PLEASE DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED IN THIS RENTRY. this rentry was made for informative purposes only, so please do not use it as an excuse to attack pax or anyone else

Just a quick warning , this rentry will talk about DID, TWr@pe and other things that may disturb you.

if you want to know more about what a system is here's the link we will also mention bpd so another link ;))) this is a callout rentry made about github user ambercyber-cloud, bladeswifey aka Pax

the first rentry got taken down sighhh


this first part is her talking about someone named kitty (I'll know later that kitty was in fact an 'alter' of her) I wont show the screenshots but, i asked to pax so the host of the account, if Kitty ('her alter' but we will talk about it later) hates me or not because he was acting really cold and i never talked to him, so i was just wondering. She told me that Kitty doesn't hate me but it depends on his bpd, sometimes he will hate me, sometimes he won't. That's just the minimum that you have to know about the bpd. It's like saying that you're autistic because you have a fixation on something or whatever.. I obviously won't fakeclaim but as someone who deal with bpd, i felt very offended. also dont tell us things about bpd, we talked about it to a lot of ppl who are, themselves, diagnosed, compared to some of you that tried to self diagnosed yourself without even talking to a therapist at least once, so don't get mad over a tiny sentence and focus on the most important thing instead of talking for people with bpd when you're spreading misinformation and your only source is google /dir

Now here's the second part where she confesses that she's a system. I never told her that she should've confessed that? I didn't force her at all, I even said that she can tell me everything but yea.. anyway. I'm getting really suspicious because of all of this. There's a part where she said that she's taking did meds? that doesn't even exist. And if you're taking those kinds of meds (she took them recently), it means that you're seeing a specific therapist. Unless, she isn't seeing anyone, not even a psychologist. (She told me herself btw, i know her since a long time and she never showed signs of bpd, or her being a system) She said that only her aunty and mom know about it, thats the first time i heard of her aunty? unknown to the battalion i must say Then in one of the screenshots she's saying that, she's DIAGNOSED and its CONFIRMED, but later on she's saying that it ISN'T confirmed that she has DID, explain that paxton, explain..:((.. Also just to clarify, i pretty much said that i do not fakeclaim her, but all of this didn't make sense at all, to me at least. Then i asked my sys friends if it's only me that thinks all of this, is kinda bullshit.. They confirmed my point of view and said that it's not making any sense like at all. (also want to add that the first time we ever talked about DID and systemhood she had no idea what it was and had to explain it to her while at this time she had said she was talking to a therapist??) (also also she talks about getting diagnosed at 12 however for a disorder as complex as this you physically cannot get diagnosed that young. she would be experiencing minimal symptoms at that age meaning it would be impossible to diagnose + it would be difficult to differentiate what is true and what's merely the child's imagination sooo...)

Now, I talked about it to a close friend of mine, who's also close to Paxton so here is a lot of proof about how everyone is having the ickk about what pax is saying. I wont mention any name as they wished to stay anonymous


in these screenshots, our Arlecchino pretty much explained a lot of things about how I'm uncomfy around her and that it was like really noticeable.. She pretty much said she won't spam again etc, but she did.. also when i was with my friends, she didn't even ask if she could join us or not, she just joined, not even 1 day after i unblocked her.. Then idk why she texted me in a really cold way then didnt apologize or anything

Now i wanted to talk about how she used to talk all the time about idate, to the point she only texted me for idate etc... It bothered our surroundings to the point where everyone noticed she was obsessed with our dottore/idate She once made twice a sexual joke about him while HE WAS FRONTING. She later said she didn't know that idate was fronting, while she could've simply checked our simplyplural to see that he was fronting. it wasnt that hard. Those sexual jokes that she made, made our friend and literally half of our sys uncomfy because she radically changed, showing another side of herself. I usually wouldn't mind and im really happy when someone feels like they can be themselves with me, but Paxton was feeling TOO comfortable with me, especially when she was high.

for the first screenshots I asked her because we used to vc a lot, (she would beg me to vc almost all the time so obviously i didn't refuse) and my voice is like "feminine" (correct me if thats not the right term).. so i needed validation, then out of nowhere said "i thought u were a boy" which gave me the ick and it took her some time to understand what she said. she didn't even apologize or anything and so yea..(we also didnt do a transition that's why i said not bodily btw) the second screenshots is her saying that she wants to TW// touches herself at that moment she was high and just spamming me honestly while it was kinda late for me.. then the others ss are just me being busy and her spamming me, wanting some of my attention while i just couldnt. i was mentally exhausted and our other friend also was bc of her comportment. the last ss are just me being really not well and i needed some time but she just wouldn't let me alone and just spammed me, saying useless things.
i think you can tell that i was just uncomfy and i just needed some time alone??
also just to clarify, she would never talk to me before or we were like not really that close, then i needed to take a break as a host because of personal things. So obviously, idate and kcalb started fronting because it was like really urgent. Thzn all of sudden paxton talked to us and ESPECIALLY TO IDATE.

