mainly a wip -
hi i'm alec slash scag and i'm here today to explain what posic means. including how i am posic and how this affects my way of my attraction towards objects/plushies... i'll be talking about my personal experiences as objectum/plushum mainly
please note: i suck at explaining things so if some of the stuff here doesn't make sense, i apologize!
POSIC, also known as Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness, describes when an individual who acknowledge and understand object sentience. People who identify as POSIC apply human characteristics to objects, as it can help identify objects, and what their labels can be.
Do your objects speak to you? Have you always had a suspicion your jacket will be sad if you don't wear it? Are you just a bit more attached to objects than your peers, considering them your friends? You might be Posic too! - ( Source : )
- For me personally, I have been feeling this way since I was a child. I had always felt as if objects ( mostly plushies ) around me were sentient. I would have full conversations with objects and plushies back then, and I still do to this day! I consider(ed) these objects my friends, I believed they had real feelings! Just like humans do! I still believe this now... I have always felt a deep connection with objects that I can't even describe. I liked them more than my peers, I felt more comfortable around these objects because I felt as if they understood me more than the kids at my school. These feelings and thoughts started since I was in Kindergarten! Crazy am I right...
- My first ever experience with object sentience was whenever I was in Kindergarten ( like I stated above ), I was attached to this CERTAIN spray candy bottle filled with grape juice. SPECIFICALLY the Too Tarts Sour Apple Spray Candy bottle. IT'S GOOFY I KNOW, but I was a child, LET ME PASS FOR THIS... Anyways, I would always carry it around with me, whether I was at school, at home, or doing after school activities! I ended up poring the juice in it during these activities, so that's how it got in there Haha! Back on topic, I would carry this thing around with me EVERYWHERE. It was my best friend, I love it so much :( I was so ATTACHED to this spray bottle, I would show it off to everyone like they were some kind of trophy. A week goes by, and I was carrying it around with me like usual, until a teacher saw me with it, and made me throw it away :( I cried whenever this happened, because it felt as if I just lost my closest friend.
Yeah... It was pretty sad and heartbreaking for me to go through. My teacher made it up to me, but I never forgot about it. That's one of my earliest experiences with Object Sentience! It's mostly a blur for me, but I remember some of it...
Some people may think that POSIC is a synonym for Objectum, but it's actually not! Posic does not mean you need to go through any attraction to objects whereas Objectum requires at least one form of attraction to objects. I've seen some people confuse these two in the past, but POSIC ≠ Objectum! Despite this, It is not necessarily uncommon to see others identify with both of these labels.
- I did not know that I was actually POSIC or Objectum until around 2023 Surprisingly..? I had been knowing that I was experiencing Object Sentience, but I didn't KNOW that there was a label for it? I just thought it was maybe a different problem, I thought I was just? Being weird? For reference, I have these two plushies that I have had since 2017. The first one is a Bendy plush, while the other is Vaporeon. I would always "roleplay" with them, I would make them speak to each other. But. I didn't feel like roleplaying. It was them actually talking to me. To one another. It was more of me SPEAKING their thoughts out for them, since they couldn't do it on their own. I would do this whether I was alone, or in front of my guardians and family. I always thought that I would "grow out" of that phase where I would finally stop playing with my stuffed animals. I thought I would get out of the phase where I would stop making them talk to me, and to each other. But I didn't, I never did. I continued to do this, even when I stopped playing with my children toys and started getting other hobbies. It felt as if they had real feelings. Real thoughts. Just like I did.
- I never knew WHY I thought like this, until I came across the term "Objectum." When I first came across it, I was very intrigued with it. I thought "hey. this kind of sounds like me." I decided to look more and more into it. The more I did, the more I realized how much I RELATED to this term! I also discovered the term POSIC AND Plushum through Objectum blogs and forums as well. For once, I felt valid. I felt seen. I finally figured out what I've been going through, and how I FELT towards these objects that I felt so infatuated with my entire life. The entire time, I thought it was weird. Abnormal, even. Abnormal that I was thinking that my plushies could SPEAK to me as if they were alive. But I ended up finding an entire community of people like me! People who I could relate to! I finally felt well founded after discovering the Objectum and POSIC community...
- On the topic of me figuring out I was Objectum, I always noticed that I can get easily attached to objects - Love at first sight for example. I see an object, and I am IMMEDIATELY fascinated with it... Especially with plushies, almost exclusively with them, but I can get attached to other objects too! It's just very rare for me to feel a connection with any other kind of objects. I never knew why I was able to get too attached to stuffed animals, I knew that it wasn't "normal", but I never questioned it personally. I thought my feelings towards them were just me missing my childhood or something, but it turned out to be a LOT more than that hehehe... While, yes, it IS still me being connected to my childhood in a sense, it's also just a genuine attraction towards them; whether it's romantic, sexual, queer-platonic, or just platonic! I still don't really know why I am Objectum, and why I experience POSIC. Maybe it's a way to cope? Who knows....
Woagh that's a lot of rambling. As you can see, I'm very passionate when it comes to the topic of POSIC and Objectum lolol... I may or may not add more here later... but this is it for now! Have a scagtastic day and stay #lovefilled!