Her name is Polka Omaru and she is simply perfect.

You're not quite sure how it's possible for you to not have noticed a girl like
her at school before. Was she on a different shift? A different class?
Certainly it wasn't uncommon for students to be assigned to different classes at
the beginning of each year, but nothing could have ever prepared you for her.
And now, in early October with the end of the school year in sight, you've still
haven't found the chance, or the guts, to actually talk to her.

It's not like speaking to a girl is particularly hard but it's not particularly
easy either. When it comes to Polka, everything about her is breathtaking. It
leaves you at a loss for words every single time. The few times you had an
opening to say something, anything, the very sight of her robbed you of the
ability to form any kind of coherent thought.
The way the sun from the window glints off her pristine golden hair, the way the
makeup under her eyes invites you to get lost in the deep purple pools... And
also the way her heaving breasts look only a few meals away from resting on top
of her desk, and the way her uniform's shirt hugs the salacious curvature of her
belly. You figure the shirt must be about a size too small.
The delights don't stop there. Looking downward, you notice the way her chubby
legs force her to sit with them slightly parted causes the hem of a skirt that's
already rather short on your more nutritionally challenged classmates to end
even higher. Her meaty thighs are an invitation for you, a plea for you to
explore their every inch with your mouth and plant tender kisses on them as you
reach all the way in to the holy of holies at center, jealously guarded by
a pair of boyshorts that only accentuate her erotic figure.

The teacher calls your name but fails to break you out of your lustful reverie,
not that anything could. How could you possibly be expected to pay attention to
anything other than the Rubenesque avatar of absolute perfection that is your
classmate. Her soft laugh graces your ears as you fail to answer the teacher's
question. You must clearly be in heaven because this is what angels sound like.
A moment later you see her pick up her pencil and write something quickly on
a piece of paper before folding it and discretely passing it to the girl in
front of her.
What wouldn't you give to be sitting in front her right now, passing notes,
casually grazing her hand as the two of you share secrets nobody else is privy
The note's recipient stifles a laugh before writing a reply, what could they be
talking about? What would you and her talk about, you wonder, wishing once again
she were exchanging notes with you. You would happily surrender life and limb to
have this full figured Icon of fertility think about you but for a moment. But
alas, such imaginations will have to wait. With a sigh, you pry your eyes away
from her and force them to look forward.
Class is about to begin.

The bell rings, signaling the beginning of the lunch period. You get out of the
classroom as quickly as you can and dash towards the cafeteria.
You're not especially hungry, or rather, you are but not for the usual slop
served at the cafeteria. It is of utmost importance, for the purposes of sating
your actual hunger, that you take what is the best seat in the entire place, if
not in the entire world. Moments later, she arrives.
She sets her tray on the table, and the show begins. She pulls her skirt down
a bit before she sits, trying and failing to prevent her chunky cellulite thighs
from sticking to the seat. As she shits down, the fat of her ass rolls a little
over both sides of her seat. When she bends forward to eat, her love handles and
muffin top peek from under her shirt and ever so slightly over the waistband of
her skirt.
You've never been more jealous of a piece of elastic before. Oh, to hug such
curvy hips in such an intimate way.
Her braided hair rests so perfectly over her shoulder. You imagine yourself
undoing it and running your fingers through it, gently untangling as you breathe
in the smell of her shampoo. Or giving it a playful tug, making her head tilt
back just enough so her neck is exposed for you to kiss and nibble on it.
And then, just as you're about to tear open her shirt in your daydream, you
catch Polka looking back, making eye contact with you if only for a moment as
the bell rings. Could it really be that she was actually looking at you? Had it
been on purpose? By now the front of your pants was as tight as the
aforementioned waistband. You hope nobody, especially her, noticed.
At least there's a couple more periods of class that you can use to feast your
eyes on her and let your thoughts run wild.

As the day ends and you finish organizing your backpack, you've already begun
counting the minutes until you get to spend another day awash in her beauty. You
zip up your bag and turn to find yourself face to face with your dream. Polka's
hourglass figure look even wider when seen from the front. She is looking down
at the floor, though you suspect she can't see it at all with her breasts in the
"U-uhmmm... I was wondering if..."
She takes a deep breath and gains the courage to look you in the eye. Your heart
skips a beat. Your mind is a blank. She is gorgeous, she is adorable.
"Would you..."
Her cheeks are flushed and her entire face seems to be getting redder by the
second. It's too much, if your heart didn't belong to her before, it did now.
"Would you go to prom with me?"

Everything after that moment has been a series of blurs.
Naturally you managed to stammer an affirmative answer, but the days after that
were different somehow, you were different too.
Over time, you realized that this wasn't the kind of infatuation or puppy love
you felt for other girls you've liked, this was a much more solid thing,
stronger. There was a gentleness to it, a sense of calm. A calm which could, at
a moment's notice, turn on a dime and become a storm that would flay skin, rend
flesh and liquefy bone.
And yet, this was something you were OK with. Terrified and yet OK. Come what
may, you felt willing to face it all head on.
You would still look at her like you would every day, not just with the usual
lust and awe, but with that new sensation thrown into the mix. And this time,
whenever she met your eyes you didn't turn away nor did she, at least for a
moment before the blushing on both your faces became obvious.
It was almost as if she knew what you were feeling. But did she know? Was she
looking at you simply because she was insecure about her invitation? Afraid that
you'd turn her down after the fact? Or was she feeling the same as you? You kept
going over this almost obsessively during those days.

When the fateful night arrives, you are determined to make it the best you
possibly can.
Getting to her place on time, you give yourself a final once over in the car's
mirror. You walk up to her front door and ring the doorbell, your heart pounding
in your ears.
Polka's mother answers the door, a surprised look on her face. She greets you,
asks for your name and invites you inside. As you introduce yourself, she
motions for you to sit down on the couch, the look of surprise still on her
"When Polka told me she had an actual real prom date I could hardly believe it."
She finally says with a laugh.
"You seem like a nice boy too, what could you-"
"Mooooooom, I asked you to please not say anything embarrassing to Anon!"
You look up to see your goddess coming down the stairs, except she's not decked
out in a prom appropriate outfit but instead she's wearing a hoodie and some
fluffy plaid pants.
"I figured you wouldn't be dressed yet. It's like you're trying to be late, at
this point. Do you even have any intention of going?" Her mother says in
a harshly cold tone.
Polka looks dejected and averts her eyes from the two of you. She takes a deep
breath before mumbling.
"I just need Anon's help with something"
Her mother looks at her, then back at you as you immediately get up and begin
to follow her up the stairs.
"Oh. Just don't be too long or you'll actually be late."
Again that tone. Does she not approve of her daughter going to prom? Does she
have a problem you, even after being all smiles and calling you a "nice boy"?
What a strange woman.

The heavenly smell of her combined soap, shampoo, and body wash hangs in the air
around her and fills your nostrils as she turn to close the bedroom door behind
you. You are about to ask her what she needs help with when she begins to speak.
"I was so excited when you said yes last week ago that I told my mom that I
needed to get a dress right away. My mom always harasses me about my... She
told me she wasn't going to buy me a dress because it would no longer fit the
day of. We had a fight and I ended up trying to pay for it myself but I came up
short. Eventually she gave me the rest of the money but then she told me
She starts to sniffle, you start to panic. How could anyone dare make her cry.
"... She told me that if it didn't still fit on prom night that she would force
me to wear it anyway and take me there herself, parade me in front of
everyone. That being embarrassed in front of the entire school would make me..."
She can't finish the sentence.
You hesitantly try to reassure her by putting your hand on her shoulder. She
isn't looking up at you but you can still see the tears roll down her chubby
"I'm sorry for ever asking you to go with me, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be
seen with a... A..."
You act on instinct and wrap her in a hug, sinking slightly into the softness of
her fatty flesh. She lets out a surprised gasp and tenses up at first but after
a few seconds you feel her hands slowly reaching around your back.
It's happening, it's really happening. You're in her room and you're touching
her, hugging her. She smells as pretty as she is. If there ever was a time to
tell her the way you've been feeling about her since that first day she
walked into the classroom, and how that feeling escalated the moment she asked
you to prom, it's this. It's here and now. You steady yourself as much as you
can, hoping you don't say anything stupid.
"I wouldn't want to be seen with a what? A pretty girl? The prettiest girl in
"Pretty?... N-no boy has ever-" she sounds more upset now.
"Called you beautiful?"
"What? What are you-"
I've been wanting to say it pretty much since the first moment I saw you walk
into class. You've been on my mind every day since then."
"You have... F-for real?"
"I... I've been feeling many things for you too... For a while now" she says in
a barely audible whisper.
You pull back from the hug a little bit, keeping your hands on her sides.
She wipes away her tears with her hands, partially covered in the long sleeves
of her hoodie, and looks up at you.
It's impossible to resist. What's more, you don't want to, and neither does
she. As you close the distance between her plump mouth and yours, you know you
will never forget the feeling of your first kiss with her, the taste of her
lips, the warmth of her cheeks.
You have every intention to make this the first kiss of many.

