ships that i ship

jesskas lukesse jetra jesstra aidkas platonic axlivia aidya jurm platonic jell nem cassell harpvor ivoren nowen alenoah platonic gwourtney gwendsay zoke gweff mkulia (since s1 of the reboot btw i love them so much ever) priymk anastasia x marissa alenick tomjake ( same with jaiden ) jakeden jaiden ( some of the fans iwc some of you folks are absolute disgustinf ) tessally gabellie wishley platonic nickwill ness / nickess knifecase knickle tacomic lightbrush toiphone4 flowerpop needlecil tomatt candybats platonic goldenlavender (lila x jaune) candycorn (kevin x radford) seavbo emfbo / tabivbo suazi ( or mizisua ) ivantill hyunluka mkaxel scarymary rajbow scarmien prillie emmaxel chazee nichulia 4x twogaty secondplace loserswins fireafy evilfries 457 674 555 (kinda) 28 69

some of the ship names might be made by me because i actuallly dont know whats the ship name
those numbers are from squid game or bfb btw about some confusion

will be adding more soon


Pub: 10 Nov 2024 06:14 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2025 14:46 UTC