/risu/ Lore Archive



Nuts- Nuts are the core of /risu/ in many ways. It is our food source, our economic equivilant of paper cash, trading commodity, alchemic ingredient, among other uses. We Risuners love our nuts.
Nuts 2 Electric boogaloo- As well as physical tree based nuts we also exchange the other kind of nut. Yes risuners tend to be very sexually active and mating is extremely common. The rule we do have is to not nut into someone that is married or taken so this type of exchange tends to be more common among younger risuners as well as single ones. Risuners that are married of course do it with their mate on average 3 times a day.
Physiology- Risuners are humans but with a small squirrel tail. They can climb trees quite easily and their teeth are exceptional at cracking nuts open despite looking like normal human teeth. Risuners known enhancement is their tree climbing ability and slightly increased dexterity/speed compared to normal humans.
Food- In addition to nuts, risuners do eat some corn and fruits. A few of them have taken to eating leaves when nuts are not available. It should be noted that risuners have some degree of lactose intolerance, likely due to their squirrel based traits. The nut milk from their forest they seem to have a natural immunity to but is currently unknown if this applies to milk from outsiders. Uncommon but not unheard of are risuners eating meat. They are in fact omnivores but will prefer to stick to their nets and fruits whenever possible.
Religion- Risuners know that every november, their oshi arrives in every village and collects the nuts of every risuner. This is their most sacred tradition as the squirrel needs these nuts to survive. In exchange for the massive quantity of nuts given, the villager in each village who gives the most physical nuts without resorting to foul play will have the honor of giving risu their most special nut. Yes thats right, whoever produces the most nuts get to "nut" right in risus mouth which of course she enjoys just as much as the physical nuts. This is a risuners ultimate dream and honor.
Use of magic- Risu is blessed by their oshi every year due to the nut tribute. It is the yearly blessing combined with chuubanite that enriches the land and all its plant life.
Land description- Risu does have beaches and small plains but the area is mostly dominated by the magical rainforest. Unknown to most risuners is that the jungle is feeding off chuubanite buried underground. There isn't a lot there but its enough to make the plants grow at an accelerated rate. Nuts and all other plant life is abundant creating a natural paradise.
Technological tier- Risu is a primitive tribal society with stone tools and wood as their primary building block. Many structures of risu are made out of wood and either are on the ground or are interconnected to bigger treetrunks. Many if not all of these tree platforms are connected via a network of wooden bridges (think star wars ewok village for reference). They use fire of course for heat, cooking hunted animals, light, and sometimes just decoration. A risu village will be easily identified by the massive amount of torches and fires going on in it despite being made of wood. Buckets of water are literally everywhere in case of a fire breaking out.
Molerisuners- These are considered a sub species of risuner who are a minority but still a part of risu. Instead of living high in the trees these molerisuners tend to live underground mining rocks and other usable resources which are then traded to the risuners for food and other goods.
Natural resources- Wood consists of mainly teak and evergreen oak but there are many different kinds. As far as burnable fuel there is an abundance of peat and deeper down is some ligmite which can be mined by the molerisuners.
Wildlife- Work in progress. Will update but we do have an abundance of geese. Bees are also pretty common here and we have learned to use beeswax for various purposes (after a lot of stings).
Relations with other nations- this section is developing always. /inf/ is our current friend and more recently we have been reached out by /nasa/ and /rose/ among a few others which ill update this if i forgot. We have also allied with /meat/ who is as of our agreement going to teach us how to fish for bog iron. This will be our first step out of the stone age.
Message to all outsiders- We at Risu will accept visitors. However you must heed our warning on these matters. DO NOT TRY TO CONVERT OUR RELIGION! Anyone who tried to steer us away from worshipping our oshi will be immediately declared our enemy and will die in the geese chambers.
Please respect our strange ways/looks. We understand that foreign outsiders will be different than us and will respect this but we will expect you to do the same to us.


Based on the climate, /risu/ probably will get the majority of acorns from ring-cupped oaks (subgenus Cyclobalanopsis). They might not look as archetypical as usually depicted, but apparently it's fairly rich in starch and is used for food and alcohol beverage alike (although you might want to get rid of the tannin first). They also have clustered acorns, so that might be a good thing when it comes to harvesting as well.
For non-oaks, /risu/ would likely have camphor, teak, and potentially mahogany and sandalwood (which also have nuts; Australian aborigines supposedly eat them). Groundnuts should also be abundant, and cultivation of cassia should be possible too.



