gif of an animated row of purple pixel hearts gif of an animated row of purple pixel heartsgif of an animated row of purple pixel heartsgif of an animated row of purple pixel hearts

gif of an animated background consisting primarily of purple hues, there are various plushies, pillows, and other decorations around the room

gif of an animated pixel ghost cat HHIII IMM BOO!!! :3

!! This rentry will contain topics of trauma, child death, death via car, family disputes, etc! Please be cautious if this upsets you !!

gif of 2 animated pixel ghosts General Info At the time of writing this, Boo is an 11 year old ghost/undead puppy! They are nonbinary, panromantic, and aroace! Pup uses they/pup/ghoul pronouns. Boo's birthday is October 31st, which is Halloween, though they seem to have bad memories of that day.

gif of 2 animated purple pixel roses Family & Friends Pup is very close with Cherub, Brynn/Blush, Fortune, Profily, Patchwork, Stranger, Ruse, and Creature, pup considers them all to be apart of their family!
(Cherub = Parent figure, Blush/Brynn, Fortune, Creature, & Profily = Sibling figures, Patchwork, Stranger, & Ruse = Uncle figures)
It's also nice to mention they consider Vlad, Spawnpoint, Goop, Honey, Blank, and a few other anons close friends!
Boo also has 2 biological siblings named Strife and Rogue !

gif of an animated purple pixel cross Backstory Boo died due to getting hit by a truck as a result of running away from their family after a bad argument between them and their parents. Because of their death, their memory is incredibly hazy when it comes to remembering their biological memory or anything of their death, so their knowledge on most things is not so great, even if they excel at academics. They also have not so good memories with cars - specifically trucks, as a result of trauma. Boo also has issues with Halloween and October in general, although they still try their best to enjoy it. They tend to not think too much on October 31st, despite it being their birthday. It's mostly used to remember Profily.

gif of an animated pixel feather Interests Boo has many hobbies, such as drawing, cosplaying, tailoring, playing instruments, gaming, collecting things, and of the sort! They also have interests like Pokémon, Roblox, My Little Pony, Object Shows, and things of that nature (stuff a kid would like!) and typically base outfits off of those things! You can oftentimes see them cosplaying characters they enjoy and matching outfits with Brynn and Fortune, and maybe even other friends and family of theirs.

gif of an animated ghost dancing with stars to the side of it Personality Boo is incredibly rowdy, and enjoys to hang out with other anons they care about. They love to give gifts and show immense levels of love and affection, but they're also, unfortunately, incredibly quick to trust and care for someone, leading to bad relationships or friendships happening to them. Pup is also very weak, sensitive, and other synonyms to those words. Due to trauma, they are also prone to anxiety, paranoia, and weakness to things such as loud sounds, and being yelled at. Pup latches on to others and becomes co-dependant if you frequently interact as a source of comfort through hard times, although they try to stay strong which may lead to bottling up emotions and developing distrust out of anxiety. If an anon they enjoyed to be around were to leave or die, they would be upset for an indefinite amount of time.

gif of an animated white pixel chess piece Extra Info Boo's key weapon is a large scythe with a handle made out of bones, the blade part having a bird skull imbedded with an amethyst in it laid on the top part. Their special item is the dog collar that they wear always, given by one of their parental figures. Boo is 3'5, though that doesn't need to be replicated in art, have artistic freedom! :]

REF AS OF OCTOBER 2ND, 2023 ! a reference sheet of pre-death and post-death boo, also containing extra information about them
Post-death Boo (current Boo) has short skull-adjacent things poking at the sides of their stomach. They are now more limp, tired looking, like that of a zombie. They're always drooling and have a blank look most of the time, though they're still as entergetic as ever. They also have skeleton wings, their right wing being smaller than the other. They have a heart-shaped scar on their nose bridge, and another scar on their ear. 2 piercings also line each ear, the shapes being a triangle, star, heart, and puzzle to represent some of their family. Pup has a red panda tail with a small piece missing at the top of as well, due to Strife being a red panda. Scars line their lower torso and arms, signifying when they were hit by the truck. They optionally wear bracelets that say the names of their family/friends, 2 rings (ruby and emerald respectively) that represent Vlad and Creature, and a small golden thing around their anklet, similar to what Fortune has going on.

do NOT forget their scars or wings. It is a very important part of them and who they are.

These don't need to be included either, but bandages can be added to their arms, and leg warmers can be added to their legs.

Pre-death Boo more accurately resembles Rogue and Strife color wise, being a vague brownish-pink. As apart of a royal family, they have a tilted crown on their head, and a cape they wear on their back. Their collar symbol is also changed, and they have a satchel aswell. They are overall much more entergetic and less limp, the shine in their eyes being very glowing and radiating the energy they feel. They also wear a glove that only encases their pointer finger.

They don't typically wear other outfits aside from the dresses they make.

gif of a blinkie that says 'let's get creative!' gif of a blinkie that says 'i <3 baking' gif of a blinkie with flowers that says 'enjoy life to its fullest' gif of a blinkie that says 'i <3 object shows!' gif of a blinkie that says 'stargazer' gif of a nyan cat stamp stamp of rainbow text that says 'being nice is fun because' stamp that says 'proud user of the XD face' gif of a stamp of teto that says '...the drills dont spin!' gif of a stamp of a kaomoji face waving its arms up and down

gif of an animated row of purple pixel hearts gif of an animated row of purple pixel heartsgif of an animated row of purple pixel heartsgif of an animated row of purple pixel hearts

Pub: 16 Sep 2022 19:11 UTC
Edit: 15 Jul 2024 04:31 UTC
Views: 877