As you're debating going in for seconds, Polka slowly pulls away.
"Um... We've been up here for a bit now... I don't want her to come knocking."
"Oh, uh, right..." You say, trying not to sound disappointed.
"Listen, about your dress... Why don't you just wear something you already
"No, that would be asking for trouble. If my mom catches me like that... She'll
do it. It wouldn't be the first time, either..."
She says in a particularly somber tone, with the same dejected look she had on
the staircase before. You're starting to really hate your future in-law, how
could she treat her own daughter like this?
Polka looks into your eyes once again but what you see this time is a glint of
resolve, not sadness or fear. She approaches the bed and picks up the dress,
turns to you, and holds it against her body. It's a lovely shade of dark purple
that matches her eyes. It's not too long, and while it has a plunging neckline
it still looks elegant.
"What do you think? Is it too much?"
"It's perfect."
Polka holds your gaze for a moment longer and then begins to go red in the face
"Could you t-turn around?"
You apologize and quickly turn around, taking a moment to look at the various
posters and decorations she has on her wall and door. You notice she has
pictures with friends clipped to the sides of the mirror above her desk. And
that's when you instantly begin to focus on the desk itself. You resist the urge
to check out her reflection. You're doing so great, the last thing you need is
to ruin things now.
You can, however, hear the sounds of Polka struggling with the dress. You savor
the cute little grunting and groaning noises she makes and begin to wonder what
her grunts and groans would sound like in a completely different context.
A smile begins to creep up on your face.
"A-anon I need help. Would you?"
A smile you wipe away as soon as you hear her voice. If all goes well, there
will be time for that soon enough.
You turn around to almost fall flat on your ass as you realize that you're
actually looking at hers.
It's glorious. Gloriously big and round and fat. So perfectly steatopygic. You
have heart palpitations, little lights dance in front of your eyes, and your
palms sweat for the longest few seconds of your life. She couldn't possibly be
going commando, could she? No, she isn't.
What you assume (and wish, and hope against hope) is her "lucky pair" is, in
fact, there. They're a similar color as the dress, and they look as delicate as
they do sexy. The fabric is partially tucked in the divide between her amazingly
plump cheeks, and the lace trim frames them like the work of art that they
You'd heard of "heart shaped ass" before, but you had no idea it could be this
literal. It's pleasing roundness expanding out from her lower back, getting
wider the lower you look before rounding out, the lower quarter dimpled in
cellulite as it rolls over the back of her thighs, the thighs you've dreamed
about for so long, now finally within reach, chubbier and meatier than you had
ever imagined. How could an ass this size still maintain some perk to it?
Were you staring for too long? Did she catch you ogling her? Worse yet, did she
notice your cock standing full mast under your pants? You quickly adjust
yourself, hoping to make it not as obvious and meet her eyes. Her head partially
turned as she looks at you out of the corner of her eye.
"Just pull down here" She says, showing you with her hands.
You quickly wipe the sweat off your palms on the back of your pants and gently
begin pulling down, working in tandem carefully so as to not rip the dress.
Eventually, it slides downwards and you start to think this might not be much
trouble after all until it stops altogether. Polka's belly has a natural fold in
the middle and it is in this indentation that the dress is now firmly
lodged. You try a few more times in vain before Polka stops pulling with a sigh
of frustration.
"It's stuck" She says, turning around to face you.
As beautiful as Polka's face is, your eyes can't help but wander down from it,
past her ample bust and towards her pudgy tummy. It's just big enough, and it
looks enticingly soft, crowned by a smallish navel.
It awakens something almost primal within you. For a moment, you remember
pictures you've seen of ancient fertility statues and other such images in
books, but they're soon replaced by her likeness. She is all things womanly in
every best possible way. She is what's right, and what you need. Next to her
there can only be happiness.
"Let me try..."
You say as you steady yourself once more, hoping you're not actually drooling
over her the way you are on the inside. You reach out, electricity shooting
through every neuron in your brain as you feel your fingers press into her
flabby belly.
"A-anon don't touch there..."
Polka's voice is barely audible as she bites the side of her index finger and
looks away, her face bright red and her eyes shut tight in embarrassment.
"C-Could you... Suck it in a little?".
You stutter as you pray your left arm doesn't start going numb as she answers
that she already is. It takes a while but you manage to slowly get the dress
down Polka's tubby tummy.
With her generous abdominal section finally contained in her tight dress you
take a moment to admire the indentation of the fabric across her bellybutton
before asking her to turn around.
With the dress already stretched out from its trip over Polka's stomach, you
have an easier time fitting it over her plump posterior and thighs.
Your herculean task finally accomplished, you take a step back to admire your
What was once an elegant, somewhat flowy dress, now fits her like a bold
statement piece, the type you'd see celebrities and so called "It girls"
wear. The dress reaches down about three quarters of her thigh, the fabric
hugging her every curve in a way you find most complimentary. All her assets are
carefully contained but still on display, accented by the sheen of the
fabric. It's an amazing transformation. From elegant yet demure girl, to flirty
and sensuous woman. A true plus sized femme fatale.
As she begins to move towards her shoes, you tell her you'll get them for her
and to sit down on the bed.
Between the dress and the underwear and her choice of footwear, Polka's gone all
out. The ankle boots she chose are a nice matte leather with a sensible heel
that will no doubt highlight her calves and elongate her legs as a whole. You
get down on your knees not just to take her dainty feet on your hands and
put her boots on but to turn it into act of worship at the altar of Her. An
image begins to form in your head, an image of you on your knees, presenting
her with a ring.
As the second boot goes on and she stands up, you don't realize she's holding
her hand out not to accept the ring, but to help you up. You snap out of your
daze and accept it, hoping you won't space out any more like this during the
night, lord only knows what she'll think if she catches you like that any

Polka walks over to the mirror to apply some makeup and fix her hair. When she's
done, she takes a few steps back and you can see her eyebrows furrow as she
observes her dynamite body wrapped in a far too small dress. For a moment she
looks like she might start to cry again so you quickly put a hand on her
shoulder to comfort her. You're about to tell her she looks like a supermodel
when she puts her hand on top of yours and smiles at you through the reflection
on the mirror.

The journey down the stairs is a slow one. Still getting used to having to
hobble around, you have to hold both her hands as she makes it one step at a
time. As you reach the living room you hear an odd sound, did her mother just
stifle a laugh?
"Oh my, would you look at that. I have to say I'm surprised. I can see why you
took so long."
She has this weird smile on her face, it's not a happy smile but rather it looks
like she's holding in the laughter. There's no doubt in your mind about it
anymore, you absolutely loathe this woman. What could possess anyone to make
such comments and with such a face to their own kin?
Polka's face goes from the same sad look you're all too familiar with, to the
one of resolve you caught earlier in her room. Seeing you stare daggers at her
mother seems to have spurred her into action. She takes your hand and pulls you
towards the door.
"Let's go, Anon."
You leave the place without another word.

