Patient 074 Name: The Hedgehog Disorder: Chronic Schizophrenia, Self-Inflicted Blindness, Emaciation, Missing Limbs. Treatment: Daily Physical Therapy, Weekly Mental Therapy, Psychotropic Medicine.

A once world-renowned actor who had portrayed Sonic the Hedgehog. Work for 074 came easy as he was a child actor who had received acclaim and praise for his comedic work on network TV sitcoms. Eventually growing up to be in more "mature" shows and films as he grew older, his goal was to achieve the kind of acting ability that would have him be remembered for the rest of time. A desire he aimed for that was offset by a desire to make as much money as possible out of his career in order to retire early with a spotless record. So when the offer came to act in a television series for the budding franchise Sonic the Hedgehog, he couldn't say no. Despite being an example of his earlier family friendly image, 074 thrived in the role of the lead character to the degree that when the original show ended its run, he was immediately signed up to play Sonic again for a reboot of the show. While it wasn't exactly what he had in mind with his goal, he greatly enjoyed the amount of money he was making from the role. Away from the public eye however, things were not going so well for 074.

With his riches reaching the level where he couldn't spend more than he earned, the patient fell into a cycle of excessive drug usage. Not helped with the amount of house parties the various actors put on throughout the years, 074 became an addict to a variety of harmful narcotics. While at first controlled with a strict rule of never taking anything during production, his compulsions eventually got the better of him during the latter end of production for his last TV show with working with Sega. In a wild drug infused binge, the patient suffered from a severe case of psychosis in the middle of filming a scene confronting his archnemesis Eggman. In an audio recording of the event, 074 is heard screaming obscenities and insults at the actor who portrayed Eggman before some loud thuds and crashes that was attributed to the patient destroying the set. 074 ran away from the building soon after and in the chase from the police, an accident occurred where in running through a red light the patient slipped and had his arm crushed by a speeding police vehicle. Still running from the police, an officer on the scene described his arm had turned a deep shade of purple and was limply bouncing off of the patient's side. 074 retreated from the scene and resided in the woods for a total of 14 months before being found. In the time between his disappearance and being found by two joggers the patient had lost both of his eyes, his broken arm and approximately 90 lbs since he was last seen. Unable to speak a coherent word and suffering heavily from exposure, the two civilians brought him back to the city where he was sentenced to rehabilitation at the facility.

The reasoning for his missing eyes was eventually explained by the patient himself as the visual hallucinations he suffered from which primarily featured Eggman hunting him down with a pack of rabid dogs became unbearable for him, resulting in 074 stabbing them out with a sharpened stick. Eye transplants are not an option as medical examination of his eye sockets were shown to have both a mass of maggots residing in them and rotting and pus filled remnants of his eyes, removing any chance of a transplant being able to work. The sharpened stick is also believed to have scarred the brain as 074 will have trouble in performing daily activities such as bathing and eating without assistance. Use of a prosthetic for his missing arm has yet to be granted by the founder, citing worries of the possible weaponised usage. While it is unlikely a full recovery can be made, the patient has shown an understanding and will to improve his mental health. It remains to be seen if he's able to join the facility as a worker or if any hard relapses push him back down.

Pub: 07 Dec 2022 14:26 UTC
Views: 152