
Anon wizardry finally pays off!

A short green to vent some desires

"It'll only hurt for a second. I promise~"
You scrabbled away from the crude pentagram you had drawn on the floor. In the process you kicked your laptop away, the screen still showing the familiar image-board you took these instructions from.
It worked.
It really worked!
Before you stood a demon in all of her terrible glory, slender body straddling the remains of your summoning altar while her amber eyes pierced through the veil of perpetual shadow that cloaked her.
Eventually you ran out of floor, and your back met the wall behind you.
She cleared the distance in two strides of her hooved legs, and bent down to take your throat in her grip.
She lifted you like you were made of paper, and threw you to the bed like a pillow.
While you recovered from the room spinning, you found yourself pressed further into the bed and harder into the headboard by her weight settling atop you.
Before you could even plan an escape, she was already there.
"What was your name again? Anon, right?"
She waited for your answer, which you gave with a dumb nod. Her clawed fingers caressed your chin and brought your gaze up to meet hers.
"Tell me anon: are do you like pain?"
You try to shake your head, but find it held fast in her grip.
You tried again, much to her amusement, but your face was fixed to the spot.
With dread creeping up your back, you tried to nod. The movement came freely and fluidly.
Oh no...
"Oh GOOD! I was hoping you were just my type. A foolish man who summons someone they can't quite handle, but..."
A single finger of her free hand traced down your chest, and the shirt that covered it came free from where her claws cut it.
Following such, a stinging line of red bloomed along your chest from where she scratched you.
"You're a big guy, right? I'm sure you can...learn to like it."
You really wanted to deny her, but your mouth stayed shut. Whether through fear or something else, you lacked the will to defy her.
She took your silence as a prompt to continue.
"Oh don't worry, dear Anon. I won't do anything too severe this time. Training works by increments, and while I'd like to simply throw you into the deep end..."
She eyed the pentacle behind her, and you understood her intentions more clearly than you wished to.
"I'll simply settle for giving you a taste of what our Pact entails. So..."
Three more lines appeared on your chest, each one bringing a new sensation of pain with them.
Akin to a cut with salt rubbed into it, they stung and made themselves known.
However, true to her word, it wasn't the worst feeling. It hurt, but if this was the worst, you'd survive.
As if sensing your thoughts, she leered at you. "See, Anon? I'd never lie to you. Just a little for now. And with this pain..."
She leaned down, bringing more tongue than you expected that caprine muzzle to contain flowed out.
Nearly a foot, if not more, oozed out before setting near the cuts' ending points.
Then slowly, so very slowly and with such a deliberate attention that it threatened to become vulgar, she ran that devilish length up each one.
Blood you didn't know you bled was cleaned up, as your captor made your chest as clean as she could.
Each run up the cuts brought a new stinging sensation, but this time something new was added.
"...pleasure is given."
She ran a claw down your arms, drawing fresh lines of red that you recoiled from. These were deeper, and your lifesblood flowed freely from the throbbing marks.
"More pain..."
That tongue ran across each gash, practically tasting you as the tapered tip dove into the space created.
Again, you winced from it. Wanted to pull away from the sensation she forced on you.
And, again, it was soon replaced by a feeling of warmth and relief. As if a balm was poured onto the worst of the fire blooming in your flesh.
"...brings more pleasure."
"Do you understand, Anon?"
Her hand left your jaw, giving your much-needed freedom.
Giving you the choice to answer as you really wanted.
You though about it: you were in pain, but she seemed to wick away the worst of it soon after she inflicted it.
And, much to your surprise, the feeling wasn't all that bad.
You'd even...possibly consider it pleasant.
You watched her carefully, looking to your demon as she watched you in kind.
Her cruel smile was still there, but you could tell she was waiting.
You felt like this was an absolutely bad idea.
Slowly, against your better judgement, you nodded.
If her eyes were shining before, they were practically flames as the stared into yours.
"Oh, Anon. Such a brave man!"
She was practically giddy, taking your head in both hands.
"Then, Anon my dear summoner, let us make this official!"
Goat-like lips sealed around yours as that mercurial tongue explored your mouth.
Then, pain bloomed as something pierced your tongue.
You yelped, feeling a hint of true agony for the first time as your mouth filled with blood.
Her claws dug into you as they held you still.
You tried to pull away, but to no avail.
But, as that devilish appendage roamed around your innards, the pain ebbed away.
A pleasure bordering on the carnal replaced it, and you found yourself moaning into her embrace.
Your head felt...fuzzy, as new feelings were placed inside.
New thoughts flooded your head.
And something hard was attached to your tongue.
"Now, my partner. Let this onyx ring seal our pact. And when you awake, you'll know how to summon me again~"
She pulled away, a line of drool connecting you two.
And then darkness took you.
You awoke in your bed, drenched in a cold sweat.
The pentacle, the demon, and the scars were gone.
but something remained.
Your tongue was pierced with a simple silver ring, and a single thought filled your head.
"See you tonight, Summoner~"

Pub: 27 Jun 2022 02:39 UTC
Views: 562