Patient 024. Name: Madotsuki. Disorder: Hypersomnia, Muscle Atrophy, Avoidant Personality Disorder. Treatment: Weekly Mental Therapy, Daily Physical Therapy.

A young teenage girl afflicted with a desire to live alone away from any kind of human contact. Her original childhood while she lived with her parents was one of abuse and neglect. While her father was guilty of the latter as he paid more attention to drinking his woes away, her mother had a tendency to go with the former as punishment for lacking in school grades, being anti-social with other classmates or anything else that came to mind. Often having to pickpocket money in order to enjoy a meal, 024 bided her time for escape until she could have all of her necessary belongings packed up and for her to become of age to leave her home and say goodbye to the life she hated. Often receiving a beating for any slight misgiving by her mother, the time it had taken for her plan to be realised and made took many years. Soon after reaching the age of 1█, her plan came to fruition as she snuck away from her house, leaving a goodbye note that ended with the patient begging for her parents to never look for her unless she wanted her to die.

The patient soon found an apartment complex and snuck in, searching and listening to the rooms to find one that was unoccupied. Eventually finding a room on a incomplete floor, 024 began to settle into the room. Soon after eating a meal she had made prior to leaving and removing her belongings from the bag, the patient got herself into bed and soon after fell asleep. From the time she went to bed in the afternoon to the time she had woken up, she had slept for a total of 12 hours. The rest of the days she spent there were more or less the same, going out looking and begging for food and drink and then returning home to feed herself before returning back to sleep. 024 described this and her ongoing state as a "preferable nothingess", as her normal reality was too harsh and crushing to take part in that willingly sending herself into a dream state was the better option for her. Her dreams were often fantastical and disturbing in nature, often finding and collecting things she knew she had to collect a certain amount of. When she eventually found the last object in her 30th dream, she woke up again. After eating some snacks and having a drink of water she had left over, she found herself unable to go back to sleep. No matter what she did or how she tried to sleep, her body couldn't accept it. Faced with her only reprise from reality gone, she decided to take matters into her own hands and end things. If it wasn't for the car that cushioned her fall, it's more than likely she would either be a vegetable for life or would have died right then and there.

024 has retained her sleeping ability but now as a consequence suffers from a severe case of hypersomnia. Unable to stay awake for longer than 2-4 hours, the patient may sleep for as little as 16 hours to as long as 30 hours. Outliers for the shortest time and longest time respectively was 30 minutes under a controlled test to wake up the patient early and 84 hours under another test in the attempt to see how long she could sleep for. Caretakers are to bathe and feed her in her sleeping state as well to make certain that the development of blood clots are to be stopped through physical therapy. As her muscles have atrophied to the point of needing a walker for assistance, she is to not be removed from her room in consideration of her safety. Newly assigned therapists are to be cautioned and briefed on her Avoidant Personality Disorder as approaching and speaking to her as a facility standard will not work. One development that has been a positive change with the patient is the introduction to a dream diary. Whenever she wakes up, 024 has been instructed to write down what had transpired in her dreams in the attempt of making her normal reality have a part of her dream reality. An unusual thing that has been noted with the diary are the events that transpire in them. When reading through them, it has been discovered that albeit in a warped and disturbed manner, what happened in the dreams appeared to be a reflection of had what happened in the facility while she was asleep. From the incident of when 020 escaped the facility to when 005 was caught leaving the office of Mr X., what she dreams looks to be a direct result of what occurs in this facility. The founder has taken particular interest in 024 because of her of "omniscient" ability, dedicating a percentage of funds into the rehabilitation and continued care for the patient.

Pub: 09 Dec 2022 12:10 UTC
Views: 121