♡ Position of the Critic (III. Past in the aspect of pain, criterion)

The critic's judge is the past. The critic uses the past to determine whether he is living correctly. "Who am I?" is a sharp, nearly painful point that the critic will revise with each new experience, whether he wants to or not. Pain was the main negative feeling in the past, and it was a common companion of criticism. The past rarely gives criticism a good assessment, it rather works as a limiting factor, more often answers the question "who should I not be" than "who am I".

The critic, unlike the author, cannot choose who he wants to be. History, according to his philosophy, is already written; the critic cannot change it; he can only judge it. When a critic does something he dislikes (even if the path is minor), he can chew on it for a long time, regardless of whether the action was accidental or intentional, and if there was another way out or not. Being judged, even by oneself, is uncomfortable. As an error, the critic often attempts to separate himself from his history - he seldom talks with his family, eliminates superfluous contacts without regret, and prefers to forget any bad situation rather than solve it.

In fact, a critic's use of the past as a criterion or judge can be a powerful tool. Not everyone in life is given such clear instructions, and not everyone is able to reflect on the past and learn valuable lessons. The critic, by virtue of his perception, is simply unable to ignore an important experience, even if someone else doesn't notice them. If the critic keeps his eyes on the past and pays attention to the inner judge, he will feel contentment and integrity and have more energy for his self-realization.

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Pub: 12 Feb 2023 00:28 UTC
Views: 879