You hear loud pop music playing as you hold the auditorium's door open for
Polka. The place is packed, looks like the entire school is there. As you look
around for familiar faces, you notice Polka makes a bee line to the nearest
Standing next to her, away from the crowd, you begin to notice just how on edge
she is. She fidgets nervously as her eyes dart from left to right.
"Hey, is everything ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine..."
You can barely hear her over the music but there's a trembling in her voice.
You reach for her hand, hoping the gesture would reassure her, but she moves
hers away and quickly folds her arms defensively. Is she still upset about her
mother? You can't exactly blame her, that woman almost openly laughed in her
face just moments ago. Could she be having second thoughts about coming? About
being here with you?
The lighting in the room changes, setting the mood for the slow tune that
starts playing. Polka perks up a little bit.
"Would you like to dance?"
You ask in hopes she'll say yes and that the physical contact with you will put
her at ease like it did before.
"Umm, my feet are a little sore. I'm still breaking these boots in."
You can tell she's lying, those boots looked well worn when you put them on her
back at the house, but calling her out on it is a sure fire way to ruin the
evening and whatever chances you may have with her, so you scramble internally
for other ways to make her feel better.
"Would you perhaps like a drink? Or something from the refreshments?"
She gives you a pained look. It's abundantly clear something's eating away at
her. If only she would tell you what it was. Eventually she just takes your hand
and motions towards the door.
"Let's just leave, Anon."
You begin to follow her when someone's voice makes both of you stop dead on your
"Where are YOU going, Porka?"
Polka doesn't move, she looks absolutely terrified. You turn to see a tall,
blonde, dark skinned girl. You've been classmates with Flare for many years now
and you're still trying to figure out who died and made her queen, or if all
elves are like this. She's flanked on one side by a blue haired girl, you don't
know her personally but you know her name is Suisei. She was the target of a lot
of gossip surrounding an "accident" she had during an assembly earlier in the
"You've got a lot of nerve, miss piggy." Suisei says.
"I thought we made it pretty clear you and your giant lard ass weren't welcome
here tonight."
This voice comes from Flare's other flank, and it belongs to a girl with the
biggest pair of tits you have ever seen. She's as tall as her friend, gray
haired, and with muscular looking arms.
"Someone better call the farm and tell them their ugliest sow escaped. And it
looks like she's taken 'lipstick on a pig' a little too literally"
Suisei says, with a disgusted look in her eyes.
"A-anon l-likes how I-"
Polka barely looks at the girl as her mumbled words are interrupted by Flare.
"LIKES YOU?! Noel, get a load of this" Flare says to the gray haired girl.
"You don't seriously believe that, do you? He's probably just doing this as a
prank so everyone can laugh at your fat ass." Noel says in a similarly cruel
"Th-that's not... Th-that isn't..."
This time it's your turn to interrupt your beloved. You've always wanted to
give people like this a piece of your mind, but for whatever reason you could
never find the opportunity, or the courage to do so. It's always been a case of
staircase wit for you, but all that changed themoment you were asked that
question, and looked into those eyes, and kissed those lips, and held that
hand. This ends tonight.
"Oh but it's true, Noel. I do like her. I like her a lot."
Flare and her cronies turn to look at you with every intention of roughing you
up. You hold Flare's gaze for an uncomfortably long moment. Your heart is
pounding, your ears are ringing, but you're not about to let these bitches treat
the object of your affection in such a way. You do your best to appear peaceful
and speak to Flare again.
"By the way, who did you come here with? Oga, right?"
"Yeah what's it to you, freak? Who said you could talk to me?"
"It's nothing to me really, but you might wanna check on him. He seems a little
preoccupied right now"
You say as you point at a tall tanned guy with a single horn on his head. He's
standing nearly all the way across the room, surrounded by a gaggle of swooning
girls. As Flare and the others look at him, they see his "preoccupation" is
a sharply dressed black haired boy with what appear to be cat ears and a tuft of
white hair at each side of his head. The cat boy and Oga are standing extremely
close, giving each other bedroom eyes. The cat boy wraps his arms around Oga's
waist, pulling him even closer.
"THAT ASSHOLE!" Flare blurts out as she stars almost running towards him.
The other girls blush but start to giggle and can't seem to look away. You
cheer inwardly, it was pure luck that you happened to catch one of the school's
most notorious playboys hard at work but you realize that while you may not be
so lucky against your next target, you can't stop now. Even if it means you'll
pass out, you have to come up with something and finish the job. You turn to
"Who did you come with?"
"The new guy." She says this with an air of confidence as she points at her
He's talking with other guys some meters away from you, but he's not getting up
close and personal with any of them. And yet, it seems luck is still with you
"Oh. He seems like a popular fellow. Do you think he "knows" yet? Maybe you can
still stop those guys from telling him."
Suisei's look of confidence turns into one of fear and embarrassment. She gives
you a murderous glare, pushes you aside and storms off without a word.
Noel looks like she's had enough of you and is clearly about to deck you.
Meanwhile, you're depleted. You're no stranger to banter, you do it all the
time with your friends, and you've talked your fair share of smack online. But
to actually be like this with other people and what's more, to have it work...
Love does make fools out of men, but at the same time it's the only thing
keeping you on, emboldened.
Said boldness, however, immediately fades as Noel starts to close in on
you. Your nerves get the better of you and you make a stupid joke.
"Down, Shrek!" you say loudly.
"You like Shrek too, my dude?" You hear from behind you.
You turn around and find yourself face to face (or face to tits, rather. Her
dress leaves precious little to the imagination) with Calliope Mori. She's
infamous around school grounds, people either love her or love to hate
her. You've never actually spoken with her, but you've heard a lot of things
about her.
If gods are real, they're clearly smiling down on you tonight. You give your
buxom saviour a friendly smile.
"Oh hey. No, not me. But she's was just telling me what a big fan she is." you
say as you point at Noel.
"No way! Which one's your favorite?" Calliope gets between you and the muscular
"Um... Sorry! I really need to visit the girl's room!" Noel says, beginning to
make her escape. She must have heard the same stories as you.
"Cool, I'll come with! Ya boy's had a little too much to drink already."
Calliope gives chase, unrelenting.

They're gone, it's finally over. Your shoulders slump, your pulse slowly returns
to normal, your throat is parched and you even feel a little lightheaded. You're
not sure how, but you've chased every last one of those bitches away.
You turn back, looking for Polka but instead find yourself in front of a girl
with reddish pink hair and a pair of sunglasses hanging from the neckline of her
dress. Was she here all along, standing behind the taller ones? She nods in
Polka's direction and says something to you but you have no idea what, it's hard
to make out her words.
This time she points to you and again says something you can't quite decipher.
She laughs in a very contagious way at her own remark and you're tempted to
laugh along, but you still have absolutely no idea what she's saying.
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." you say apologetically.
"FAQ YOO" she screams at you.
It's clear she's fuming, but she looks more like a toddler having a temper
tantrum than an angry young woman. She puts on her sunglasses and flips you the
bird before walking away.
Wondering what the hell all of that was just now, you finally turn to Polka,
who's been quiet the entire time.
"Polka, are you ok?"
She's looking down, clenching her fists. Tears silently roll down her
cheeks. After a moment she walks up to you and hugs you, her face on your
chest. You're stunned and can barely react, but you manage to put one arm around
her waist and the other on her head, slowly running it through her hair. You can
feel her sobbing.

"Di-did you really mean that? What you said about m-me?"
It's taken her a moment, but she's calmer now. Her voice comes somewhat muffled
as her face still rests against your chest.
"I did."
"Are you really OK with being seen with a... A fat girl like me?"
"I am, and I don't care who sees what, or what they say. I think every last gram
of you is gorgeous."
She laughs at that last remark.
"And you know what they say, the more the merrier. Can't have enough of a good
You start internally kicking yourself, hoping your stupid jokes didn't once
again ruin the moment and every last chance with her but instead she laughs once
She looks up at you as she tries to smile. Her eyes are puffy and her makeup is
mostly gone but it's the most beautiful she has looked since she set foot in the
"Ah, I'm sorry. I must look like a hot mess right now. And I made a mess of your
"You look beautiful to me. And don't worry about the shirt, it'll come off in
the wash. Do you want some tissues? I have some in here" you say as you rummage
through your jacket's pockets.
Once she's finished wiping her face you notice that it's once again time for
slow ballads. You make an exaggerated gesture as you offer her your hand and
ask her.
"May I have this dance?"
She hesitates a little but finally smiles and says yes.

