/warkop/ aes sourceposting
VTL8 Requests
Medal Update
- Deidey the Defenseless Bunny
- Combine the following models and color her hair just like picrel
- Base Body Model
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/a2-nier-automata-7b61ced5b97e40b786c4d50ef4dbd2dc
- Bunny Ear
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/orejas-de-conejo-6ab60d9323f545f185a9255ea4eb88fa
New Players
- Rimuring (Rimu)
- Use the following model with her hair color altered to picrel
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Umc51LJoqseT8LK7HwDIGYw7-lQqlcPZ/view
- YOU は SHORT (Uci)
- Basically Shion but make her hair light blue like picrel
- https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td63632
- The Vigilante Is Here (Andi)
Model Update
VTL7 Archive (pls ignore)
Medal Update
- Kobo Tempest (Kobo)
New Players
- Tanbi (Marin)
- Recolor her hair and tail to match picrel
- https://mega.nz/file/u5B3UAYD#jpDNfia-y0GxbT3gDiBId6AoFdaHasG4e6REDdq2eAE
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/michiru-kagemori-brand-new-animal-02dc8e39c7974ce2ac69e4fc72c53b6b
- Moona Dayo!
- Use the card from the drive combined with 3rd outfit card from the coordinate folder, if the card from the drive doesn't work, try the kemono one
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_ofYZy8eioQK28Ot-hak6-6NVJvnRjbP
- https://kemono.su/patreon/user/85679511/post/98674557
Model Update
- My Jawir Wife (Tana)
- Ronda Wan (Gui)
- Recolor her hair and tail to match picrel
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/qiqi-fbx-with-textures-8ba9c844fcb4483f8dd548aed7b4bb7c
VTL6 Archive (pls ignore)
New Players
- The Future is BFE (Harris)
- thread wants a custom head that matches picrel, the body could just use the PES default
- Genki Sachet Idol (Pia)
- match the hair with picrel
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/raphtalia-the-rising-of-shield-hero-c48dcdfbb1bd4895bcfa0ce970c48e53
- My Jawir Wife (Tana)
- modify Girl Scout Furry Booty from /NijiID/ into picrel
- https://mega.nz/folder/kpMggI6Z#Hz3NMJzs_U7ZNHfo4BOgFg/file/Vw1S0bIC
- Ronda Wan! (bumpanons)
Model Update
- Get Blocked! (Ipo-chan)
- Add picrel as an image layer behind her, similar to Market Closed of /nasfaqg/
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/ipo-model-3d-61f184426dee408aa165f3f110f0ffca
- The OG Goat (Alia)
- Use the Eyeman325 card from 01-08-2024
- https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA/file/MVlDwbaA
- Purple Eggplant (Echi)
- use the jacketless version
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/elaine-celestia-fanart-12155c450ad546c4aff8b1ad457970c6
VTL5 Archive (pls ignore)
Key Players
- Lust with Mita
Model Update
- Purple Eggplant (Echi)
- Kambeng Rebahan (Alia)
- Hulk's Daughter (Karissa)
- starsID doko? (homoIDbeggars)
- Pretty Overt, Nya~ (Zeta)
- The Real Gura Killer (Obit)
- Piggy Bank Thief (Risu)
- Adudu Iofifteen
- cut iofi mmd https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td88681 at her navel, then put her top body on this https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/probe-6c5ff6bb584449c9934874fd04adf4ae
- ^for reference
VTL4 Archive (pls ignore)
Key Players
- Cupang (Airi Cordelia)
Model Update
- Green Ui (Chloe Pawapua)
- AKA Miku (Caerula Aki)
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/shiteyanyo-hatsune-miku-0f4029ba805c4751933bba24dc72dd24
- just change the blue parts into red because well, it's AKA Miku after all
- Suisei Lokal (Deidey)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97285699
- need hair color to be black-ish blue, that's all
- Pay2Incline (Paid Clipfags)
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/film-clapperboard-free-3d-model-c5c798aa23024b868f7653229911b915
- ^replace head with that film model, put stacks of this img on both black sides of the model
- Rapist Cilus
- Head+Body https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/cute-cloud-691c72bd72de414db77214b647c780b8 and put a old man bastard face on the cloud's back
- Hands https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/cloud-5237b676f309443c95157c5d9ab516d8
- Surround the body with a rainbow https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/hulahoop-rainbow-0c067cc3df4749a9bd10d250ba514043
Adudu Iofifteeen tag me if card won't work
- cut iofi koi at her navel, then put her top body on this https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/probe-6c5ff6bb584449c9934874fd04adf4ae
- ^for reference
VTL3 Archive (pls ignore)
Our Ball
- Kobo Slime
Key Players
- Why did they flop? (NijiID flop posting) {GK}
- based on /nasfaqg/ Market's Closed with Mika koi below as GK and picrel as it's background
- https://mega.nz/folder/4VFgzD4R#-j3lpZhsosog7_MgiKJsJQ
- Get Blocked (Ipochan) {SubGK}
- Kobo Tempest {Gold}
- Piggy bank thief (holoIDdorm) {Gold}
- Loli Miti {Silver}
- flathead
- Raja Mexico (Windah) {Silver}
- boxhead
Models need help (aes team help me out)
- Huhihuhihu (Epel) tag me if either cards won't work
- Adudu Iofifteeen tag me if card won't work
- make iofi koi model below sit on this https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/probe-6c5ff6bb584449c9934874fd04adf4ae
- Gluk gluk water (Zen's head on horse body)
- Humbala-Humbala (Anti-Schizo Ritualposting)
- Kobo Killer (Obit)
- Ucagi (Nekoyama Sena)
- Nasi Kecap (Jaret Fajrianto)
- put some soysauce texture over this model
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/rice-98264afd43824e6595aaf7fb3e406e6e
- Penghuni rumah nanas (Yume reference)
- Om2 Pos Ronda (Minerva Rosaline)
- ANJG LU KANNA (Kanna Tamachi)
- Cupang (Airi Cordelia)
- Dolphino (Chloe reference)
- Si Otan (Treerat reference)
Identification Helper
- Marker
- Put /warkop/ logo below our players https://implyingrigged.info/w/images/3/3d/Warkop_logo.png
- Flag
- I'm not sure if this could bypass that easy identification requirement but if it helps, putting our flags like picrel but on their elbows could do it
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/indonesian-flag-280c0e982e94473296755d54367d62c6
No models needed (aes would be done on my end)
- Hana was right (/vt/'s infamous e-girl bait)
- boxhead
- We holoID fans (Our Lord Soo Min Park of holoID)
- boxhead
- Unitychads (MuseID)
- boxhead
- /u/chuubas (Helix-Charlotte)
- boxhead
- Harem Master (Andi Adinata)
- Andi boxhead + Chloe, Miti, Mira, Kawi, Frederett surrounding his body
Discarded Ideas Archiveposting (aes team, just ignore this eh)
- Maya Putri's Zombie {I'm very keen to replace this tbh}
- anyone got Maya-Putri_ver1.02.zip? otherwise https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/zero-deaths-8657c0d34f7f4c25b651be6f5b316a56
- Guess their religion (Tebak agama vtuber)
- boxhead
- Lontenya Penilep Bansos (Snowdrop & their corrupt owner)
- Cupang (Airi Cordelia)
- Nasi Kecap (Jaret Fajrianto)
- put some soysauce texture over this model
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/bowl-of-rice-from-poly-by-google-79ed72f6a3494c52b02a7a3c3191b9b9
- Om2 Pos Ronda (Minerva Rosaline)