ðŸŠķ ➜ FAQ

Search through the information for small nuggets of knowledge that you can absorb like a sip of rum.



📝 ➜ Table of Contents



📑 ➜ General Questions

❔ How did digital piracy actually begin?

  • As soon as the technology Cut, copy, and paste was introduced. This made it possible to easily transmit or copy digital data.
  • In 1974, Xerox PARC first introduced the commands to the computing world. These commands gained popularity when Apple Computer incorporated them into their 1983 Lisa workstation and the iconic 1984 Macintosh computer.
  • Today, the majority of sailors prefer using Windows over Apple due to the plethora of benefits and advantages it offers.

❔ Can digital piracy be eliminated entirely?

  • The daunting task of suppressing digital piracy is insurmountable. The rapid advancements in technology, coupled with the prevalent data-sharing culture of the modern era, create an environment where piracy thrives relentlessly. It's akin to a hydra with its multiple heads – as one gets taken down, another sprouts up with even greater determination.
  • Legal corporations, despite sporadic victories, find themselves trapped in a perpetual cycle of losses. Although they may occasionally appear to make progress on paper, the truth is far from it.

❔ Will I get in trouble if I visit a pirate website or download a certain file?

  • Most issues come when copyright holders lodge a complaint to your ISP (largely due to torrenting). Use a VPN to avoid receiving DMCA letters.
  • Simply visiting the web or downloading a file normally will not pose an issue with your ISP. That being stated, use caution when using the internet. Your best line of defence will always be common sense.

❔ Which OS (Operating System) is the safest when it comes to piracy?

  • One of the Linux distributions qualifies as safe if you mean least likelihood of contracting a virus. However, as Windows is by far the most widely used OS worldwide, the majority of digital items that are pirated would be directed at Windows users, offering the platform the widest selection at the compromise of some privacy and security.

❔ Which search engine excels at uncovering pirated content?

  • The algorithms, ranking criteria, and indexed page databases of each search engine play a crucial role in determining the relevance and accuracy of their search results. However, Yandex, the prominent search engine in Russia, stands out for its unique position. Unlike many others, it operates within a jurisdiction that does not adhere to international copyright laws or DMCA regulations. As a result, it has gained popularity among piracy enthusiasts due to its limited content filtering capabilities.
  • Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! have faced criticism for their unquestioning adherence to DMCA requests. This approach has been deemed exploitable and prone to abuse, ultimately diminishing the effectiveness of these search engines and exposing users to potential risks, such as the display of cloned search results.

❔ Are there signs to gauge the safety of a website?

  • It is important to be mindful of website names and their authenticity. Take, for example, the case of Zippyshare's closure. If a new website emerges with names like "RealZippyshare", "TheZippyshare", "ZippyshareOfficial", or any other dubious variations, it is absolutely critical not to place your trust in it. Such naming patterns frequently act as definitive indicators of red flags and denote an alarming level of malicious intent.
  • If a website lacks HTTPS encryption, it poses a significant concern as it allows for your online transmitted data to be accessed with complete transparency by your ISP and potential interceptors. In simpler terms, HTTPS is the way to go, while HTTP should be avoided.
  • When faced with the need to jump through numerous hoops just to reach your desired page or find a download link, it becomes a matter of concern and warrants some scrutiny. A reputable website, worthy of recognition, would not intentionally make navigation unnecessarily difficult for its users.

❔ Is it necessary to utilize antivirus software?

  • Yes and no. Antiviruses are developed with good intentions to assist users in preventing, isolating, or removing malware. Therefore, it is not inherently negative.
  • In order for antivirus programs to effectively carry out their tasks, they need to scan the personal offline files on a user's device and transmit the data back to the company. This process, however, raises concerns about the privacy and legitimacy of such actions.
  • That being stated, the antivirus solution included with the operating system is more than capable, making the installation of an additional third-party antivirus software redundant.
  • Consider antivirus software as the guardians of pirate ships. In the early days of your pirate adventures, you would rely on their protection as you sail the digital waters. However, as you gain more plundering prowess, you become skilled enough to navigate the seas without their constant vigilance.

❔ How can I tell if what I download is safe?

  • By uploading files under 650 MB to VirusTotal for scanning, you can thoroughly analyze them for possible threats. Refer to this guide afterwards to discern between legitimate detections and false positives effectively.

❔ How can I go to websites that my ISP has blocked?

  • Change your DNS settings. If you don't do this, you'll wind up using your ISP's default DNS, which is likely extremely slow and allows them to restrict websites for you. Here are some great DNS choices.
  • You can also consider if you actually need to visit the blocked website. Depending on the situation, it can also be a good time to explore a different option.
  • Note that changing your DNS settings does not hide your IP address. To accomplish this, a VPN is required.



