Love mail for all the important people in my life.<3 -------≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫--------------≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫--------------≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫------- My partners
: Reno
I love you you with all my heart, you've brought me more than enough joy in my life and i dont think could ever find the words to show how much i love you. You've introduced me to a whole different perspective of the world, you've made me so fucking happy just by you being here. I truly feel so loved by you. I feel so important when im with you. You make my ideas feel important and gods i never want to stop loving you. Youve made an impact in my life, you're strong, kind and I genuinely love everything you've done for me. I appreciate you.. i love you.

: Zephyr
You've always managed to get me to unmask, no matter how upset i feel, being in vc with you has always made me happy. You're like a ray of sunshine, embodied into a person, i seem to laugh the hardest when we're left unsupervised and i thank you for everything youve done for me. I love you./p.

: Krow
You're level headed, you make my rants about politics feel so proper. You've always seemed to be rational and logical and i enjoy talking to you with that perspective. You have good advice and i know how strong you are. Thank you for everything you've done to make my life better./p

: My partners in general
I love you guys, you've all made an impact in my life. I feel so happy with you three around and i genuinely feel so comfortable. You three make me feel so strong and better about myself, i hope i can do the same. You all deserve so much happiness and love in your lives and i hope the world treats tou kindly. I love everything you've done for me.. i appreciate everything you've done for me, you've been the best support ive ever had in my life. Thank you..

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My friends and family
: Ozzy
You're my oldest and most loyalist friend, if I had never of met you i wouldn't be the person i am today. You introduced me to the dsmp, the lgbtq, if i had never met you I'd probably still think i was cis. You've made a bigger impact than anyone else ive met. Im so glad to have made so many memories with you. Im so glad we can still talk to each other. You're such a good person. I love ya man.

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Pub: 21 May 2024 18:32 UTC
Edit: 11 Aug 2024 16:16 UTC
Views: 277