Phase Connect References

The image descriptions are clickable in case you have trouble loading the entire page.

  1. Gen 1 - OriginS
    1. Lia
      1. Full Body (Ashelia Rinkou)
      2. Ref Sheet
      3. Ref Sheet (2nd Outfit)
      4. Fan Rep - Liacon
      5. Full Body (Rinmama)
    2. Nasa
      1. Full Body
      2. Icon
      3. Full Body (2nd Outfit - Coat)
      4. Full Body (2nd Outfit - No Coat)
      5. Fan Rep - Gao
    3. Iori
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Full Body (2nd Outfit - Hair Off and Hair On)
      3. Illustration (2nd Outfit)
    4. Uruka
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Full Body (2nd Outfit)
    5. Michiru
      1. Full Body
      2. Icon
      3. Ref Sheet (2nd Outfit)
    6. Tenma
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)
      3. Fan Rep - Kanpainiki
      4. Image Collage
    7. Pippa
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Full Body (2nd Outfit - Pink Shippa)
      3. Full Body (2nd Outfit - Black Shippa)
      4. Full Body (Proto-Pippa)
  2. Invaders 1
    1. Lumi
      1. Ref Sheet (1.0)
      2. Concept (1.0)
      3. Ref Sheet (1.0 - 2nd Outfit)
      4. Concept (1.0 - 2nd Outfit)
      5. Concept (1.0 - Catstronaut)
      6. Ref Sheet (Space Cadet)
      7. Ref Sheet (2.0)
      8. Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit)
      9. Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit - Extras)
      10. Ref Sheet (2.0 - Catstronaut)
      11. Ref Sheet (2.0 - Catstronaut - Extras)
      12. Ref Sheet (Lolumi)
      13. Ref Sheet (Lolumi - Extras)
      14. Full Body - Puffer Jacket + Full Body - Jacketless + Strapless + Sitting + Lace Design Focus (2.0 - Frosted Love)
      15. Illustration (Frosted Love)
      16. Familiar - Marten
      17. Dizzy's Tamagotchi - Lumichi/Lumitchi/Gumichi/Gumitchi
    2. Yuri
      1. Ref Sheet (2.0)
      2. Concept (2.0)
      3. Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit)
      4. Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit - Extras)
      5. Concept (2.0 - 2nd Outfit)
      6. Ref Sheet (3.0)
      7. Full Body (3.0)
      8. Fan Rep - Hostage
  3. Gen 2 - ALiAS
    1. Remi
      1. Full Body
      2. Pose
      3. Familiar - Horo Horo
    2. Airi
      1. Ref Sheet (Coat)
      2. Ref Sheet (No Coat)
    3. Shiina
      1. Full Body
      2. Pose
      3. Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)
      4. Mascot - Dan Butter Cook
    4. Rie
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Ref Sheet (Chibi)
      3. Ref Sheet (2nd Outfit)
      4. Full Body + Bust (forma de LCB Sinner)
      5. Fan Rep - Bito/Himebito
    5. Erina
      1. Full Body
      2. Pose
      3. Concept
      4. Full Body (forma de Worm)
      5. Fan Rep - Makinist
    6. Panko
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Ref Sheet - Extras
      3. Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)
      4. Familiar - Rocket
      5. Fan Rep - Ringodachi
  4. Invaders 2
    1. Dizzy
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Pose
      3. Full Body + Bust (Company Channel Outfit)
      4. Full Body (3rd Outfit - Frosted Love)
      5. Illustration (Frosted Love)
      6. Fan Rep - Lovebug
    2. Jelly
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Full Body (2nd Outfit)
      3. Mascot - Alice
      4. Illustration (Alice)
      5. Full Body (3rd Outfit - Frosted Love)
      6. Illustration (Frosted Love)
      7. Full Body (Proto-Jelly)
      8. Fan Rep - Starknight
    3. Ember
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Ref Sheet (Proto-Ember)
      3. Illustration (2nd Outfit)
      4. Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)
      5. Full Body (3rd Outfit - Frosted Love)
      6. Illustration (Frosted Love)
      7. La Creatura
  5. Gen 3 - Euphoria
    1. Runie
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Fan Rep - Runatic
    2. Eimi
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Fan Rep - Labham
    3. Muyu
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Fan Rep - Mini Moo
    4. Hina
      1. Ref Sheet
    5. Saya
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Fan Rep - Sayamander
  6. JP Gen 1 - KALEiDO
    1. Loki
      1. Ref Sheet (Coat)
      2. Ref Sheet (No Coat)
      3. Full Body (forma de Snake)
    2. Memory
      1. Full Body
      2. Pose
      3. Fan Rep - Memories
    3. Pico
      1. Ref Sheet
    4. Yuu
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Fan Rep - Yuunion (defunct)
      3. Fan Rep - Yuunion Cat
    5. Clara
      1. Ref Sheet
      2. Ref Sheet - Extras
      3. Full Body (UwU Apple Princess / UAP)