We were both in vc, it was like really funny then she told me that she will make me rate her classmates etc. I dont really remember anyones faces bc i have a short memory and literally I won't remember anything. Then she showed me a photo of her sister (i knew something was like lowkey off idk) then she told me to rate the person, if i understood well she made me rate her sister of 13 😭 She also once told me that it was weird for me to befriend her sister while i pretty much just said I'll talk with her? Since Paxton invited her in the server i mean why ignoring her.. plus she was really chill and I'm not a pedophile hello??? also half of her friends are minors, as far as i know im the only one who's 18.

I think you guys have now noticed that she was always high around the night and would go on discord. Now I don't know if she was lying about this but personally when i was high i wouldn't even touch my phone or anything because i know it was my responsibility and ill obviously make one of my friends uncomfy. this was a long time ago, i have now stopped, obviously. but she was just a bad influence for everyone. Her only excuse was that, i should've blocked her and unblock her the day after.. I don't like blocking people and i feell like I shouldn't have to always block her cause wtf shes my friend i also want to talk because im mostly busy the day but at night not too much and i think its her responsibility and she should know what she's doing (she turned 17 this year.)


When our kcalb started fronting with idate, i goddamn knew she didn't know ANYTHING about okegom, like at all.. kcalb and i explained in our rentry that we wont int with any okegomers due to our childhood and everything about the fandom making us uncomfy, or just the games honestly.. Then she started liking characters that are close to idate in the game as such as grey (he's someone who harasses idate in the game lol) and someone else that idate really loves bullying PLEAAASEE YALL SEE WHATS COMINGG.. she claimed that she knew okegom before i even talked about this lol?.. anyway pretty much weird since she knew nothing about okegom and it showed. I told her that i don't want her to get into okegom due to her personal traumas and that liking okegom will make it worse for her because everything is wrong with okegom she obviously didnt stop and would always talk about it..(even when she told me she'd stop) anyway..

also today, exactly today, i was just so mad that i texted her sister and pretty much explained how disappointed I am of paxton, the fact that she ran away, saying that she needed a break while she self sabotaged our friendship. She lied multiple times, she made all of her friends uncomfy, she never changed anything about her and at the end she just decided to block everyone on discord and instagram (she. blocked me on everywhere but still has me mentioned in her bio on insta and discord while i said that i didnt want anything from her anymore and that our friendship came to an end by her own fault, she still has MY OWN ART on her github) also, earlier today i saw paxton on pony town and saw that she was sitting next to a MLM FETISHIZER... cmon pax... Paxton if you're reading this, don't blame it on me, you're just immature and you should seek help btw.


the person talking here has wished to stay anonymous, so please do not attempt to figure out who they are and harass them be mindful that english is not their first language so i will do my best to rephrase parts that seem confusing

"i warned her 3 times, she told me to kys, called me names that i really dont like and backstabbed my close friends and also called my oc a 'milf'. what. i didnt really like that even though i know it was satire , she told me she will "be concerned about my feelings more" but didn't, i cut ties with her cause i knew my friendship with her wasn't going to end up well , also one of the reasons why i didn't accept her confession when she had feeling towards me was because she was possessive , my other friends also complained about Pax, whenever she was around me they didn't feel welcome , her 'friend' called me a pick me i assumed they would try to fix the situation but nahh ( i have an ss of it )"

"i had a lot of pressure from her ever since we got into a fight, i developed a discomfort for her. i was hoping she would have empathy not only for me but for others especially my FRIENDS cause it would affect me. i tried my best to be co-operative with her in a few months but i had enough so i hope you understand. i didn't even want to put her into that state, i tried my best to make it stable for her but the pressure was really getting to me."

rentry made by github user sleepysystem and written by vallonsys :3

Pub: 24 Mar 2024 20:39 UTC
Edit: 06 May 2024 18:03 UTC
Views: 1659