the inventor's labels, titles, names, && pronouns graphic if you're looking for names & pronouns that thy've hoarded, click here

labels. genderfluid - transmasc - unlabeled orientation

titles. tier 01 the inventor - prn who invents - prn who is steam-powered - the automaton - the one who tinkers - the time-traveler adorned in gears - prn who travels in time titles. tier 02 the one who spills prns brain on paper - the greatest poet of all time - prn who writes - prn who transcends time

names. tier 01 (i'd rather be referred to as either 'you', one of my titles, or my username than my names ^__^) ness - malachi - toby - vic(toire) - beo names. tier 02 lydia - lyn - lynette - neffie - margot - lu(cetta)

pronouns. tier 01 hy/hym - they/them - thy/thym pronouns. tier 02 he/him - one/one's - click/clicks

Pub: 03 Sep 2023 13:43 UTC
Edit: 26 Sep 2023 01:10 UTC
Views: 239