look i even reformatted this shit and put it in rentry just for you

Aubrey knocked on the door. "It's open!" came a call from inside the house. She let herself in
Mari had invited her to spend some "quality girl time" together, as she had put it. Sunny was out with Basil, Kel, and Hero, so Mari decided to have a little get-together with Aubrey
When Aubrey came in, she saw Mari bent over the coffee table in front of the sofa, apparently setting something up
"Hey, Mari!" Aubrey greeted, raising a hand to wave at her. Mari turned around and smiled
She was wearing gym shorts and a tank top. Aubrey also noticed that her top exposed a bit of cleavage. A... lot of cleavage, actually. Like, wow, that was--
"Aubrey? Are you okay?"
Aubrey quickly brought her line of sight back up to Mari's face. She put on a forced smile. "Yeah- yeah, I'm cool! Let's, uh, let's get started, yeah?"
Mari smiled back. "Sure! Come on, I've already got the paints out for us."
Aubrey nearly breathed a sigh of relief. God, she was just full-on staring at Mari's tits for like ten fucking seconds, what was wrong with her? She was her friend, and practically her big sister at that! She needed to get her head out of the gutter.
She made her way over to the sofa and took a seat with Mari. True to her word, there were a variety of colors of nail polish out on the table.
Mari gave her a sly glance. "Let me guess, you probably want... pink, don't you?
"Totally," Aubrey answered. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was her favorite color; why else would she dye her hair pink?
Mari smiled and picked out a shade of bright pink that matched Aubrey's hair. With that, she began applying it to Aubrey's nails, starting with her left hand.
There was a trashy reality show playing on the tv that neither of them were really paying attention to. They mostly just made small talk, idly chatting about stuff like school, what they'd been up to in their free time, etc. Aubrey was a bit distracted, though
She mentally berated herself for it, but she couldn't take her mind off of Mari's... assets. She had no idea if Mari just somehow hadn't noticed her staring at her chest earlier, or if she just didn't care. There was no way she hadn't noticed, so maybe she didn't mind? Or maybe she was just being polite. Yeah, that was probably it. Mari wasn't bringing it up because she didn't want to make Aubrey feel bad. She was sure that was right.
In that case, she should probably apologize. She really did feel bad for staring. What was she supposed to say, though? 'Hey, sorry for straight-up ogling your boobs earlier?'
Fuck it, she was just gonna own up to it, face it head on. Mari wasn't one to hold a grudge, she'd understand.
"Hey!" Aubrey blurted, louder than she had intended. Already off to a great start. Mari looked at her with a slightly concerned expression. "Is something wrong, Aubrey?"
"I just, wanted to apologize. For, uh, earlier."
Mari tilted her head in confusion. "Earlier? What happened earlier that you need to apologize for?"
Aubrey was taken aback. Did she really not notice after all? She was tempted to use that as an out, but no, she couldn't, not in good conscience.
"Earlier, when I first came in, I was, uh, you know..."
Mari continued to wait for her to finish. God, she was really gonna make her say it...
"I was... staring. At you. At your, um... your chest. I'm really sorry, I have no idea what came over me."
Mari was silent for a moment, and Aubrey's heart nearly stopped. She had a neutral expression on her face, so Aubrey couldn't tell what she was thinking.
"Oh, that?" Mari said. She waved a hand nonchalantly. "Don't worry about it, Aubrey! I don't mind." Then she continued painting Aubrey's nails
That was... anticlimactic. Aubrey at least expected to be scolded, but Mari just waved it off. That was that.
A few more minutes passed. The tv was the only noise in the room; Aubrey and Mari had stopped chatting. Aubrey would have thought the silence between them was awkward, but Mari had a little smile on her face. She didn't seem upset at all.
"Alright, done!" she said, snapping Aubrey out of her thoughts. "How does it look?"
Aubrey looked at her nails. A bright shade of neon pink, just like her hair. They were painted perfectly.
"It's great, Mari. Thank you." She really meant it, but her words must have come out hollow, because Mari frowned at her.
"What's wrong? Are you still worried about the staring thing?"
Aubrey blushed and looked away. "Y-yeah..."
"I told you it's not a big deal, Aubrey. I don't mind, really."
"...alright, if you say so."
