before you interact : BYI &

┊ i am an irl / da with psychosis. i have psychotic episodes and self isolate during them. i will not respond to dms or interactions during those times

┊ i am a fujoshi + proship, comship and darkship. if you do not like people that fall under that category, kindly dni and save your death threats because i will not care. ♱

┊ i do not care about doubles or any discourse surrounding kins and irls, it is not my problem and i could care less about it.

┊ DO NOT INTERACT WITH DURING PSYCHOTIC EPISODE, BLOCK ME AND CUT CONTACT UNTIL I'M SAFER TO INTERACT WITH. i have problems and i am actively trying to prevent harming others with it by accident. ♱

┊ i use slurs and a slew of unsavory jokes (i do not mean them but i will joke about them), if you don't like that and things like "kys" or "i'm gonna touch you", please avoid me or block me because i'll probably say it one way or another.

┊ i do not have a set dni as people will interact with me either way. i will block pro contact paraphiles, maps, antis and bigots.

┊ i am a survivor of csa and i cope via proship/darkship. you have no say as to whether or not my coping mechanisms are healthy unless you are a psychological professional, and even so i most likely won't follow you. puritans can suck my long fat dick, you're all pro-victim until the victim reacts to the trauma in a way that you dont like.

┊ i am not responsible if you find my content to be triggering. block me and filter out tags, your online experience is not mine to curate. i am a whore, not a babysitter.

Pub: 04 Aug 2024 05:06 UTC
Edit: 05 Aug 2024 08:16 UTC
Views: 138