martyr line
Please read on desktop if possible ~
pixel Hail and well met! Welcome to my extended Rentry. You may know me as Light , Eva ,
Dante , Martyr , or any of the other names I refer to myself as. Any of the above are fine ;
I encourage you to use whichever name you think fits me best! I am bodily 22 years old,
but I identify as closer to two-hundred. My pronouns are fluid , but he or xe is always a
safe option if you're unsure. First & foremost, I am bisexual ; my bisexuality impacts all of
my identity, and is a huge part of who I am. I identify as transneutral, aroflux & intermasc
as well as many other terms.
line pixel I am the host of a system, although my alters tend to be quite shy, and often prefer
to mask as Light instead of being upfront as themselves. Please, be patient with them! I also
experience episodic delusions & severe anxiety ; I may lash out or become irritable when I'm
stressed due to this. I am autistic & have both ADHD + OCD, which impact much of my life.
I try not to discuss my other issues in public for personal reasons - if I speak about an issue,
it's because it affects me! ^_^
line pixel I indulge in all sorts of typology for fun, and as a way to understand myself better. I try not
to put too much stock into them, but I think they help with people understanding me better!
EXTP ✦ so/sx ✦ EVLF ✦ SLUAI ✦ Choleric-Sanguine
Leo Sun ✦ Libra Moon ✦ Sagittarius Rising ✦ Tower/Chariot
Chaotic Neutral ✦ Rogue ✦ Arcane Trickster ✦ High Sun Elf
Thief of Light ✦ Smug ✦ Dragon Type ✦ Emperor Arcana ✦ Electro Vision

Pub: 17 Sep 2023 04:50 UTC
Edit: 10 Dec 2023 07:05 UTC
Views: 844