As you walk towards the floor, you quickly scan the room. Flare is nowhere in
sight. Noel is at the far end of the refreshments table looking absolutely
miserable. It seems Calliope has been talking her head off the entire time, and
they've been joined by an orange haired girl with a shrill voice you can hear
even at this distance.
Approaching the spot you picked to dance, you notice Suisei nearby. She's
dancing with her date but her back is turned to you. You haven't finished
putting your arms around Polka when you hear a loud smack. You turn around to
see Suisei screaming her head off at her date.
"What do you mean you're into it, you sick bastard! And what the hell is ringo
She storms off towards the front door, her date giving chase.
"Wait! Let me explain!"
They cause quite a scene, and have half the room in stitches for a moment. You
see a group of guys chanting something as they follow them out the building.

As you dance through a second song, Polka looks up at you.
"Nobody has ever stood up for me like that before."
"It was amazing. Really. Thank you."
"Ah, well..."
You start to fumble looking for the right words and trying your best to sound
like you're not panicking right now. Her chubby face looks just too cute and
her eyes have such an angelic glow, even in the dim light.
"It was only natural... I mean... Every guy wants to stand up for the girl he
Polka almost trips over herself and chokes on her breath.
"A... A-anon... Did you just say... Are you in love with me?"
Her eyes are wide like she can't believe what you are saying. You're just as
surprised, it really just dawned on you as well the moment you said it. Of
course you love her, you have since the moment you first saw her. It's the
feeling you've been struggling with ever since she asked you to prom.
"Yes." You say without hesitation this time.
She smiles and pulls your head down to meet hers, closing her eyes.
The room vanishes as her soft lips part and press against yours.

"Do you want to get out of here?" you say without really thinking about your
"Well, my mom isn't expecting me home until after this is over, which is
probably a couple hours from now so... Yeah. Where could we go?"
"Let's just head outside for now. We'll figure it out then."
Polka wraps her arm around yours and you head out. You're in cloud 9, not only
did the night go even better than you thought it would, it was still not over.
You declared your feelings and got them accepted. You stood up to bullies and
came out on top. Regardless of what the future might bring, tonight you were
The scene outside was just as lively as it was inside, with groups of people
chatting and laughing and covertly drinking a beer or two. Approaching the steps
leading down to the street you catch a glimpse of Flare. She's a couple meters
away, leaning on the banister that overlooks the faculty parking spots, her
heels on the floor beside her.
She turns to look at the two of you for a moment. Her eyes are as puffy as
Polka's were not too long ago. She looks completely exhausted too. As you turn
your head towards her casually, she looks away and continues to stare into the
distance. You wonder where did she sneak in the cigarette she's smoking.
At street level you see Suisei's former date is very much the man of the hour.
He's surrounded by the boys that followed him out after his scene, all laughing
and talking loudly. They keep going on and on about "ringo" and some other stuff
you can't understand. You're sure it's some sort of code but you have no idea
what for.

The groups of people become smaller and smaller as you make your way to the
parking lot, eventually all you see is a few loners and some couples making
out. You think you can even see one of the more distant cars actually shaking
a little bit. "Not a bad way to end the night" you think to yourself.
You now know exactly where you want to go.
After letting Polka in the car you realize you should have checked if those old
condoms you have in the glove box are still good to use... Looks like you'll
find out when it's already too late.

As you drive away from the school you notice a change in Polka's mood. When she
slumped in the passenger seat after getting in the car she took her boots off so
you figured she was probably just tired of being on her feet all time and
dancing in heels, but she's been sighing loudly quite a bit as she stares out
the window into the clear night sky.
"Something on your mind?"
"Hmm?" She continues to look away from you.
"You've been very quiet. Are you ok?"
Polka lets out another heavy sigh, you figure it's probably better not to prod
her too much but she begins to speak.
"I just... I wish I could have talked to you sooner."
You're about to reply but she continues.
"My friend Nene was right about that, I really should have. But I was
afraid. I didn't want to risk you laughing at me or something."
"Those girls have been picking on me all year. I never even spoke with them, but
they just started calling me names and making oinking sounds at me whenever
I happened to pass by one of them. It's like they went out of their way to be
mean to me for whatever reason. One time they even followed me to the bathroom
calling me a stinky pig. I mostly tried to ignore them, but it wasn't always
"And coming home to my mom after putting up with them was just... I don't even
know why she is that way but she is, and it hurts. It's like I can never do
right by her, I'm always too fat or too lazy or too delusional or I make up
stories about having a date to prom. She said I was putting her on and that she
wasn't about to throw yet more money on clothes that won't fit just to have me
throw on whatever and just go have a sleepover at Nene's in the end anyway."
"But you know what? I'm glad I asked you. Even if it meant the possibility of
being ridiculed. It's not long before the school year is over anyway and
I don't have plans of sticking around after that anyway."
Those last words makes your blood freeze. "Not sticking around?" she couldn't
possibly mean...
"I already have it all thought out. I'm going to move to my aunt's after
graduation. Just pack up some stuff and leave right before the holidays, no
goodbyes or anything. The university I want to attend is closer to her place
anyway. And if that doesn't pan out I could always get a job for the summer and
figure things out later..."
She sighs again. As you come to a stop light, she turns her head to look at you
while you do the same. The lovely girl you took to prom seems to have vanished
and what you see instead is a lovely but weary woman. She's tired. Putting
up with gratuitous abuse without any safe spaces outside of a couple of friends
has left her exhausted, near broken.
There are a million things that you want to say to her all at the same time. You
want to reassure her that those days are over, that you will never let anyone
treat her like that again on your watch, that she can confide in you, that
you'll follow her along if she wants to live elsewhere, but instead of saying
anything you just grab her hand and hold it tightly as you look into her eyes
and hope at least some of those feelings are conveyed through your gesture. She
reciprocates and after a moment turns her head towards the road, not letting go
of you.

She seems a little more relaxed during the rest of the drive, changing the topic
from her past struggles to lighter stuff. Mostly funny stories about sleepovers
with her friends. This Nene she keeps mentioning must be that girl she kept
passing notes with, apparently tonight happened in no small part because of
her. Or at least that's how Polka paints it, though you're sure she's just
downplaying herself. It's always hard to shake off insecurities and finally take
action to do the things you want to do, you know this from personal experience.
"So what do you have planned for after school?"
The question surprises you so it takes you a moment to answer. Outside of
playing video games and landing a job during the summer you didn't have much
thought out. University was always a possibility but you were still unsure about
what career path to choose and nothing seemed to particularly jump out at you.
You realize, however, that there is a thing you know for sure that you want to
"I want to take my girlfriend on a million dates and show her a great time on
each one." You turn your eyes away from the road for a second to give her a wink
as you speak.
"That sounds really fun, she's a lucky girl."
"Not as lucky as I am for having taken her to prom."
Polka's grip on your hand tightens as you say these words.
"I never thought my boyfriend would be so sappy, but I don't mind that one bit."
she quips.
"She's making jokes now? Thank goodness, she's finally becoming more relaxed"
you think as you laugh at her comment. Hearing her vent before, and show her
sense of humor like this now makes you realize how badly you want to know all of
her, inside and out. There's a whole person for you to discover, the prospect of
it makes you hopeful and excited for what may come.
"I never thought I'd have a boyfriend. Or go on dates." she says, although to
you it sounded more like she was thinking out loud.
"We're going on a date right now."
"We are?"
"Yeah, we're almost there."

