Unforeseen Consequences, Cont.

This was bad. Real bad. When Mari gathered the strength to stand up, she felt like time slowed to a crawl. She tried her best to not look at Sunny's corpse, to not look at her own doing.

Mari paced around the room and hallway, trying to piece together why Sunny would do it. "Was it because of something He didn't tell anyone about? No. Was he crazy? No, of course not." Mari thought to herself.

There was one other feasible conclusion, one that Mari couldn't get out of her head. She was the one to drive him over the edge. She paces faster and faster, until Mr. And Mrs. Suzuki came home.

"Mari, we're home!" Mr. Suzuki said. Fuck. They were here. Mari's pacing hastened, to which the parents noticed. "Mari, what's wrong?" Mari only mutters the word, 'Sunny..."

Mr & Mrs. Suzuki rush towards Sunny's bedroom. They see the exact same sight as Mari, just the blood pool is a bit bigger. Much like Mari, Mrs. Suzuki falls to her knees, and weeps.

"Baby... Why? Why'd you do it?!" Mr. Suzuki tries comforting his wife, but it's of little use.

Mari & her parents take Sunny so the hospital, but both were too late. He was pronounced dead before both of them came home. No one had the stomach for dinner that night. Mr and Mrs. Suzuki cried themselves to sleep. Mari however, couldn't go to sleep that easily.

Try as she had, she couldn't get it out of her head. "Was I that mean to him? Where they that mean to him?" Mari tried tossing, turning, humming. Nothing made it dissipate.

After some time, she has an epiphany. "He loved you, and you threw it back in his face. Look at what you did to him. Look what they did to him." Mari starts breaking down.

She mumbles to herself, "Sunny, I am so, so sorry. May you forgive me?"

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:04 UTC
Views: 714