Patient 064. Name: Benjamin Lawman. Disorder: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Scopophobia, Cotard's Syndrome, Brain Damage from Hypoxia. Treatment: Psychotropic Medicine, Bidaily Physical Therapy for Hypoxia, Weekly Mental Therapy.

A young man who believes himself to be dead and is being watched and tormented by a higher power. While the life he lived as a child was mostly uneventful, the defining incident that changed the course of 064's life came in 04/23/200█. During his 12th birthday, he was pushed and held underneath a pool by an unknown assailant who had snuck into the backyard of where the party was being held. While members of the party were able to push him away and save the patient, he was held down long enough for him to lose consciousness. Rushed to the hospital and brought back to a stable condition by medical staff, it was discovered that permanent brain damage had occurred from Hypoxia, which meant that the patient would have to go through a slow recovery phase in order to relearn things such as how to use utensils and to walk without assistance. Soon after 064 was diagnosed, the assailant was captured and interrogated where it was determined that the man was a member of the cult known as the █████ ██████████. As of yet, it is unknown as to why the cult had committed the crime although it is believed that it was meant as a sacrifice to their God.

Soon after the recovery period started, issues began to arise when 064's motivation for improving his health became next to nothing. When asked why, all that the patient was able to say was "I've been drowned." He soon began to neglect his personal hygiene and miss deadlines for both his schoolwork and preferred to be isolated away from other children. Soon after he was put into intensive care when he collapsed as he walked from a class to another, having not eaten anything for 2 weeks. While progress came for him slowly during his care in the hospital, his brain was able to be recuperated to a degree as previous motor function problems had started to drift away. That was until 09/07/201█ when a member of the █████ ██████████ came as a visitor to the hospital, claiming to have been a friend of 064 that was made online. A nurse who was on standby listened to the conversation the two had through the door, where the man who called himself "The Father" praised the development 064 had while "dead". He claimed that his followers had been keeping a close eye on him and said that he was ready to come be integrated within the new society they created. When the patient became uncomfortable and asked for him to leave, visitor spoke in a threatening manner as he said "I've already killed you once in that pool. I have no reason to stop myself from doing it again." When the nurse came into the room in a hurry, the visitor dropped a knife he was holding down into the lap of 064 and surrendered immediately. As the police came to take him away, the man waved goodbye and promised to see him again soon.

As a direct result of that, the patient was soon brought into the facility due to suffering a mental breakdown. 064 has retained some old habits, isolating himself within his room and neglecting to arrive for his therapist appointments. Owing to this, workers are expected to meet the patient within his room to conduct his mental therapy. While his Cotard's Delusion was on the track for improvement, it has regressed hard along with a new irrational of Scopophobia, as he fears that all times he may still be under the surveillance of the █████ ██████████. As a positive, he has mostly recovered his motor and speaking functions due to the physical therapy he has been undertaking ever since he was a child. The patient is on the right track for becoming fully rehabilitated, although the founder has requested his indefinite stay within the facility. Citing that while his mental health could improve for the better, the possibility that outside forces could regress all of the progress that has been made here is a non-zero chance. In his own words, "It is not only our duty to cure the ill but to guarantee its safety. He is in interests. We need to keep him out of their hands and into ours. He should be of great use to us. "

Pub: 11 Dec 2022 21:33 UTC
Edit: 11 Dec 2022 21:44 UTC
Views: 162