You've heard of "missionary hill" many times before, but the name only began to
make sense as you got older and hormones began to take over. And finally your
horny brain had made the connection between the place's name, it's secluded
location, and the distinct lack of anything even remotely resembling a religious
building of any kind.
You figure that even though she's been your girlfriend for barely a couple of
hours now it's only natural to want to come here with her and try to do right by
the place's name. This is what couples do after all.
You keep going over those words in your head. "My girlfriend", "My girlfriend
Polka". "This is Polka, she's my girlfriend", "We're a couple". "I'm on a date
with my girlfriend. We're going to have sex. That's it, that's the date. I'm on
a sex date with my girlfriend. We're in love.". It's hard to contain your
excitement, not only do you feel like sticking your head out the window and
shout at the top of your lungs for anyone that might be listening that she's
your girlfriend, you also feel like the front of your pants is about to burst,
that zipper is holding on like a champ.
Still, you can't help but feel your insecurities coming back to nag you. What if
she thinks you're being too forward, or going too fast? What if she thinks
everything was just an act to get in her pants?
You try to put your own mind at ease by repeating to yourself that this is not
what's going on here. Nor would it ever be. And if she wants you to back down
then you will, simple as. Besides, everyone at school has at least heard about
this place, right? They've heard the stories about people coming here to get it
on, right? She hasn't said anything about not wanting to come here yet
anyway... Does she even know where we're going?

As you park your car you notice the Hill is not a popular destination tonight,
outside of one car that is now about one or two blocks distance from you the
place is deserted. Maybe you're here early? Did you even come to the right
"Well... Here we are." You say, trying and failing to not sound nervous.
The tension inside the car is so thick it's almost palpable. What are you
supposed to do now, just strip and go at it without so much as a word? What if
you make your move, she starts crying and says she wants to go home? What if she
doesn't want to do it?
And what if she does? You've watched porn so you're pretty confident about what
goes where and you have a general sense of how it's supposed to go, but the
truth is that outside of kissing and touching a boob over clothes that one time
(which you reluctantly admit to yourself was by accident, despite you telling
your friends otherwise), all you've ever done is talk a big game and jerk off in
your room.
You turn to say something to Polka but you notice she's beet red all the way up
to her ears, her hands are fidgeting.
Alarm bells start going off in your head. She knows. Oh god, she knows, she's
freaking out, she wants out of here, she hates you. Please don't let her hate
"So... Um... L-listen... We don't really-"
"A-Anon... I, uh, truth is I..."
She can barely speak, and it's really difficult for you as well, your stomach is
in knots and you're pretty sure you're visibly sweating a bit. Your entire calm
collected demeanor façade has finally come crashing down and left you bare.
She's not making any eye contact and she's even shaking a little.
"I haven't done it... Like ever... But I kinda want to. W-with you."
Her voice trails off before she's even finished the sentence and you could
hardly hear any of it anyway with the way your heart was thumping, you could
feel it in your ears.
As her words settle in a different set of alarm bells has started ringing inside
your head. She just said she wants to. She wants to do it. And she wants to do
it with you. This is not a drill, your new girlfriend has just said she wants to
have sex with you.
"This is my first time too... Sorry." In your nervousness, you wonder what
exactly you're apologizing for. It's not like it's a bad thing to not have done
it before, but here you are, making excuses when you should be making something
else entirely.
"We'll just go slowly then, OK?" you try your best to sound reassuring.
"Let's get in the back."
As you let her out of the car you half expect her to make a run for it, but
instead she meekly gets into the back seat and helps you push the driver and
passenger seats forward to make room for the both you.
It's happening, this is really happening. You thought about it, fantasized about
it, but nothing could prepare you for the reality of it. You are about to pop
your girlfriend's cherry and your own at the same time and you have absolutely
no idea what you're doing. And yet none of it seems to really matter anymore.
Somehow you know this will all figure itself out if you just let nature take its
course and hope for the best.
As you take off your jacket and throw it in the front a wave of calmness and
a sense of certainty wash over you. It's going to be ok. You, her, all of
this. That's when you notice that Polka seems on the verge of tears.
You move close to her and cup her cheek with your hand.
"What's wrong?"
"Anon, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry I didn't say it before."
"It's ok, I don't mind, like I said-"
"No. I mean... I wanted to say it before now but... A-Anon, I love you too."
There's no proper way to describe what hearing those words coming from her
addressed to you make you feel so you give her your warmest smile and bring her
into a tight hug. She wraps her chubby arms around your chest and buries her
face in your neck, you can feel her warm breath shortly followed by something
wet. Yes, definitely tears.
"I love you, Anon. I love you."
"I love you, Polka"
You move both your bodies so your back is against the seat and adjust her so
that she's on your lap to more comfortably be in each other's arms. You close
your eyes and put your hand on her head, caressing her hair slowly. If this is
all you manage to do with her here it would still be the best possible ending to
an amazing night with your love.

