Patient 001. Name: Jeffrey Woods. Disorder: Criminal Insanity, Facial Disfigurement, Psychopathic Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Treatment: Bidaily Therapy, Psychotropic Medicine, Solitary Confinement for a few hours if patient acts out.

A troubled young man with a considerably large sense of self-importance. Growing up in a relatively stable household, the patient's family had moved houses due to his stepfather Peter C. Hodek getting a new job as a maths teacher within the state of ███ ████. While adjustment to the new neighbourhood and the new school came along well enough, the problems started to come when three students of Mr Hodek's class decided to bully 001 and his brother Liu as a result of their failing grades. Consistently picking on them for being the offspring of the person who took issue to them, the patient's attempts to get his father and other teachers to prevent the bullying fell upon deaf ears. A particular incident on the night of 10/03/2008 where one of the bullies had stolen a kitchen knife from his home resulted in 001 receiving a 'Glasgow smile', the sides of his mouth being cut open. In both an attempt to defend his brother and in the rush of adrenaline, the patient responded to the scarring by tackling the bully to the ground and stomping on his temple. As he attempted to run away as soon as he saw the bully having a seizure with a caved in skull, 001 ran into a science teacher who was wheeling away flasks of hydrochloric acid after their usage in a science experiment. Crashing into them face first, the patient continued to try and run away before being apprehended by security where it was noted that the skin of his face was starting to redden and burn away, droplets of his skull were beginning to fall on the floor.

Thanks to the slow response time and inefficiency of the school staff, the accident left 001 permanently scarred. Skin transplants were a necessity for him yet the parents were unable to pay for surgery. Instead, him and his brother were kept inside to be home schooled until the two were able to save up enough money for the skin transplant. The bullying however only gotten worse after the passing of the bully who scarred him as the remaining two stalked the house where the family lived, waiting for 001 or Liu to come out to jump them. Eventually Liu made the decision to sneak 001 out to try and get something to eat at night when the two bullies ambushed them. A hard shot of a baseball bat from one of the students to the stomach sent the patient to the ground while a shot to the throat of Liu caused him to collapse. As the other bully took out the knife that scarred 001 and aimed to stab Liu in the head, the patient's mind snapped. Biting on the ankle of the one with the baseball bat, 001 then wrangled off the bat before cracking the ribs of the bully. Then proceeding to the other bully, the patient cracked his head open with the bat before grabbing a hold of the knife and repeatedly stabbing him in the chest. Noticing that someone was behind him about to grab him, 001 shoved the knife behind him into the head of the person behind him. Who had turned out to be his brother Liu reaching out for him. The sight of his dead brother sparked a demented light in the patient as he returned home silently and looked himself in the mirror. Grabbing his mother's makeup powder, the patient covered his face completely white to hide the dead skin. After slowly cutting away his eyelids to always see his face in the mirror, 001 then proceeded to murder his parents while they were asleep. By the time he was ready to leave the house however, police had already arrived to the house thanks to the lone surviving student who had called for the police.

Soon after being chosen to come to the facility due to his immensely weakened mental state, 001 has grown the tendency to tell a multitude of false stories to anyone within ear's reach. At times he claims he suffered the acid attack at a birthday party which was exacerbated with being set on fire, while other times he suffered the attack from an accidental slip when he was about to clean his bathtub. Some of the stories tend to involve patients and workers of the facility who had never met 001 before his incarceration, particularly of Patient 302 who was inspired by 001 and attempted to become a serial killer as a way to beat her "nemesis". In his own version of events however, the two often came to blows and vicious attacks against one another, with another story also involving his deceased brother who had become a serial killer himself after the accident. For everyone he meets, the story always changes with him typically as the central, almost anti-heroic protagonist. It is suspected he does this to gain sympathy and reputation within the facility, telling a tragic version of the story to his therapists and overtly gruesome and heroic versions to other patients. When questioned on the validity of his stories, 001 will act out and begin to threaten the individual with torture leading to murder. A few hours in solitary confinement is the only thing necessary for him to behave as he will beg to be released as a result of his childhood fear of the dark. Patient's request to have his mother's makeup powder with him at all times has been granted, citing an early incident where he attempted to escape the facility when he saw what his face had looked like without the powder. While it'll be unlikely he could ever be rehabilitated, Mr Hubbard has insisted on his permanent stay within the facility due to a "personal" need to oversee his development.

Pub: 09 Dec 2022 19:41 UTC
Edit: 09 Dec 2022 19:46 UTC
Views: 139