Patient 510. Name: Deceiver. Disorder: Sociopathy, Criminal Insanity, Megalomania. Treatment: Biweekly Therapy, Permanent Residence in Solitary Confinement.

One of the most volatile and dangerous patients of the facility. Anything concrete concerning the patient's childhood is sorely lacking due to a classification of a Satanic cult bust that occurred in 08/17/198█. All but two details of the case have been removed from public knowledge, the first detail that the bust happened while a ritual involving the sacrifice of new-born children was happening and that the few survivors were the parents of 510 and 6 infants that had yet to be killed, 510 being amongst them. Due to the children being brought to a government facility for research and observation, no records detailing what had happened are inconclusive. The only possible evidence of what occurred there as of now was the first sighting of the patient, dressed in ragged simplistic blue clothing with a face covered in blood walking around in a forest. Records are still scarce but he was reportedly seen buying brightly coloured and ill-fitting clothes at a thrift shop. After that, cases for missing persons and homicides began to pile up.

Throughout the entire continent of the United States ranging from ███ ████ to ██████, people that were reported missing were being found dead and 'squashed' into a variety of containers. Everything from ██ bodies being found in a shipping container off the coast from ███ ████ to a particular case of a person's emulsified remains being found inside of a curtain rod within an art gallery in ████████████. For the cases that had the bodies in one piece, the single thing that connected the murders together was that every corpse had a piece of the heart missing. For a full calendar year, 510 was unable to be found until the father of his most recent victim conducted his own research into finding the killer. Upon being discovered leaving his home in the middle of the night, the father confronted 510 with a revolver in the attempt to kill him. In response, the patient merely described in detail in describing the murder of the victim, the bubbly and childish tone of voice giving a jarring contrast with the description of the 7 year old's head being bashed against a curb in the road until his blood and brains were flowing into the sewer grates. Attempts to shoot 510 were unsuccessful but the loud noise brought the attention of local police officers who arrested 510 on suspicion of murder. Once a confession was made and a search warrant was granted, police searching through the patient's temporary residence discovered that the bedroom contained a jar of formaldehyde containing a mask that appeared to be stitched together from the pieces of heart that were taken, the Sigil of Lucifer carved into the top of the lid. Whether or not the mask was used for ritualistic purposes are currently unclear.

The patient is denied access to meeting with any other residents of the facility due to the safety and mental health risks to be caused. Only the founder of the facility, Mr X. and Mr Hubbard. are allowed to interact with the patient in accordance with the therapy schedule. The patient is noted to be cooperative with these members, most likely due to their status and power. Caution is to be advised to any novice worker who passes through his door as 510 has been noted to attempt to speak to the workers through the door, telling stories about the variety of murders he had committed. Mixed with the descriptions are requests for innocuous favours concerning other patients or simple compliments given to the worker. At times the act has been enough to momentarily convince novice workers to do his bidding, which has resulted in major incidents that the facility is still accounting for. Questions regarding his childhood in the government facility have been ignored or pushed aside in favour of personal questions redirected towards the people he speaks to. The only question he has answered in relation to his childhood was whether or not the other infants were alive to his knowledge. All that was given in response was a wide grin, a small wink and six words before he became unresponsive in his laughter which continued until 10 minutes later when the founder left the room: "The mask was just one offering."

Pub: 05 Dec 2022 12:59 UTC
Views: 179