As you sit there in each other's embrace, your breathing in sync, you feel
nothing but absolute bliss. It could have been years, hours, or maybe just a few
seconds. Time doesn't seem to matter anymore. Eventually, you notice Polka
moving, she's adjusting herself so she's straddling you. You open her eyes to
see her looking at you. She's still blushing and you can't help but think she's
the most beautiful creature you've ever seen. The red on her round cheeks goes
great with the color of her eyes. Her meaty hands cup your cheeks in a motion
similar to yours from earlier as she begins to kiss you. Slowly at first, giving
your lips little pecks, holding your upper lip or lower lip between hers,
sucking on it before letting it go, and more intensely soon after, pressing her
mouth against yours, your tongues meeting each other halfway and rubbing against
each other. Moments later, her kisses become more assertive, her tongue invading
your mouth and seeking yours out. She starts putting all her weight into each
kiss, pressing your entire body against the seat with hers making sure you can't
escape her, not that you would ever want to. Right here with her is the only
place you want to be.
With each kiss more intense than the one before it's not surprise her breath is
becoming ragged, she's even started moaning into your mouth. You're sure she
must be feeling your hard cock pressing against her as well.
She puts her hands on your shoulders and pushes you back against the seat,
finally breaking the kiss with a final lick to your lips.
As she catches her breath, her lustful eyes betray her every intention. She's
ready to have sex with you, she wants it bad, and she wants it now. There's
nothing shy or bashful about her anymore, it's like a switch has been
flipped. She's become resolute. She's gone into heat and she's going to mate
with you.
"Ah... Anon, I... I was wishing this would happen. I even... I watched a video
one time and... I want to try something."
Dismounting from you, she starts to push you down.
"Lay down."
Her wish is your command. As you lay back, she starts by taking your belt off
and then tugging on your pants. While you help her get you out of them and your
shorts, you can hardly believe what's about to happen.
She stares at your hard cock for a moment before touching it gingerly as if not
sure how to do so. You tense up and it takes all of your concentration to not
cum when her fat fingers finally wrap around your shaft and give it a couple of
tentative strokes.
"Did I do it wrong?"
"N-No... That was great."
"OK. That thing... It started like this."
Still looking at you, she sticks out her tongue and gives your shaft several
long slow licks. She then pulls back the foreskin all the way, exposing the
glans and gives about as many short fast licks to your frenulum. You're torn
between wondering how many times and what videos did she watch to get so good at
it, and hoping your dick doesn't taste bad.
"Oh god..."
"Do you like it?"
"Keep going."
This time, Polka's hand shifts to your balls but it seems she's not entirely
sure how to touch them as she just holds them in her hand while her mouth
envelops the head and then as much of the shaft of your cock as she can. She
tries to lap at it with her tongue but the position is awkward so she just
starts to bob up and down slowly, trying to suck on the tip as much as she can
when she reaches it. She's getting the hang of it and falling into a rhythm now,
sucking up and down in nearly even strokes, getting her teeth out the way for
the most part with an occasional graze that only serves to heighten your
As her movements pick up in speed, so does the volume of your panting. She looks
up at you as if to ask if you're feeling good. You can't muster a verbal
response so you just put your hand on her head and pat her gently. Polka gets
the message and resumes her ministrations, faster and faster.
"Polka... I'm almost there..." you managed to get out in between one short
breath and the next.
Polka takes your cock out of her mouth for a moment, is she drooling or is that
your precum oozing down the corner of her mouth?
"I want it..." she says before she resumes sucking.
The way she said those words, combined with the tone of her voice and the look
she gave you are more than enough to send you over the edge after a couple more
strokes. As your toes curl and your legs tense up, you close your eyes and hold
her head in place, pumping your hips as you shoot your cum into her mouth. The
reaction takes her by surprise, her eyes open wide as she tries to pull back by
pressing her hands against your thighs but you manage to hold her in place until
you're finished fucking her face.
As you fall back into the seat, still holding on to Polka's surprised face, you
can feel yourself going limp and slowly slip outside her mouth. The sound of her
slurping causing you to snap back into reality, you finally let go of her.
"Sorry... I just..."
Her cheeks look full and her mouth is closed tightly. It takes her a moment but
she finally opens her mouth and catches her breath.
"It's ok... I wanted to..." she says as she nuzzles up to the base of your cock
giving it a few kisses and licks to collect an errant droplet of cum or two.
A moment later, you sit up. Polka's hair is undone and she's broken a sweat, but
what immediately draws your attention is that the bottom of her dress has hiked
up leaving her panties exposed. You are overwhelmed by the desire to pull them
off her and look at her completely exposed, it's been one of your main fantasies
for a while now. To make your way into her thighs with nothing but your tongue.
She notices you looking and blushes again.
"Ah, um... So-"
"Now it's your turn to lay down" You say decisively.
You switch places with her and she lays back on the seat. As you loom over her
you take your sweet time admiring all of her magnificent curves. Your eyes
travel from her adorable round face down to her ample breasts, and then further
down where you recognize the place where her dress became stuck as you were
helping her put it on. You stop just below it, where her belly button becomes
outlined by the tightness of dress. You let your eyes linger for a moment and
then bring your face down on it gently, pressing your entire face against her
flabby stomach, breathing in her scent.
You give it a kiss, two, three. You put your hands on her sides and begin to
caress her love handles, sinking your fingers as deep as you can into them as
you continue kissing her gut. Her softness is infinite, unending. It's the most
comfortable place you've ever rested your head on. You feel most welcome here,
at home. You take your time and continue to knead and massage her rolls, pouring
out your tender love all over them with the sweet music of her contented sighs
reaching your ears.
You don't want to leave such a sweet spot but eventually move your face down
more until you finally reach her panties. The way the delicate garment cuts into
her flesh is incredibly obscene and erotic. You trace the waistband with your
fingers as you take in the satisfactory sight and alluring smell of the damp
spot that's formed in the center of them. While they're definitely meant for
a girl of her generous proportions it's also clear they're a tight fit,
undoubtedly the kind worn by the type of woman who knows she's sexy and wants to
be appreciated as such. Polka is full of surprises and contains multitudes, and
you're learning about them in the best of ways.
"Do you like them? My panties. I never wear anything like this but I wanted to
be ready for tonight in case... This happened." Her flustered voice makes the
scene even more intoxicating.
"Anon, don't stare at them so much. Say something, please."
"I love them. I think you should wear stuff like this more often."
"I usually wear spats or shorts, they keep my thighs from chafing all the time"
Upon hearing this you turn your attention to the spots of darker skin on the
insides of their thighs. If she weren't careful she'd probably rub her chunky
legs raw since they're so big.
"But I could wear something like this again... For you."
"That would be lovely."
"Do you ha-aah!"
Polka lets out a shocked moan as you dive face first into the damp spot in the
panties. Your lips and the tip of your nose can immediately tell exactly how
warm the sticky wetness is. You inhale deeply and then give a small kiss to
the moist fabric.
You disregard her complaint and push her legs open a little with your hands to
better take in the view. Her muffin top peeking over the panties, her puffy wet
vulva, her soft groin, her thick thighs with the chafed spots... A vision of
heaven. You try to get a glimpse of Polka's face but it's just not possible from
this angle due to her size. You smile and begin to act out your dream.
First the left thigh. You start at about mid thigh, nuzzling, kissing, making
your way in. You stop short of the fold of her groin, then move to the right
one. Every kiss along the way firmer than the one before, paving the way to the
center. You can feel her shiver a little each time. Having done both sides
multiple times you finally place your face on the wet spot again, kissing as
"Not there..."
You put your lips on the waistband as you move your hands to the sides and begin
to tug her panties down, kissing every centimeter of skin revealed, revelling in
the tastes and smells of your beloved, and eliciting soft moans from her in the
process. She helps you by lifting her large ass up for a moment as you pull the
panties all the way off.
After spending a moment to take off your shirt and drop all your clothes and her
arousal scented panties (a smell you would not mind having linger on your person
or clothes) you turn back to her only to see her beet red blush has returned and
a hand placed over her pussy.
As you grab her wrist, she places her other hand on top of yours.
"Don't look there, it's embarrassing."
"What if you think it's ugly looking or something?"
"Nothing about you is or could ever be ugly looking."
Her other hand is pressed firmly on top of yours, and her eyes are pleading you
to not move the one under.
As she removes the hand on top, you change the position of yours so it's no
longer trying to pull away but to push in. You trace her fingers with yours and
then begin to move them and softly trying to push them into her.
"What are you doing?"
"I'll stop if it feels bad." You reassure her.
Little by little you goad her into just barely pushing two fingertips in and out
of her inner labia. Just enough to tease her.
"How is it?"
"I like it..."
You keep this motion for a short while and then, as her breathing becomes
shallow again, you just naturally lift her hand away, licking her fingertips.
The flavor is unlike anything you've ever had before, she's slightly salty and
slightly tangy, somewhat dry, no aftertaste. The taste of Polka. You're
hooked. You absolutely must have more.
With your path unobstructed, you are finally at long last face to face with
Polka's pussy. It's exactly as you said earlier, nothing about her is ugly.
Her outer labia is puffy and soft, her mons adorned by a small tuft of blonde
pubic hair a shade somewhat lighter than the head on her hair, her meaty inner
labia slightly pokes out. She's sweaty, and wet from arousal.
Enraptured, you spend a while taking in the sight of her. The shape, the
color. The way she smells, the way her juices make her glisten.
You start kissing from the outside and work your way in once again, pulling her
lips apart for better reach. And sure enough, there it is. A smallish bud
peeking out right at the top. You kiss it as gently as everything else and
notice it elicits the loudest positive response from her yet.
You adjust your position so as to cover the most ground possible with your mouth
and start licking away, first on the outside, then in, then the clit. Your
tongue moves up and down, and in and out, and in circles as you probe around,
trying to listen for cues. Her softer or louder moans, her indications of "yes"
or "there". It's not long til you feel her hands playing with your hair as she
guides you to her most sensitive places, a guidance you're all too happy to
accept. Her pleasure is your pleasure and you want her to feel it in ways she
never has before, your consider it your personal duty, your obligation, towards
the woman you love.
Her hands hold you in place as you reach the center spot again.
"There... Like that... Don't stop."
Your continued licking and kissing has made her twice as wet, not just from your
saliva but from her juices, as they flow freely now. You cover her clitoris with
your lips and suck on it, causing her body to jerk up a little and her moaning
to escalate. You do this again and again, alternating with the other motions
until her grip on your head becomes firmer and this time it's not your face
moving against her, but her hips grinding on you as you continue to move your
"I'm close... Anon I'm so close..."
Her thighs compress the sides of your head and you wrap your arms around them as
if bracing for it, never ceasing your licking motions until she violently pushes
your head down into the seat and closes her shaking legs. Her moans are now
practically cries and they even sound a little bit pained.
Polka's entire body spasms and it looks to you like she's only partially
She rolls to the side, covering her pussy with both hands, as the shivering
slowly subsides.
"Polka? Are you ok?"
You look up at her to see that at some point she managed to pull the top of her
dress down turning it into a messy rag that barely covers part of her mid
section, leaving her amazing fat breasts exposed.
Her breathing sounds closer to normal now. The entire thing was barely over
a minute, but it must have been quite an intense minute for her.
"Ah... I just... Oh my god."
She turns again and lays on her back, pulling her hair away from her face and
neck. She's sweaty all over, her chest heaving up and down, her legs still
closed, seemingly exhausted.
The look on her face tells a different story. She's radiant and has the biggest
smile you've ever seen on her.
"Wow." is all you manage to get out.
"Y-yeah... Whew"
She covers her eyes with a hand and laughs a little bit, fanning herself with
the other.
"Anon, don't stare, it's embarrassing."
Her face and the sound of her laugh and her voice are just too much for you
right now. She might have just had an amazing orgasm, but being in the presence
of a woman like her and sharing a moment like this with her is too mind blowing
for you, it goes beyond physical pleasure. You blurt out the first thing that
comes to mind.
"I love you."
"Come hug me, I'm getting cold."
You lay on top of her carefully, squeezing as much of her in your arms as you
can. Being like this with her is all you need in the world. Your bodies
together, looking into each other's eyes in silence.

