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Palestine Strikes

Twitter Disclaimer:
Filler Tweets do not work. There is no point in making them. If you are unable to miss work,
school, or any other crucial events, that is okay. Do not DM or Tweet about being unable
to strike. Focus on finding other ways to strike. The strike officially ends at 12 am on the 23rd.

do your daily clicks to help palestinians!

Why Should You Strike?

Striking is a method of bringing attention to issues, from minor problems to
crises. The purpose of a strike is to cause disruption in the day-to-day routines
of many people by forcing them to face the truth. When you choose to strike
through social media, skip school, or even set up encampments, you choose to
make a difference.

Striking For Palestine

Over 80% of the Gaza Strip in the country of Palestine has been destroyed by
the heavy military presence of Israel’s IOF bundled with missiles, bombs, snipers,
and forced famine.

The IOF has besieged hospitals, neigh, committed massacres, mutilated and burned
tens of thousands of civilians and continue to do so to this day.

By striking for Palestine, we aim to raise awareness surrounding the genocide that has
been taking countless lives for 70+ years.

Rules of The Strike

Limit posts about your interests and favorite celebrities to either very little or none at all.
Your posts will limit the reach of the strike and will do nothing but clog the timelines.

This does apply to celebrities/organizations that decide to use their platforms to help
Palestine. (eg. The Weeknd)

Boycotts, or refusing to buy, use, or participate in something, are another
form of protesting. When we participate in targeted boycotts against
certain companies, people, and their products, we have the power to disrupt the
economic value, reputation, and wrongdoing of said powers.

Spreading and sharing resources is another great way to help and raise
awareness for the people of Palestine.

ALWAYS make sure that the link or source that you choose to spread or donate
to is genuine.
If you can’t tell, try asking around for opinions from the people you
trust as to whether or not it sounds legitimate.

Uplift Palestinians voices. Although our voices all matter, certain ones are much
more important than others in this context.

The voices of Palestinians are the voices of people who have had to push through
the genocide and have experienced it firsthand. Do NOT speak over Palestinians
when they choose to speak up about issues relating to the genocide.

Politicians are also at fault for the horrors occurring in Palestine. Reach out to them,
force them to listen, and force them to speak up. Call, email, and write them as much
as possible. It doesn’t matter if you live in a huge city or a quaint little town.

Boycott List

Note: this was taken from the palestine strike image created by @nadinewarnerr and @blythtism on twitter

Pub: 22 Jun 2024 22:21 UTC
Edit: 24 Jun 2024 18:48 UTC
Views: 91