/∞/ Holy Fluids Proposal
These blessed fluids come from the priestesses of Infinity; and thus from the Kroniisiah herself. These are ranked from cheapest and most common, to most expensive and rare.

Kronii Pee...

The urine of the priestesses fed on a diet of heavy salted noodles (instant noodles) and mass produced cheesy pasta (Kraft Dinner). Tastes and smells as you'd expect. Easily produced and processed and preserved, it is a cheap and common substance amongst poor Kronies. Potent aphrodisiac, highly addicting. Is offered for trade but only the most degenerate countries would actually accept...

Kronii Sweat

An intoxicating drink of body sweat from our priestesses, who spend hours in poorly air-conditioned rooms to emulate the Kroniissiah. The sweat has been mass blessed by the church. The taste is stronger and less bitter the higher the quality, with body sweat being standard, armpit sweat being high quality, and underboob sweat being premium. Similar in effect to soju alcohol. Moderately addicting and arousing.

Kronii Water

Springwater from the mountains that have bathed the bodies of our priestesses, filtered of any debris then blessed by the church. It tastes mildly salty, as it has been used to thorough clean the bodies of hikkis. It boosts the drinker's strength and endurance. Mildly addicting and arousing.

Kronii Milk

The breast milk of our priestesses, whose massive mammaries invoke the Kroniissiah. The milk is prayed over by the priestesses themselves, imbuing the milk with powers that alter the drinker's perception of time and heighten their senses. Rare and premium, it is only affordable to the noble class of kronies and traded to close allies.

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Pub: 07 Mar 2022 14:35 UTC
Edit: 08 Mar 2022 14:03 UTC
Views: 910