An eternity flashes by in a moment. You have no idea what time it is and neither
does her. Time stopped being important long ago. What gets you both out of the
moment is the reaction of your body to hers.
"Are you still good to go?"
"I guess I am" you say as you adjust your hard cock so it points at her in the
right position.
"I want to try something else, get up."
You do as told, she gets up as well and pushes your back against the seat. She
straddles you once again, like she did when you first got here, only this time
her fat ass is hovering over your cock.
"Let's go slowly, I'm still sensitive from before"
You hold your cock up as she slowly descends on it, taking in as much as she can
with a moan.
It's in, you're inside her. As your cock is wrapped in the warmth of her gooey
insides you can feel it become harder still. You finally know what it feels like
to be inside of Polka. You finally know what it's like to make Love.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, you?"
"I'm great"
"I love you, Anon"
"I love you too, Polka"
You notice that, while kissing, your girlfriend begins to shift from side to
side a little bit. The rocking sensation is quite pleasurable and you let out
moans as Polka's vagina continues to massage your cock.
"Ah... Yes, like that..." Polka's hands are on your sides and it seems her
movement has the purpose of pulling you closer to the edge of the set. You
comply and follow her just far enough that her feet and half of your legs are
hanging from the edge. Polka puts her arms over your shoulders and begins to
move up and down slowly at first.
"Does it hurt?"
"I'm fine... Hold me tight"
You run your hands up and down Polka's hourglass sides. You start at her hips
and make your way up her love handles, then her ribs, until you reach her
breasts. They jiggle in a mesmerizing way in front of your face as Polka moves
up and down on your cock, still in heat. They're rounded and have the tiniest
bit of sag to them on account of their size, with large dark pink areolae and
meaty pert nipples.
You take breasts in your hands and give them a squeeze, which gets you an
approving moan. You persist in your actions, massaging your girlfriend's ample
"Tha-That's so goo-"
You interrupt her approval of your actions by assaulting her mouth with your
tongue. Her plump fertile body is incredible and you want to enjoy every last
bit of it all at once, and even pinned down by her as you are, you let your lust
take over and begin pumping up your hips in sync with her own motions. As you
pinch one of her nipples she squeals into your mouth in delight. As you pinch
the other, she breaks the kiss to throw head back and better let her voice
out. As you pinch and squeeze both at the same time, her hands become tangled in
your hair and she pulls you towards her cleavage. In response you intensify your
thrusting and grab on to her large buttocks, causing you both to fall back onto
the back of the seat.
As Polka's motions become faster and more desperate and her moans louder, you
take one of her breasts into your mouth and begin to tease and flick the nipple
with your tongue. You hold it between your teeth and apply gentle pressure on
it, only to release it soon after and begin to suckle on it. As if by instinct,
she holds your head in place as she pushes down on your cock with the entire
weight of her body.
Regardless of the fact that she's shorter than you, you're trapped under her
voluptuous roly-poly body. You can feel the entirety of her mass, there's
practically no part of your skin that isn't in contact with hers. Her heart
beats faster and faster, as does yours. Her breath and yours are equally
ragged. She thrusts down as much as you thrust up. Her moans match your
grunts. The slapping of her fat body against yours the only other sound to
pierce the peaceful night. In her near animal lust she's devouring you as much
as you're devouring her in yours.
As your orgasm approaches you feel overwhelmed with ecstasy and know that she
feels the same way.
"Anon, Anon, I'm..."
"Me too, gonna cum! gonna-"
You sink your fingers onto her soft lower back rolls as you shoot your cum deep
inside her.
She cries out as she clings on to you, pressing you as hard as she can with the
full force of her body weight against the back of the seat and down as well,
impaling herself on as much of your cock as she can.
You move your head away from her chest to surface for air, but your mouth is
immediately trapped by hers into a deep long kiss that only ends as you both
feel your cock slowly shrink down back to normal.

Still clinging on to you, Polka closes her eyes and rests her head on your
shoulder if only for a moment. Some time later she reluctantly climbs off you,
opens the door and steps outside the car.
Seeing her be so natural and nonchalant about being naked in a potentially
public place, resting against the back of the car while looking up at the night
sky leaves you at a loss for words. Will this woman never cease to amaze you?
What brought about such a change in her demeanor? Is this otherworldly nymph her
true self or is this just her basking in the afterglow?
You wonder what she's thinking right now, how she feels. You decide to stop
wondering and simply ask her.
You step out the car, naked as you are. The cool air of an otherwise warm mid
November night feels good on your skin. You stretch out limbs and look at the
sky for a moment. On such a clear night and away from most artificial lights you
think you can almost make out a few stars.
Looking at Polka you find that once again you can only blurt out the first thing
on your mind.
"What is it?" she asks, catching you staring at her yet again.
"Are you an angel?"
"Shut up." she chuckles.
You reach into the floor of the back seat and start looking for your pants.
"What are you doing?"
"Looking for my phone, I want to take your picture."
"Are you crazy?! I'm naked!"
"I will never show it to anyone ever."
"Promise?" she asks with hesitation.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, all of that."
"...Fine, ok."
"Just stand like you were before." you say as you resurface, phone in hand.
You take one, two, three shots.
"Ok, that's enough." she says, covering herself with her hands as you're about
to hit the shutter button a fourth time.
"Let me see them."
"I said I wouldn't show them to anyone ever." you tease her
"Come oooon" she says as she takes your phone.
"Oh my god, you have GOT to delete these!"
"I look horrible."
"I think you look beautiful."
"And I think you're crazy."
"Crazy about you."
"Dork." she says as she kisses you.

As you pull your clothes out the car and begin getting dressed you notice she
seems unsure about something. She's wiped herself down with the last of your
tissues and has her panties back on but her dress is still bunched up around her
"Umm... Can I borrow your jacket?"
"And maybe your pants?"
"Are we gonna do it again?" you tease her.
"I need to wear something and I don't feel like fighting this dress again. And
I can't just show up at my house naked."
"You could show up naked at my house if you want." you tease her again.
"Come on! I'm being serious, Anon. Please?"
"I think I might have just the thing."
You pop open the trunk and pull out your gym bag. You were supposed to have gym
class yesterday but you skipped it in favor of watching Polka jiggle around
during hers. "Love wins the night once again" you chuckle to yourself.
You take out your sweats, throw the bag back in the trunk and present them to
"I skipped class yesterday so they're still clean. I did wear them a little bit
though. I hope they're not too bad."
"Thank you."
You help her pull the dress off her body and get into your clothes. The sleeves
and pants legs are a little too long on her, but the fit is otherwise near
You catch her pulling up the neckline of your sweatshirt up to her nose and
breathing in as you close the trunk.
"I'm sorry, do they stink?"
"No. They smell like you."
"Oh, uh-"
"I like it.
She smiles as she wraps her arms around her chest, as if hugging herself. You
smile back at her. You pick up the dress and walk her to the passenger door.

