunny!" which knocked him out of it, even if he looked forlornly where he had seen her.

They all played a game of cards, one which Basil somehow managed to win. Mari couldn't help but wonder if it was rigged somehow because Sunny kept consistently getting the worst hands she's ever seen in her entire life. Regardless of that, Sunny managed to win the second round.
Mom had gotten Sunny a few things he'd need. She also got a box filled with some of Mari's old things that she thought Sunny might want to keep.
Kel and Hero joined together to buy Sunny the latest gaming console, and a two games to go with it. It was a dual Space Boy and Sweetheart game that had connected stories from what the boxes said.
Aubrey had gotten Sunny a fancy scooter. She said with it he could ride all the way to Faraway whenever he wanted. Told him everyone would be happy to see him again, and she was hoping he would. Mari couldn't help but notice Sunny's slight blush when she said that.
Basil got Sunny some Lilly of the Valley seeds and a few pots with gardening tools. "It's not too fancy, but I hope you can make a nice garden here." Sunny seemed happy examining the seeds, giving Basil a hug. Mari wrapped her arms around both of them.

While Sunny opened the last few gifts, mom left to get a bunch of blankets for them to make a big cozy spot on the floor they could lie on. Hero and Kel set up a nice big pillow fort they could all lay in, and Sunny placed the photo album in the center of them all to look at. Clockwise, it was Kel, Aubrey, Sunny, Basil, and Hero. Mari squished herself between Hero and Kel to lay across from Sunny.
The very first photo, Sunny with his violin. It was a fond memory, but Mari couldn't help but feel bad looking at how happy he had been with it.
"Hey, do you think you might ever pick up the violin again?" They all turned to Sunny, who's downcast look gave them his answer.
"A-anyways, look at this one!" Kel changed the topic by pointing at the photo of him wearing too many part hats.
Mari and her boyfriend sleeping on the couch, doing the dishes, and finally Hero and Kel arm-wrestling.
"I could totally beat you this time!"
"Just like you got taller than me?"
The kids cuddling with Sunny's plushies, a picnic, and them making flower crowns.
"I think Basil looked cute with a flower crown."
"Did I?"
"Yeah. I'm glad you at least kept wearing a flower."
"I bet even Sunny thinks so. Right, Sunny?"
They looked at Sunny only to see a sad look on his face. Mari noticed he was looking at the photo of her carrying him from school.
He let out a sniffle before feeling a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, we're here for you."
"We won't leave each other like last time."
"We're in this together, Sunny."
"Don't you think Mari would be proud to see all of us sticking together?"
"Of course I am."
Sunny still seemed a little down, but let out a "Thank you."
Kel turned the page so they could look at happier memories. Next up was their time visiting the beach.
"Look at Sunny, poking his head out of the sand."
"What is Kel even doing?"
"We should all get popsicles again soon."
Mari gave a sad smile when she saw the photo of her and Hero together. He seemed sad, too.
Sunny's 12 birthday, he looked so cute with his cake. Sunny climbing into the box, and falling asleep with Mewo.
"What was so interesting about being inside that box, anyways?"
"...It was big."
Bug hunting, the faded treehouse photo, and their times in said treehouse.
"Basil, how come you keep winning card games?"
"Who knows?"
"I'd like to!"
And the last few photos, ones Mari could hardly look at. Sunny hugging her after she came home late from school, practicing the piano, and finally both her and Sunny practicing for the recital. It's a shame none of their friends got to hear it in the end.
"There's still a few pages left. We can put the new photos at the end here."
Basil took out the first photo showing the surprised look on Sunny's face when he walked in.
"Hah, you caught the cake mid-fall!"
"Wait, what happened to that cake?"
"I Dunno."
The second one was of Sunny's confused face when he was sat at the table.
"I felt a little bad seeing how confused you got, but I think it was worth it."
The third one right after, where he smiled at them.
"I can't believe it took this long for us to get a single photo of you smiling."
"I hope we got more in the future. Sunny has the best smiles."
"Stop it..."
The fourth was of Basil's hand before he won the game.
"Seriously, how do you-that's even the exact same hand you won with back then! Basil, is there something you're not telling us?"
"Of course not. What reason would I have to lie to yo-ahem-n-no, of course not."
The last was Sunny opening a present containing Hero and Kel's gift.
"You looked so happy opening everyone's gifts."
"Hey Sunny, who's gift was the best? Mine, right?"
"Please don't ask him that."
"Afraid it's going to be mine?"
"Here we go..."
"Kel, are you seriously trying to say a game is better than my gift?"
"Yeah. Sunny likes being inside so he'll probably be playing that game every day!"
"Yeah, and get bored of it. A scooter he can use to get around without a car, and-"
"Guys, are you really going to do this on Sunny's birthday?"
"Sunny doesn't seem to mind."
Sunny was just relieved he didn't have to answer that question anymore.
Mari could only let out a few giggles seeing all this. She was a bit sad that she couldn't be here in person, but she was so happy that everyone was finally together again despite all that had happened. She felt guilty for not believing in them earlier today. Thanks for proving her wrong, everyone.

"Alright, I think that's enough. It's almost 1 in the morning, we should all go to bed now." Hero closed the photo album and handed it over to Sunny. He seemed sad as he started getting up, before Hero grabbed his arm. "Hey, we're all sleeping out here." Sunny let himself be pulled back down. They laid together in a big pile under blankets. Sunny was squished between Aubrey and Basil, Kel and Hero keeping them all in a tight sandwich.
It seemed like they were really exhausted, falling asleep within minutes. Even Mari's eyelids felt heavy. Sigh...if only she could stay longer...but It would be pretty selfish of her if she couldn't move on when Sunny could. But first, she went over to give Hero one final peck on the lips. She hoped it would follow him into his dreams. And she crouched down behind Sunny and pet his head, one last time.
Sunny slowly opened his eye, half asleep. Surprised for a moment, she beamed a smile at him. "Goodnight, little brother. I love you."
"..mlovyoum...too...Mrari..." Sunny mumbled before closing his eye again. Mari let out a giggle as she stood up, ready to leave at last.
After one last look over everyone, Mari faded into the moonlight.
As if she hadn't ever been there.

Pub: 20 Jul 2022 11:03 UTC
Views: 625