fisics is so funny

you're telling me to compare types of temperature is only △C°/5 = △F°/9 but △C° = △K° because Tc = 100; Tf = 180; Tk = 100 ?

but also C/5 = F - 32/9 and C = K - 273

So in theory practically Americans are really dumb, since in history there were more then 5 temperatures (I believe), but the life expectation was that we all reduce to only using Kelvin. But no, Americans are adapted to Fahrenheit because of how simple and "pratical" to them it is. Celsius is more used in the world, Fahrenheit is more of a pride of Americans really. Therefore if the world adapted to Celsius and slowly changed to Kelvin it would be easier to share information over researches and even news

Jesus christ, I didn't know I was smart

another thing funny is how temperature is like a clock, I believe most people that read my rentrys aren't south Americans. So I will explain :3, the boiling point is 100 and the freezing point is 0. It's so easy because you can tell when it's hot or not just by knowing it if it's negative or positive

Pub: 08 Jul 2024 20:39 UTC
Edit: 05 Sep 2024 13:55 UTC
Views: 540