to my friends, and the people who mean the most to me.
i love you all! thank you for putting up with me. you mean too much, and i'm willing to go to the ends of the earth for all of you.
i hope i can spend the rest of my life with you all. ♡ thank you for being here :)
(prepare for spelling errors)

my friend group i've finally felt like i've had a part in. we have some rough patches and bumps, sometimes we fight, but thats okay. you people make me smile without even trying, make my day so much brighter when i think of you. we support each other through everything, and i hope nothing but pure goodness comes your way. we all are a little stupid !!! I wouldn't replace you all for the world. even if some of us aren't close, this friend group means a lot to me. thank you for giving me somewhere i belong

you are the one who i spend my life with, marry, and die with. not in a romantic way, just in a way that's our own special tune. we dance on the beat to our own special music, not caring what others see or think. you are in every sense, my soulmate. i've never been happier to have met you, and you've helped me put myself back together, pick up the pieces which i thought i lost. you give me a lot to think about, a lot to process and you guide me along my way. help me see that things aren't that bad, that things CAN get better. that I CAN change. you aren't judgey of me even in my worst moments, you try to understand and i cherish that. i cherish you. ill be your stupid knight in shining armor, i'll immediately come if you call my name. i'm always here for you, and i love you forever. Thank you for being here. Happy one year (soon), and to many more to come!

HI KIDDO!!! i'm so proud of you for sticking around this long. if anything, you are way braver than i am, so much stronger than me. thank you for listening to my night time rambles even if they are a bit weird. stupid kpop stan. teasing ofc. thank you for wasting money on me too, even though i wish you didn't, i appreciate them anyways!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! i'm gonna be your dad now forever. <3

Grabs ur throat. things have been rocky but fuck it man we are crazy. 5yearduo goes nuts!!!! 4 FUCKING YEARS OF KNOWING YOU. sheesh that's long. failed relationships, lots of fights, i think maybe 3 times we broke apart? LORD we are so crazy, but hey! I'D HAVE IT NO OTHER WAY! thank you for being the person so quite literally matches my freak. sorry for being so insane. super duper sorry. I love you genuinely pls stay safe out there. <3

HELLO !!! short message cuz i'm running out of fumes, but YOU ARE SOFUCING COOL!! thank you for the movie reccomdations. i havent gotten around to watching them yet BUT I WILL UST KEEP PRESURRING ME I WILL WATCH THE PACIFIC. Ur super fun to talk to and hang around with, and you help repair that hole in my heart that hasn't healed yet. THANK YOU FOR EXISTING!!!!

YOU YOU YOU YOU.. I LOVYOU SO MUCH ITS UNBELIVABLE. You are the second person who matches my freak. i waanna do dumb stuff with you when we meet up and then we can camp outin the woods together. You are literally amazing, and yes, i will continue to help you even if you insist i dont have too. i am a text away, anything you want. just say so. you are one of my favorite people ever. ♡ i will kill all who come after you TRUST. THE VOLO TO MY EMMET!!! THE SHIPPING TO MY TRAINWRECK!!!

honorable mentions because i ran out of fumes! ill get to you all eventually.
mochi ill get to rewriting this eventually. you stupid squid. im gonna pop you like a balloon. splatoon autism hit you hard huh?
sammie stay the hell safe. even if we literally cannot stand eahc other now, i still care. get help, live your best life. you'll forever be an older brother to me
milo can we go ONE day without a fucking fart joke. im kidding, you're so goddamn funny, why are you so funny? ip3 gc forever <3 also please visit a hospital im worried for you.

Pub: 01 Jan 2024 03:00 UTC
Edit: 30 Oct 2024 20:06 UTC
Views: 955