Question ideas for /pmdg/

Are there laws that regulate psychic Pokemon's powers and outlaw things like mind reading or mind control?
Do artificial explosives like gunpowder exist in the PMD world, or does everyone just use Blast Seeds for all their explosive needs?
Is there a stigma against carnivorous Pokemon? If so, does the stigma persist even if they only eat nonlethal meat sources (like Slowpoke tails, which grow back)?
If you had no sense of humor, would a Reviser Seed do nothing to you (since it normally makes you faint from laughter)?
How exactly do Gummis make you smarter? Do they physically rewire your neurons somehow? Do they put some sort of weird magic energy inside you that increases your intelligence?
Why do Pokemon choose to sleep on piles of hay? Are their bodies hardy enough that they don't mind the discomfort? Is it a traditional/cultural sort of thing?
How would you react if you encountered a feral member of your own species in a dungeon?
Does actual medicine exist, or does everyone just rely on things like Oran Berries and Pecha Berries?
Is it common to travel across the world to different continents, or do most Pokemon stay on their home continent for their whole lives?
Do prosthetics exist in the PMD world? And if so, are they just simple peg legs and hook hands or would they have some more advanced stuff, like a hand with working fingers?
Have any manmade objects come into the PMD world via portals or other means?
Do you think Pokemon in the PMD world use weapons like swords or bows, or just rely on their moves and items?
What meat-related foods would you miss the most if you became an herbivorous Pokemon?
What plant-related foods would you miss the most if you became a carnivorous Pokemon?
Pokemon come in many sizes. What scale do they use for buildings and other structures? Do they scale the buildings to smaller Pokemon (which are more common), with the downside being that big Pokemon can't fit? Or do they make oversized buildings to try and accommodate all Pokemon?
Do Fire-types enjoy spicy food? Do they have a higher tolerance for it?
Do you think most towns have their own school, like Serene Village does? Are there any full-on universities for advanced studies, or just simple schoolhouses that teach the basics?
How would native Pokemon react if you told them their whole world was just a video game? And would you choose to tell them that in the first place, or keep it a secret?
Do actual framed beds exist in this world, or does everyone sleep on piles of hay?
Do Ice-type Pokemon feel cold to the touch? And do they get chilly in cold weather or are they immune to low temperatures?

Question archive (questions used in previous threads)

Newer questions are at the top of the list

What's your duo for each games you've played?
Did you answer honestly the first time?
Who would you like added to the starter roster?
Picture your favorite character in PMD. Got it? Now picture them as your least favorite Pokemon. Does it change your opinion of them?

Instead of the usual amnesia human-turned-to-pokemon, what would you do to change up the formula?
Because of what happened at the story, the name you've given to your partner, does it became more dear to you or nothing changed at all?
Imagine you're a mythical Pokemon and have free reign to use your powers to your heart's content. No consequences (maybe). What will you do with your powers?
If you were given one wish, what would you wish for?

Are all Pokemon able to survive with only fruits, vegetables and gummies? Or are some Pokemon truly carnivorous and require protein?
Has the move accuracy ever screwed you over so hard that it results to your death?
In the games, Fire-types can walk on lava and take no damage. Do you think this means Fire-types are totally immune to heat, or is the ability to walk on lava just a game mechanic and not a real "in-universe" thing?
A random pokemon is found to be in distress during your outing—would you help them despite having plans beforehand?

Ghosts can phase through solid matter, but when they do so, can they bring items or other Pokemon along with them?
What's your favorite accessory design among the list and why? (
Are legendaries worshipped like gods?
Your partner has been revealed to be a wanted outlaw, would you still stand by their side? Why?

If you became a Pokemon and could use moves, would you go full anime and do poses and call out your attack names, or be more subtle and "normal" about it?
If your partner ends up being your least favorite Pokemon, how would you deal in that situation?
Do Ice-types enjoy cold food? Do they ever get brain freeze?
Do you savescum if you lose?

Are Pokemon pigeonholed or typecast into careers based on their species? For example, are all Hitmonchan expected to become martial artists?
At some mystery dungeons, there is money and treasure. Once they are claimed, do treasures "respawn" or "restock"? If not, where did it all come from in the first place, or were the items just warped from somewhere else?
Are Bug-type Pokemon super-strong, like how ants can lift many times their own weight? Or do they lack that sort of super strength, since they're not as small as IRL bugs?
What hobbies do Pokemon have that aren't dungeon exploring?