There was another stretch of silence between them as they both watched the tv, waiting for Aubrey's nails to dry. Aubrey wasn't paying full attention, still mentally reeling from Mari's nonchalance about her blunder
"And if you want to see them, all you have to do is ask, you know."
It took a couple of seconds for that to fully register with Aubrey. When Mari's words finally sunk in, Aubrey's face turned red and she looked at the other girl in disbelief. "Wh-what?! Are you- you're talking about your...?"
Mari smiled. "Of course! I know a girl your age--especially one with a... unique asset like yours--has urges pretty frequently. It's natural. And I'm always available if you ever need some relief, alright? Well, not literally always, but you know what I mean."
Aubrey's face burned. She suddenly felt very warm, and not just because of the summer heat. This whole situation was so surreal...
"So it's, um, it's okay for me to come to you if I ever need to, uh, um..."
"Bust a nut?"
"Mari...!" Aubrey didn't think it was possible for her to blush even harder than she already was, but she managed somehow. How could she say something so... crude?
Mari just gave Aubrey her signature smug smirk. "What? That's right, isn't it? You don't have to feel uncomfortable about that kind of thing with me, Aubrey. We're basically sisters!"
They were. They were basically sisters, and that's why it should have been weird, why Aubrey should have had second thoughts about it. She didn't, though.
"So, is there anything you want to tell me?" Mari looked at Aubrey with a genuine smile. Aubrey's heart fluttered, and she suddenly found it difficult to form a coherent thought. Her gaze drifted below Mari's eye-line
"See something you like?" Mari said coyly, a knowing look on her face. "You can have a closer look if you want, Aubrey. Just say the word..."
'Say the word'? Aubrey didn't know exactly what that meant. Was she just supposed to... ask? She took her eyes off of Mari's tits and looked at her face to try to figure out what to do. Mari was still just smiling at her, saying nothing.
Alright then, in that case, she wasn't going to overthink it. Mari said she didn't have to feel uncomfortable around her, so she wasn't. No more stammering and second-guessing herself. She was going to tell Mari exactly what she wanted.
Aubrey took a breath and looked directly into Mari's eyes. "I want to put my face between your boobs."
There was a moment of silence. Both girls looked at each other with completely neutral expressions. Then Mari's composure broke, and she covered her mouth as she entered a giggling fit. Aubrey's cheeks burned. Was that not what she was supposed to do?
Then Mari suddenly leaned closer and gently cupped Aubrey's face in her hands. She looked at her with a tender smile, then pulled her face right into her chest
It took Aubrey's brain a moment to catch up with what had happened. Once she did, her face flushed (not that Mari would have been able to see), and she felt her shorts growing tighter. It was almost embarrassing how quickly she was being turned on by this
She rolled with it though. Mari said she shouldn't feel uncomfortable, and who was she to go against that? She trusted her.
So Aubrey nuzzled her face into Mari's tits. They were wonderfully soft, almost like pillows. She felt like she could stay there forever.
Mari had one hand on Aubrey's head, running it through her hair, and the other was on her back, rubbing circles into her. Aubrey practically melted into her. Aside from the obvious pleasure she took from having her face nestled in Mari's bosom, it felt so nice to be held, to be loved and cared for. Mari was being so nice to her, it made her heart flutter
She wasn't sure how long they spent like that, but eventually Aubrey heard Mari giggle. "Feels like someone down there is pretty excited to see me..." Oh, she must have felt Aubrey's dick against her leg. She did feel a little embarrassed about that.
Gently, Mari pulled Aubrey off of her. Aubrey found herself missing the feeling of Mari's body greatly, but then there was a hand on her thigh. Aubrey watched, mesmerized, as Mari's hand slid toward the prominent bulge in her shorts
Mari's fingers slipped into Aubrey's shorts, and she felt them brush over her erection. Even through her underwear, the touch set Aubrey's body on fire
Mari held Aubrey by the shoulders, gently but firmly, and guided her so she was laid out on the sofa, her head resting on Mari's lap like a pillow. Mari smiled down at her. Aubrey didn't really understand where they were going with this, but she trusted Mari, so she went with it
From the position she was in, Aubrey felt kind of like a baby. It was a little embarrassing, honestly. She was about to ask Mari why she wanted her to do this, but then Mari started slipping the straps of her tank top off and Aubrey's brain briefly ceased higher function
She must have had a particularly dumbfounded expression on her face, because Mari giggled at her. "You really like them, huh?"