As you drive away from the hill, you take a moment to look at your girlfriend
Polka. She rolled the window down and threw her head back against the head rest
shortly after getting in. She has a calm smile on her face and her eyes closed.
You smile and focus back on the road. What an amazing night this has been. To
think so many things can happen in the span of a few hours. The school day
seems like a distant memory from weeks past, and the prom itself feels as though
it took place yesterday night, not just a little while ago.
Finding love, being in love, being loved. Who would have thought? Who could have
"Do you have an aux cord?"
Her question brings you back to reality.
"Yeah, it's in the glove box."
You reach to open the glove box at a stop light and notice you completely forgot
about the condoms you were planning on using. You hand Polka the cord and decide
to bring up the subject.
"Hey so... I think I should apologize about back there. I went in raw, when
I should have worn a condom. I even had some in there. So, yeah. I'm sorry. Are
we going to be ok?"
"I am on birth control, but yeah, you should have put one on. We got super
carried away though..."
"You're on birth control?"
"Yeah, my doctor said I should be. I've been taking it for a year."
"Will it be ok?"
"Just this once, though."
"We're going to be fine. Don't worry! I'm not mad or anything like
that. I... I really liked it..."
She smiles at you, it's a genuine happy smile. You breathe relieved. You can't
help but see several text message and missed call alerts flash on her phone when
she pulls it out the tiny purse she grabbed on the way out, but since she seems
keen on ignoring them, you figure the best thing is to follow suit.
She finds a song and hits play. A choir of young female voices begin to sing
a song about dreams and friendship over an upbeat, saccharine melody.
"You're into idols?"
"No, but I'm into these girls. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure but they're
fun. The lyrics are silly and a little childish sometimes, but they're about
happy stuff. I listen to them sometimes when I want to feel better, or when I'm
in a good mood like now."
"That's nice, I like that. I'm in a good mood too."
"See? That's the power of idols. Don't mock them." she says jokingly.
"I won't, I won't." you concede with a laugh.
You spend the rest of the way back to her place listening to her improvised
playlist, talking about music, and singing out of tune duets of the ones you

Your park the car just outside her place and spend a moment making out before
she wishes you good night, picks up her shoes and dress, and gets out.
"What are you doing this weekend?"
"I'm going on a date with my boyfriend." She says with a wink, before turning
back walking towards her front door.
She barely makes it half way when the door swings open and her mother comes out
in a rage.
"WHERE.HAVE.YOU.BEEN?! I called and texted a thousand times, why didn't you
reply?! Do you have any idea what time it is, young lady?!"
"I don't know and I don't care. Good night, mom."
Polka never stopped walking, nor did she even look at her mother's face as she
said those words and went straight upstairs.
Her mother could only stand there and stare at her with a mix of anger and
disbelief at what just happened before noticing you were still parked in front
of the house and starting up the engine again. She starts walking towards you.
"Don't you go anywhere, young man. You and I-"
You give Polka's mom a mocking smile and wave goodbye as you shift into gear and
calmly drive home.
The evening was over, December and graduation were around the corner, but your
life with your girlfriend Polka had only just begun.

As your eyes open you wonder what was it that made you wake up at whatever hour
this is. The light that filters in through the blinds lets you know it's early
in the morning, earlier than you're used to, especially on a Saturday. You rub
your eyes hoping this isn't one of those days where you wake up stupidly early
and end up being a zombie the rest of the day, your brain barely functioning.
You shuffle a little and finally sit up.
You turn in the voice's direction to see your wife is early to rise today too.
"Morning, love" you reply, kissing her forehead.
"What is it?" she says in her croaky morning voice after yawning.
"Dunno... Just woke up I guess."
"Got enough sleep already?"
"After last night? Not really" you say with a smile
"Mmh, it was some workout..."
"I'm thinking we should do some more reps." you say as you lay down again next
to her. You put your arms around her and nuzzle her neck, kissing it softly. You
massage her flabby stomach as you spoon, one of the moves that's certified to
get her in the mood. Initially she's very responsive, but she turns to face you
and wraps her arms around you instead. Her warm body making you doze off
a little.
"Maybe later, I'm still a bit sore."
"I'm sorry, babe."
"Don't be, I liked it."
The stomping outside your bedroom breaks the mood. Breaking free of the embrace,
you sit up again as your wife puts on a small cardigan she kept under the pillow
while you both patiently wait for the stomping to end.
The door swings open and your son comes in.
"Mom, you left your phone downstairs again."
"Good morning honey, who's calling?"
"I dunno, some old lady." the boy says handing the phone over to his mother.
"Thank you dear, go see if your sister's up."
You exchange a puzzled look with your wife as the boy leaves the room. She puts
the phone to her ear.
"Hello?... Mom?!"
That single word startles you and jars you awake. Your wife and her mother
haven't spoken to each in well over a decade. What's going on?
"Where did you get this number?"
"Yes, that was your grandson. He's 9, and his sister is 5."
"Of course I know who the father is! He's sitting next to me as we speak."
"You did meet him. Remember Anon? The boy that took me to prom?"
"His name was next to mine in the invitation we sent you, which you clearly
didn't even bother to look at. I'm sure whatever you had to do that day was more
important than being at your only daughter's wedding."
"Do you. Really."
"Of course I don't believe you. I have every reason not to."
"Fine. I suppose I can."
"Yeah, I'll be there."
"You'll see them if I say you can and not a second before that."
"Ok. See you then. Bye."

You've heard your wife be this angry and short with someone only twice before
and both times it was work related.
You know the moment she puts the phone down and turns away from you that
something's wrong. Her shoulders shake slightly and you hear her sniffle.
"Polka... Are you ok?"
The person that turns to face you with tears rolling down her chubby cheeks is
not the confident, capable, outgoing woman you've been married to for several
years, the loving mother to your children. Instead it's that shy insecure girl
who couldn't say two words to you without stuttering, who couldn't hold your
gaze without blushing all the way up to her ears, who almost fainted when she
asked you to prom all those years ago.
"Baby, what is it? What's wrong?"
Her only answer is to hold on to you tightly as the tears continue to flow. You
hug her back as you pet her hair and wait for her to calm down.

"I hate her. Why does she have to come back into our life." she says after some
"I don't want her here, I don't. We are doing just fine without her." she
"What did she want?"
"She got my number from my aunt a couple months ago. She says she's been
thinking a lot over the years and that she wants to make amends and apologize
for the way she's treated me. And then in the same breath she pretty much
accused me of being some spinster that doesn't even know where her children came
"And you agreed to see her?"
"I did but I'm regretting it already. I'm gonna text her later and just cancel
the whole thing."
"If that's what you think is right, I've got your back."
"You have no idea what listening to her after all this time felt like, it was
as if things were just like before. Like I'm her fat little shame,
a disappointment and an embarrassment to her and everyone else around."
"But you're not any of those things, and you never were. You are an amazing
woman, you're strong, beautiful, kind and loving and you have a good head on
your shoulders. You've made a good life for yourself in every way. And no matter
what she could say it doesn't change the fact that there are people that love
you and always will, people who think the world of you. And that's me and our
kids, and nothing's going to change that."
"Thank you..."
"I think you should go see her. Hear what she has to say and then decide. Maybe
you can forgive her, maybe you can just tell her to piss off. She doesn't have
any power over you that you don't give her. Whatever you decide, we will be by
your side."
"But what if I mess up?"
"You won't. I know you. You're strong and when you set your mind to something
you're pretty much unstoppable. I believe in you. You've accomplished so much
and you've done it all yourself. I know the things you're capable of and you
still blow me away each time."
"I love you."
You kiss your wife as you reassure her once again that you love her and
everything will be ok. Soon after, you break the embrace and get out of bed.
As you two get dressed you ask her if they're meeting today.
"Yeah, we're getting coffee this afternoon." she still sounds less than enthused
about it.
"I know what will cheer you up. Are you hungry?"
"I could eat."
"What about one of my world famous breakfasts?"
"Mmmh... A big one?"
"For you, my love, I'll make it extra big."

Pub: 16 Jun 2022 14:51 UTC
Views: 2156