Ever considered recruiting 'em all?
Just how many Reviver Seeds do you burn through?
Favorite thing about your least favorite PMD?
Least favorite thing about your favorite PMD?

Ever attempt a level 1 dungeon?
Worst way you've ever died in a dungeon?
Favorite VANILLA starter duo?
Favorite CUSTOM starter duo?

Thoughts on Super Mystery Dungeon's Emeras? Good idea that adds an extra element of strategy, or bad idea that relies too much on luck?
Just how much do you spam Reviver Seeds?
What dungeons in the series have given you the most trouble? It could be simply difficult, or it could be a painful experience with recruitment.
Be honest, what did you think of the clover guild stuff when you first saw it? I'm not here to judge.

Favorite "niche" item? I'm talking stuff that isn't the common old Pure Seeds or Petrify Orbs
Favorite and LEAST favorite songs from the series?
Is there a dungeon you especially like for one reason or another?
Besides the normal starter set, are there any Pokemon you actively seek out to make part of your team?

Do Pokemon have instincts? Like when a cat Pokemon can't resist the urge to chase after a laser or a dog Pokemon can't help but wag their tail unconsciously—if so, would a former human would fall to these instincts?
Are legendaries one-of-a-kind, or are there multiple around the world?
You have a job! Though, it's quite different from the usual exploration—it's regarding milking a Miltank. Despite humans do that with cows and the Miltank in question is fine with it, would you do it or is it such a foreign thought to do?
Although you knew that you have "magical powers" and all, when facing a legendary Pokemon in a dungeon, are you brave enough to fight it or would you run away?
Do you find the quirky Pokemon annoying or endearing? For example, Sunflora's "Oh my gosh", Quagsire's "hmm", and etc.

Do machine-like Pokemon like Magnazone... Are they actually machines that need maintenance, or was it just a living creature mimicking a machine?
What would your reaction be if the boss suddenly used items (Reviver Seeds, Wands, etc.). Do you think that's unfair? Why?
For "interior" mystery dungeons, like caves, are they pitch-black or are they naturally lit up somehow? If they're lit up on their own, where does the light come from?
What do you think, in your own words, is the overall message of the pmd series?

After what the Pokemon Square people have done to you... do you feel obligated to save them?
With technology remnants like the powerplant in Rescue Team (which can't possibly be the only one), would you be crazy enough to attempt to restore it (and maybe find clues in the past) or just leave it as it is?
Can feral dungeon-dwelling Pokemon be tamed? Not in the sense of "recruiting" them like you do in some games—rather, can they be tamed/domesticated like... pets?
At the final parts of the game, do you take your time to prepare despite the urgency the game puts on you, or just continue the story more or less prepared? What I meant is that you accept job requests and head out to a dungeon that isn't the final dungeon.

Have you used the touchpad feature in pmd, like you touch on a specific tile to move the character instead of using the D-pad?
What's the worst aspect of pmd for you, in terms of gameplay only.
Do you think the pokemon world has the same 365 days, 24 hours a day like the real world or is it something completely different?
Do Ice-type Pokemon feel cold to the touch? And do they get chilly in cold weather or are they immune to low temperatures?

What creative things could you do with items that isn't their intended use (game mechanics wise)? Like that one time Groovyle used Luminous orb to blind the enemy.
Which dungeon trap do you hate the most and why?
Kecleon will buy certain items from you at high price (i.e Golden Ribbon = 2000 Poke), what do you think he uses those for?
Your partner got captured by the enemy and the only way to save them is to obey what the enemy says. Would you do it?

According to legend, that artifact you've found is cursed. Would you still dare to touch it?
Have you hummed to a pmd soundtrack? If so, have you been caught doing it?
First game is about Rescue, Second game is about Explorers and so on. What would the theme be for pmd5?
Have the characters in these games made you like that pokemon?

What crimes do you think the outlaw has committed to be wanted? (in a plausible sense in terms of the games)
Have you expected the twist that Grovyle is the good guy or did you get caught off guard?
During the boss fight, what do you usually do? Like, do you shove seeds down their throats, use your moves, or what?
You were given the choice to stay or leave the Pokemon world. One cannot be picked over the other. What's your choice?

