Patient 020. Name: Connor Sterling. Disorder: Chronic Schizophrenia, Technophobia (Possible Dissociative Identity Disorder?). Treatment: Psychotropic Medicine, Daily Therapy, 5 Sheets of Paper to be given Daily. NOTICE: DO NOT LET THE PATIENT INTERACT WITH ANY FORM OF TECHNOLOGY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

A talented script writer for the conglomerate SEGA. His work on earlier and smaller projects had earned him the right to work with writing the script for what would turn out to be the company's biggest franchise. While mostly uncredited with the work he had done, his old friends had attributed his skills as being incredibly important for the development for the first movie. So much so that he was assigned to work on a spin-off TV series with an audience intended for children. The project was something 020 dedicated all of his time to, while he was only assigned to write a script for a pilot episode, it was reported that he challenged himself to write 50 episodes of the show to be used throughout the production. While he was working however, he generated more and more ideas for episodes of the series and more characters to introduce.

As he kept writing the scripts, who the characters were began to meld into each other. Sonic the Hedgehog began to meld with other characters in his mind which warped his description. His personality shifted from a cocky charismatic hero to a fun-loving, tech-savvy and simplistic clown. Rewrites upon rewrites happened to the original scripts in order to fit the characters 020 had in mind, which became further warped as Sonic's appearance changed to look like a clown even further. Deadlines kept being missed as he fell further and further into his work, his friends and family had gone as far to say that he talked more to the fictional characters he created than to the people in his life. He especially talked in length to his version of Sonic, often turning on the TV to static and speaking to him on there. When he eventually produced a pilot script, it was immediately and harshly rejected for both the complete change in personalities of the characters and for the nonsensical plot that could only be enjoyed by toddlers. He was told to either rewrite the pilot with the original characters in mind or be sent home without a job. The details of what happened next are inconsistent but by the patient's own account, when he returned home that night he was belittled and mocked by Sonic for failing his task. He described being pressured by him into "getting back" at the people that ruined him. He was arrested later that night after returning to his work place covered in the blood of his family and a knife, with an intent to kill his employers.

He prefers to stay in his room at all times, writing about the continued adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog in the effort of finally getting his script right. While his preferred method of writing was kept to his laptop (possible reasoning for the obsession with technology?), under no circumstances should 020 be exposed to anything technological. Previous experiments with this has resulted in immense fear from the patient as he screams at what we presume to be his version of Sonic, begging him to save him and to tell him what to do. Prolonged exposure is even more dangerous as on the night of 09/09█████ when 020 was accidentally left alone with a TV on for the night, the following morning he was stuck in a trance as he escaped and murdered two police officers. His escape was only stopped when he attempted to change into police clothes and was screamed at by Sonic through the radio. When the bodies were found outside the road leading to the facility, their jaws were broken and forced downwards with the upper sides of the mouth cut to create a smile. Their eyelids were also cut off and eyes flattened to make them appear larger. It is also recommended that he doesn't interact with Patient 004, the possible conflict in their delusions could be catastrophic.

Pub: 01 Dec 2022 05:08 UTC
Views: 126