Created with RimPy Mod Manager v. (database: 27805262)
Mod list was created for game version: 1.4.3704 rev896

Local mods that were not found in the database are marked as yellow labels with packageId in brackets [unknown mods in the list: 16]

Mod list length: 126

  1. Prepatcher
  2. Harmony

3. Core {packageId: ludeon.rimworld}

  1. Startup impact 1.4

5. Royalty [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}

6. Ideology [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}

7. Biotech [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}

  1. HugsLib
  2. Achtung!
  3. Anti-Air Artillery [Unofficial Update]
  4. Humanoid Alien Races
  5. More Furniture (Continued)
  6. MoHAR framework
  7. Anty the war ant race
  8. Craftable
  9. Bunk Beds
  10. Better Workbench Management
  11. Bionic icons
  12. Biotech Nyaron
  13. Item Teleporter
  14. Camera+
  15. Centralized Climate Control (Continued)
  16. Character Editor
  17. Colonist Bar Below Dev Buttons
  18. Crafting Quality Rebalanced
  19. Cultured Meat
  20. Dire Raids
  21. Door Mat
  22. De-generalize Work
  23. Kurin HAR Edition
  24. Dubs Performance Analyzer
  25. Dubs Rimkit
  26. EPOE 1.4 (Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering)
  27. Girl's Frontline: Sangvis Ferri Weapons
  28. Gradient Hair
  29. Graphics Settings+
  30. Harvest Everything!
  31. Harvest Organs Post Mortem
  32. Horan, The tiny tiger race
  33. RimFridge: Now with Shelves!
  34. LWM's Deep Storage

42. Lewd Ideology Origin {packageId: lewdmora.lewdideologyorigin}

  1. Mad Skills
  2. Malang Face
  3. Apparel BodyType Resolver
  4. Mincho, The Mint Choco Slime ~ HAR ver.
  5. Marilyn the Mincho Worshipper Witch ~ HAR ver.
  6. MendAndRecycle
  7. Replimat
  8. Vanilla Expanded Framework
  9. Mod Manager
  10. More Linkables
  11. No HAR Hairs on Humans
  12. Kurin HAR Edition CE Fixes
  13. Rabbie The Moonrabbit race
  14. Dragonian Prime Race2.0 (Unofficial)
  15. Combat Extended
  16. Awesome Inventory Forked
  17. Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack
  18. Miho, the celestial fox
  19. Kurin Children Patch
  20. No Healing Emotes
  21. Categorized Bill Dropdown
  22. No Random Relations
  23. [JPT] Clean My Buttons
  24. No ZzZ
  25. Non-Flammable Metal (1.0-1.4)
  26. Nyaron race
  27. Vanilla Cooking Expanded
  28. Vanilla Fishing Expanded
  29. Optimization: Meats - C# Edition
  30. Prisoner Harvesting - 1.4
  31. Quality Colors
  32. QualitySurgeon
  33. Quarry
  34. RPG Style Inventory
  35. Regenerator Nanohive
  36. RT Solar Flare Shield
  37. Rakkle 1.4 (unofficial update)
  38. Realistic Rooms Rewritten
  39. Reinforced Walls
  40. Replace Stuff
  41. ResearchPowl
  42. Resurrect Enemy Mechanoids
  43. Rim Lane - Materials
  44. Rim Lane - Shipgirl
  45. Rim Lane - Defence
  46. Rim Lane - Siren
  47. Rim Lane - Weapon
  48. Rimsenal - Core
  49. Rimsenal - Hair pack
  50. Rimsenal - Security Pack
  51. RuntimeGC [1.4] reuploaded
  52. Simple Turrets
  53. Simply More Bridges (Continued)
  54. Statue of Colonist
  55. Table Diner
  56. Toggleable Readouts
  57. Trading Options
  58. Utility Columns
  59. Vanilla Base Generation Expanded
  60. Vanilla Books Expanded
  61. Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
  62. Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
  63. Wall Light
  64. Where is my weapon?
  65. Yuran race

108. Yuran RJW addon {packageId: sutsutman.yuranrjwaddon}

  1. [FSF] Indoor Tree Farms
  2. [GMT] Trading Spot
  3. [Ling]Move Steam Geyser
  4. [RH2] Rimmu-NationĀ² - Clothing
  5. [T] MoreFloors 1.4
  6. [XND] Visible Pants
  7. [sd] Advanced Powergeneration (Continued)

116. RimJobWorld {packageId:}

117. C0ffeeRIA {packageId: c0ffee.rjw.ideologyaddons}

118. RJW Genes {packageId: vegapnk.rjw.genes}

119. RJW Sexperience {packageId: rjw.sexperience}

120. RJW Sexperience Ideology {packageId: rjw.sexperience.ideology}

121. RimJobWorld - Extension {packageId: rimworld.ekss.rjwex}

122. RimJobWorld - Interaction Addon {packageId: ed86.rjwia}

123. RimJobWorld - Whoring {packageId: rjw.whoring}

124. Sized Apparel for RJW (SAR version) {packageId: otyoty.sizedapparel}

  1. RocketMan - Performance Mod

126. Sized Apparel for slaves {packageId: hehehew.sizedapparelforslaves}

Pub: 16 Jun 2023 05:41 UTC
Views: 157