Are you the type of guy that does the easy jobs from the bulletin board and calls it a day, or would you prefer taking on the more challenging jobs?
Best town NPC?
Those that played Explorers of Sky, have you been to the Secret Bazaar/Secret Room? If you remembered, how did you come across it?
What was your first Pokemon game, like is your first a mystery dungeon game before mainline games?
And somewhat unrelated (if answered mainline), do you still remember your pokemon team fondly? Would you want them to be in the pmd world?

The underwater dungeons. Are they actually in the water, like you have to dive in and swim around or are they in some sort air pocket around the ocean?
If you had to change up the PMD formula, weather it be game design or story design, in any way, how would you do it?
Think of a pmd character right now, like any. What do you see? And could you explain why they showed up?
What's your favorite version of the normal boss theme and why?

Do rangers patrol the roads between towns to protect travelers from danger or is it free for all?
Be honest, have you tried to use orbs the first time you fight a boss in a pmd game? (RT + EoS)
You were only given a choice of three of your least liked Pokemon, list them down and which one you choose to transform into and why?
You met a food-mon (Slurpuff, Alcremie, etc.)... what will you... do to them or just nothing at all?

What's your favorite PMD game's lowest point in the story and why? that isn't darkrai
Your friend needs your help! They fainted at a very difficult dungeon (Zero Isle South F78), would you lend them a hand or abandon them?
How would you feel if your partner evolved first? Or how would your partner feel if you evolved first? Disappointed? Proud? Something else?
If you had to design a side character to fit into one of the games (of your choice), who would they be?

If you can bring one item from the human world with you, what would it be?
There are multiple ways to reach a destination. Assuming you can only walk on land, would you prefer to fly there with a birdmon (like a Corviknight), swim there with a fishmon (like a Lapras), or travel on land by a speedymon (like a Mudsdale)... or are you quirky and just use Entercards to teleport there?
If there's a guide that is readily available, would you give it a read and know what to do beforehand (like what to expect on a dungeon before going there) or would you prefer to experience the game through trial and error?
If a human with some physical problem (like blindness, missing limbs, etc.) transforms into a Pokemon, do they keep the problems in their new body? If so, how would they tackle it?

Let's say you have a seasonal allergies as a human, and you become a grass type pokemon, and you have the allergies carried over... how would you cope?
What is your favorite sound effect from the games?
What would be the most/least useful skillset for a transformed human to bring into the PMD world?
You have cravings on a certain food like donuts or chocolate and you so happen to stumble upon some at one of your Mystery Dungeon trips. Knowing full well that some foods are poisonous to animals (if you are any recognizable animal anyway), would you still risk on taking the bite?

Hypothetically, what set of instruments would you like to be used on pmd5 soundtrack overall?
The map from Super Mystery Dungeon, is the world bigger or smaller than our Earth?
If you became a Psychic-type, how hard would it be to train/learn psychic abilities?
Which ending in the games would you considered the most impactful?

What's your favorite music from a town/dungeon/boss/etc.?
What would be the best/worst Pokemon to have as a partner?
Grass type Pokemon, do they breathe with Oxygen or Carbon dioxide?
The villains in the games like Dusknoir, Munna, and all... would you forgive them after the main story?

What was your favorite moment from your LEAST favorite PMD game (minus Adventure Squad)?
Spike Chunsoft has approached you and is asking for ideas on a replacement for IQ skills and Rare Qualities in PMD. What would your new skill system be and how would you keep it balanced?
Based on a particular image shared in the last thread, don't go back to look at it What are some interesting Pokemon biology facts you know or were shocked to learn?
You're in a mystery dungeon but you just notice a stranger tailing you, what do you do?

Where in the PMD world would you most like to go for vacation? And which place would you avoid?
How do you think Pokemon age? Do different pokemon mature at different rates? Do lifespans between different species vary greatly?
On your partner's birthday, how would you celebrate? What gift(s) would you give them?
In the PMD world, are there type (racial) slurs? Create your own type slurs.

What town in the PMD world would you like to live in the most/least?
A legendary suddenly appears right before you! What do you feel in this position? Are you terrified, eager to challenge it, or what?
Does type-related prejudice exist (for example, fire-types hate water-types, etc), or does everyone get along?
Realistically, by the amount of trust your partner has towards you, would you give the same amount of trust back to them or do you still have a sliver of doubt?

If you became a Pokemon in the PMD world, would you prefer to wear clothes like a human, or go au naturel like the Pokemon? Are Delphoxes, Sawk for example are actually clothes or just considered fur by the way!?
Do wild mindless Pokemon also roam the wilderness, or do they only live in dungeons?
Which part of the story in the games pissed you off the most (Other than insert true explorers villain here because that one is obvious)
Which items you just ignore/not use and why?