📑 ➜ Downloads, Torrents, Trackers, and VPNs

❔ What is the difference between Direct Downloads and Torrents?

  • Direct downloads: Files are kept on the server from which you are retrieving the material. A secure browser like Firefox + uBlock Origin is all you need to get the process started.
  • Torrents: Also known as are peer-to-peer file sharing systems that need seeders (users who have previously downloaded the file). To begin torrenting files, a separate application is required.
  • Torrenting without proper protection may get you in trouble because your IP address is visible due to the nature of the protocol. Direct downloads generally don't require additional protection.

❔ What is the difference between a Public and Private Tracker?

  • Public trackers: do not require any registration or login and are accessible to anybody. Because public trackers are open, anybody with the address may utilise them.
  • Private trackers: are frequently used to refer to torrent websites where registration is required in order to download their torrents. In contrast to public trackers, these are not a free-for-all feast. You must contribute (by uploading) an amount equal to the sum you have taken from the tracker. A ratio method is used by private trackers to keep track of this contribution balance.

❔ What is a VPN and what does it do?

  • VPN is an abbreviation for virtual private network, which is a service that secures your internet connection and online privacy. It encrypts your data by concealing your IP address, allowing you to circumvent worldwide limitations on website access while still safeguarding your true identity.
  • When you connect to a VPN, your internet traffic is routed through a VPN server before being sent to your destination.

❔ Which free VPN service is good for torrenting?

  • None. Free VPNs are more likely to collect data from you for marketing purposes, be too sluggish to use, or not enable torrent activity at all. It is advised to subscribe to a VPN service such as Mullvad or ProtonVPN.



📑 ➜ Morals

  • ✔ïļ Pirated Advantages: Payment details and identity are not compromised. Can help save a lot of money for other purchases. You own it completely offline and may access it whenever you want. Unrestricted access to the highest quality. Develops a person's intelligence navigating the sea (internet).
  • ❌ Pirated Disadvantages: There is a little chance of malware if you don't know what you're doing or where to search.
  • ✔ïļ Legal Advantages: Although not directly benefiting oneself, it supports the creator.
  • ❌ Legal Disadvantages: Payment details and personal identification are at risk. Automated updates (games and software) when you aren't ready for them. Videos (anime, movies, and shows) of worse quality unless you pay a premium. DRM restrictions prevent offline consumption of material. Companies monitor your every step in order to display advertisements or regulate your activities.

❔ Any further reasons for pirating content?

  • Accessibility and Affordability: Particularly relevant in regions where legal distribution channels are limited or where certain content is not licensed for distribution. Piracy allows individuals to bypass these limitations and access the content they desire.
  • Cultural Preservation: The distribution of specialized or non-mainstream content that may not be widely distributed through conventional means encompasses pieces by up-and-coming artists, documentaries, or cultural creations that delve into distinctive viewpoints and histories. Piracy can aid in guaranteeing that such content reaches a more extensive audience, thereby enhancing awareness and fostering a greater appreciation for diverse cultural manifestations.
  • Forcing change on Corporations: Piracy can act as a catalyst for innovation and competition within industries. When corporations face competition from unauthorized sources, they may be motivated to adapt their business models, offer more affordable options, or improve the quality of their products and services. In this way, piracy can drive positive change by forcing companies to become more responsive to consumer demands and preferences.
  • Sharing and Collaboration: The internet has revolutionized the way we access and disseminate information, allowing individuals from all walks of life to share and collaborate on a global scale. This democratization empowers people to learn, create, and innovate, leading to the advancement of society as a whole.

❔ Is downloading pirated content truly wrong?

  • Depending on the legal structure in your nation, but generally speaking, under human law, some would say that it is.
  • That, however, is distinct from a person's moral principles. There are many instances where businesses use unethical techniques that deprive customers of what they want or provide them poor options, making piracy morally justifiable.
  • When it comes to navigating the boundless ocean, there is ultimately no need for any justification. We, the seafaring adventurers, embark on this odyssey simply because we want to and because we have the ability to do so. Our motivations revolve around two fundamental factors: the quest to save money and the thirst for an extraordinary experience.



📑 ➜ Rite of Passage

❔ Anything else that I should know to become the finest sailor possible?

  • It is imperative that you become familiar with the face of this movie.
  • Remove your music playlist and play this song on repeat.
  • Watch this video. Now be on your way you bilge-sucking, lily-livered, scabby sea bass.



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Pub: 12 Jun 2023 04:01 UTC
Edit: 19 Jun 2024 00:52 UTC
Views: 30472