Gen 1 - OriginS

Full Body (Ashelia Rinkou)

Ref Sheet

Ref Sheet (2nd Outfit)

Fan Rep - Liacon

Full Body (Rinmama)

Full Body


Full Body (2nd Outfit - Coat)

Full Body (2nd Outfit - No Coat)

Fan Rep - Gao

Ref Sheet

Full Body (2nd Outfit - Hair Off and Hair On)

Illustration (2nd Outfit)

Ref Sheet

Full Body (2nd Outfit)

Full Body


Ref Sheet (2nd Outfit)

Ref Sheet

Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)

Fan Rep - Kanpainiki

Image Collage

Ref Sheet

Full Body (2nd Outfit - Pink Shippa)

Full Body (2nd Outfit - Black Shippa)

Full Body (Proto-Pippa)

Invaders 1

Ref Sheet (1.0)

Concept (1.0)

Ref Sheet (1.0 - 2nd Outfit)

Concept (1.0 - 2nd Outfit)

Concept (1.0 - Catstronaut)

Ref Sheet (Space Cadet)

Ref Sheet (2.0)

Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit)

Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit - Extras)

Ref Sheet (2.0 - Catstronaut)

Ref Sheet (2.0 - Catstronaut - Extras)

Ref Sheet (Lolumi)

Ref Sheet (Lolumi - Extras)

Full Body - Puffer Jacket + Full Body - Jacketless + Strapless + Sitting + Lace Design Focus (2.0 - Frosted Love)

Illustration (Frosted Love)

Familiar - Marten

Dizzy's Tamagotchi - Lumichi/Lumitchi/Gumichi/Gumitchi

Also check out the other Invader Tamagotchis


Also check out the squibby collection

Ref Sheet (2.0)

Concept (2.0)

Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit)

Ref Sheet (2.0 - 2nd Outfit - Extras)

Concept (2.0 - 2nd Outfit)

Ref Sheet (3.0)

Full Body (3.0)

Fan Rep - Hostage

Gen 2 - ALiAS

Full Body


Familiar - Horo Horo

Ref Sheet (Coat)

Ref Sheet (No Coat)

Full Body


Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)

Mascot - Dan Butter Cook

Ref Sheet

Ref Sheet (Chibi)

Ref Sheet (2nd Outfit)

Full Body + Bust (forma de LCB Sinner)

Fan Rep - Bito/Himebito

Full Body



Full Body (forma de Worm)

Fan Rep - Makinist

Ref Sheet

Ref Sheet - Extras

Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)

Familiar - Rocket

Fan Rep - Ringodachi

Invaders 2

Ref Sheet


Full Body + Bust (Company Channel Outfit)

Full Body (3rd Outfit - Frosted Love)

Illustration (Frosted Love)

Fan Rep - Lovebug

Ref Sheet

Full Body (2nd Outfit)

Mascot - Alice

Illustration (Alice)

Full Body (3rd Outfit - Frosted Love)

Illustration (Frosted Love)

Full Body (Proto-Jelly)

Fan Rep - Starknight

Ref Sheet

Ref Sheet (Proto-Ember)

Illustration (2nd Outfit)

Full Body - Standee (2nd Outfit)

Full Body (3rd Outfit - Frosted Love)

Illustration (Frosted Love)

La Creatura

Gen 3 - Euphoria

Ref Sheet

Fan Rep - Runatic

Ref Sheet

Fan Rep - Labham

Ref Sheet

Fan Rep - Mini Moo

Ref Sheet

Ref Sheet

Fan Rep - Sayamander

JP Gen 1 - KALEiDO

Ref Sheet (Coat)

Ref Sheet (No Coat)

Full Body (forma de Snake)

Full Body


Fan Rep - Memories

Ref Sheet

Ref Sheet

Fan Rep - Yuunion (defunct)

Fan Rep - Yuunion Cat

Ref Sheet

Ref Sheet - Extras

Full Body (UwU Apple Princess / UAP)

Pub: 01 Jan 2024 10:49 UTC
Edit: 03 Mar 2025 06:02 UTC
Views: 10956