please note that: i'm pretty hyperactive at some points, and my mood can switch like texas weather, sorry in advanced i can get very clingy and attached and Super jealous pretty quickly, please lmk if at any points i make you uncomfortable, because otherwise i won't know i'm shit at telling tone i'm very easy to upset, and when i do get upset i get very quiet and blunt, just know it most likely isn't your fault at all i have a Terrible temper, and i may end up snapping at you if very hard comforts are insulted or hated, for example: boomboard, traffdom, birdboy, red (ava/m), drretro and split because of my low level in tone-telling, i use tone indicators on the regular, if i don't know if you're joking or not i may ask you to use them i'm pretty paranoid of any ocs i made being published due to, well, the internet being the internet and being super weird, so i might not share them right away with you normally i send a stupid message/image as a hello because i like. don't know what to say for a convo starter

Pub: 08 Jun 2024 03:46 UTC
Edit: 27 Jun 2024 04:21 UTC
Views: 95