What do the seeds (Blast Seed, Reviver Seed, etc.) taste like? Do they each have unique flavors?
The PMD world has money (Poke), but do you think they also trade and barter a lot?
There's Slowking, Empoleon, Serperior, etc. Do you think there's a monarchy in the PMD world?
At some dungeons in the game, there are booby traps. What's your worst experience with those traps, and did it killed your run?

What is your first pmd game and is it your favorite due to bias or you genuinely think it's 'justified', and rate them with the other pmd games you've played?
What's your inventory like when exploring a difficult/late game mystery dungeon?
In Explorers games, there are Specialized items for every pokemon for example Scar-Cape for Skarmory. Have you used and ever thought of completing this 'dex'?
In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?

You stepped on a trap, all your food turned into grimy food! Would you dare to eat it or throw it all away?
During the main story, do you use Pokemon that you've recrited during your side quests and whatnot or it's just you and your partner all the way?
Are you the type of person that rushes through the story related dungeons or do you take your time and do the side quests?
The ultimate choice: At the end, you had to choose to stay or leave No, the thing for Gates is not included here; you had to choose one and not the other!

Did any character made you like that Pokemon more or less? If so, who are they?
When you first encountered the Kecleon shop in a Mystery Dungeon, have you considered stealing it? (Just thinking about it still counts!)
If you were to rewrite a certain story part, what will it be and how will you rewrite it? (Spoiler it, please)
Realistically, are you brave enough to enter a mystery dungeon?

Which Pokemon that you will do anything to not transform into?
Do you use throw items (Pebbles, Spikes, etc.) or do you just rely on your basic and moves?
During your playthough, have you abused multi-hit moves or did you discovered their potential after the fact?
Since instinct is mentioned breifly in Rescue Team... when you meet a Pokemon that has a type advantage over you, talks to you, would you try to be friends with them or would you avoid them?

At late game dungeons (Rescue/Explorers), do you always use basic attack to check for traps or do you just recklessly wander the dungeon and hope for the best?
Linked moves are a thing... did you use it?
What are gummies? It is said to be found in dungeons but is never mentioned being outside of dungeons or naturally found outside. Are they are a byproduct of mystery dungeons?
Since Tinkaton is a thing, should she be a blacksmith and create items which can be used for your basic attacks?

If you die on a dungeon... do you reset and reload or do you accept the loss and continue? (or do you have someone to rescue you, which is unlikely)
Out of all the starters on all the games, which among them is likely a /vp/ anon (that isn't munchlax)
Let's say you became a birdmon but you're afraid of heights. What will you do on this predicament?
Would you prefer the return of basic attack or just keep Moves as the only attacking option outside of items?

If you were given a choice to be a Legendary/Mythical or just be an ordinary pokemon when arriving to the pokemon world, what would it be and why?
Are pokemons in mystery dungeon real pokemon... or were they created along with the mystery dungeon?
Since there is officer Magnazone in the game, what other profession exists there?
What's the most absurd way you've lost a run on a dungeon?

Think of yourself in the partner's perspective, clueless on the human stuff and then a random pokemon suddenly calls themselves a human and has amnesia. Would you believe them?
You found Jirachi! What's your wish?
What's your favorite soundtrack?
What does Wigglytuff do with all that 90% tax money?

What's the worst part of a pmd game? Let it be story related (put spoilers if it is) or game mechanics.
Did you use any wonder mail during your first playthrough? Like give yourselves Reviver Seeds or something
Have you recruited a Kecleon or do you think that's too much effort?
It's your partner's birthday! What will your present be for him/her? (Oh boy I know where this is going...)

If you were to choose only these two, would you be a birdmon or a fishmon?
Using the map in Super, which continent do you think is the most difficult to setup a team?
Which twist had caught you off guard the most (keep it in spoilers, please.)
At the end of Igglybuff the Prodigy, what Wigglytuff said... do you think it's true?

Did you reset your quiz starter the first time playing?
How many Reviver Seeds do you carry around?
Thoughts on PMD escort missions?
Favorite boss?
Do you own any Pokemon merch besides the games?

Favorite game?
Favorite character in each game?
Favorite Pokemon?
What's your go-to hold item?

Pub: 29 Apr 2023 00:33 UTC
Edit: 05 Aug 2023 14:29 UTC
Views: 963