Aubrey nodded, eyes still locked on the glorious mounds in front of her
"Well, you don't have to just look, you know..." Mari said, smirking
Taking that as permission, Aubrey brought a hand up to one of Mari's breasts. So big it was nearly a handful...
She squeezed and kneaded to her heart's content, enjoying the pleasant softness in her hand. She rubbed her thumb in little circles around the nipple, making Mari sigh in satisfaction
"Hey," Mari began, sounding slightly breathless, "wanna get more up close and personal?"
Before Aubrey could even begin to think about what that meant, Mari put her hand under her head and lifted, bringing Aubrey's face right in front of her breast
Even in her lustful stupor, Aubrey caught on pretty quickly. She put her mouth around Mari's nipple and suckled. Mari let out a sound somewhere between a moan and a mewl
While Aubrey was occupied with a mouthful of boob, she felt Mari pull her shorts down, then her boxers, finally revealing her painfully stiff erection. Aubrey tensed as her fingers lightly brushed her shaft
"You've been such a good little sis, Aubrey... I think you deserve a reward..."
God, that was like bad porn dialogue, Aubrey thought to herself. Mari must have been really fucking horny... not that she wasn't really fucking horny too.
Her hand wrapped around Aubrey's length, and she groaned into her breast. The younger girl struggled to keep herself from losing it before things had even really started
Mari stroked at a steady pace, not very fast, but not quite slow enough that Aubrey got frustrated. She added little flourishes as she serviced her, twisting her hand while she pumped, running her thumb over Aubrey's tip and smearing leaking precum over the rest of her shaft
Aubrey continued suckling on nipple in her mouth, mindlessly groping at Mari's generous chest while she did her work. Any sounds she made were muffled by a mouthful of boob, which Mari apparently enjoyed; she was cooing and mewling almost as much as Aubrey was
Aubrey's cock throbbed, and she bucked her hips up off the couch, thrusting further into Mari's hand. Mari giggled. Aubrey, whose eyes had been closed in bliss, opened them to see Mari looking down at her with warm smile on her face. Thinking back to that moment (and Aubrey thought back to that moment many, many times), she decided that was what sent her over the edge: Mari looking at her with such pure love in her eyes...
She moaned, back arching as she hit her climax and shot her load into Mari's hand, which continued moving at the same pace, milking Aubrey for everything she had as the orgasm washed over her
After what somehow felt like both an eternity and only a brief moment at the same time, Aubrey was completely spent. Mari gently lowered her head from her breast, letting Aubrey rest on her lap as she came down from her high
Mari's hand was a mess; the bulk of Aubrey's load had shot off into it. She examined the strands of white between her fingers
"Looks like you got a little excited, huh?" she said coyly. Aubrey blushed.
"Yeah, I guess I kinda did..."
Both girls sat in silence for a few more seconds, before Aubrey awkwardly cleared her throat. "Could you, uh, help me clean up?"
Mari beamed at her. "Of course!" Aubrey lifted her head off of Mari's lap so she could lean forward to retrieve the box of tissues on the coffee table. Mari wiped her own hand off first before cleaning up the residue around Aubrey's crotch
Once she was clean, Aubrey pulled her boxers and shorts up, and Mari put her tank top all the way back on
"Well that was, um... that was nice." Aubrey blushed and looked away. God, that had sounded so stupid...
Mari smiled at her anyway, though. "I'm very glad you enjoyed yourself, Aubrey." She spread her arms for a hug, and Aubrey obliged (and only partially because she wanted to feel Mari's chest against her again)
"Could we... do that again, sometime? You know, as long as you're not busy or anything, and if that's okay, I'd like to, um--"
"Oh, of course, Aubrey!" Mari drew Aubrey back a bit so she could look at her face. "It's like I said, if you ever need help with this again, don't be afraid to come to me, okay?"
Seeing Mari's genuine smile made Aubrey blush again. "Thanks, Mari..."
Mari planted a kiss on Aubrey's forehead. "Anything for my little sis."

Pub: 06 Jan 2022 02:50 UTC
Views: 755