Nuts are a way of life. They are used for food, currency, trading, and even witchcraft to a small few. This is why the magical forest is so important to risuners.
The townspeople commonly exchange each others nuts to taste and experiment. This is called a nut exchange and happens almost daily.
Unknown to most risuners, these trees and sometimes the nuts themselves contained very small amounts of chuubanite, mainly increasing growth and ensuring nuts will be in plentiful supply
Once a year the risuners would give all their nuts to risu as she went across every village in their land doing her collection. This tradition is sacred and all risuners including outsiders must participate. This is called the monthly "Nut tribute"
The Nut tribute effectively resets the economy so no one risuner can become too powerful and keeps their oshi happy.
Anyone who does not participate will be hunted down and thrown into the geese chambers. WARNING this does include outsiders. Advised outsiders who are into trading do not visit during november if they wish to keep traded nuts.

Relations with /inf/

Since the arrival of /inf/, risu has ended what is now referred to as the "dull" era and began a new age of exploration
Tales of different cultures begin to pour in from not only the inf reps but also from a few other nations visiting our shores.
One of them is particularly interesting. A nature based world called /rose/. Theyre people are possibly more attuned to nature than we are and this could possibly bring nature supremacy and enhance our nut production.
To all reps going forward remember we do not want to just hand out free stuff. Everything is to be a mutual exchange. Also remember we are to respect the ways and customs of all outsiders as we would expect them to do to us upon their visits.
One group shall be assigned to handle the people if /inf/ and their matters. Another shall begin construction of a brand new class ships designed for long range travel and head off for the land of /rose/ in an effort to learn of their magical abilities.
Thanks to our constant breeding and population growth we have the manpower. We just need to create new coastal cities and ports for sea operations. Right now we only have Jukung class fishing boats and a few Bagan crews for obtaining of fish.
Our new top priority shall be the construction of our new long range ships. We shall call them the Pinisi
We should also not be arrogant and think everyone is nice. While we do have warriors and so far relations have been running smoothly we must be alert of any threats that may lurk past the seas and landmasses.
Be vigilant fellow Risuners. These days mark a new age for us and while they are exciting and rewards are more vast than we could imagine, so are the tragedies that can happen if we do something wrong. Praise the squirrel!

infinity sees risuners with lots of wooden poles and torches
Here you go. These poles are painted white so you know where the road will be. The torches are in case you intend to work at night. You can do this at your own pace.
We have also used the same white paint to mark any trees that are to be chopped down. We have already chooped down a few ourselves.
So far we only have about a quarter of the road marked but we are working on the rest.
The wood will be evenly distributed. You can use it for your port city and a lot fo it will go to the center hub. A good amount of it will go to our pinisi ships when you teach us how to make those.
By the way you should know were sending someone to mep to have a road go down to their land.
we look forward to working with you. as agreed upon you will do the labor but we will provide you with food and water while you make the road.

A note on the witches of /risu/ and gemtree production

Risuners have witches deep in their forests. They are very few in number and none of them can be found in the major settlements. They prefer to be in isolated small villages to keep their magic kept secret from outsiders. Witches are usually the de facto rulers of their respected settlements.
These witches use the power of gemstones to make all sorts of magical effects depending on the gem used. Their main method of acquiring gems is either mining or using gemtrees. To make a gemtree, one must infuse a magical acorn with a gem to create a gemcorn. The gemcorn will always grow what gem is used when infused. (Emerald gemcorn will produce emerald gemtree)
These gemcorns are then placed into the ground like any other seed and then grow like any other tree. Note that even with /risu/ plant acceleration magic, this tree takes a considerable amount of time to grow, more than a regular tree.
Gemtree farms are found deep within the caves of molerisuners and these are usually handpicked by the witch to be trusted with their care. So far the following gems have been seen used by witches and their settlements but its possible there are more
Pic rel from terraria, where i got the idea from

Carnelian- Used as a far more powerful version of coal. A single one can light up an entire settlement in a dark red color. These are placed in furnaces and last for about 3 months before expiring. Heat is enough to cook, smelt metal, and can be adjusted.

Emerald- Used for healing and plant acceleration. These are usually kept by nut growers to further accelerate the process of making nuts. Disease and injuries were healed much quickly near its presence when activated. 20 uses before expiring.

Topaz- Lights of all colors. Carnelian does this as well but topaz is much brighter. Neither have been seen used both at once as its considered a waste. Can produce different colors and is used for parties.

Turquoise- Gliding. Although risuners are not flying squirrels they have used this power to be able to glide. Turquoise must be directly infused with a risuner to allow them this power so it is only used on the witch themself or close friends. One time use. Duration currently unknown.

Grape agate- Weaponry. This is by far the most commonly used gem in /risu/ and so many gemtrees of it have been produced that it can be used fairly commonly despite its low expiration. These are used as weapons and are placed at the end of a staff like weapon. These "grape blasters" fire a small purple fireball like projectile at very fast speed. Only 10 shots can be fired before it has to be reloaded with another bead of grape agate. Top priority is placed on making sure nobody, not even outside risuners get their hands on these weapons.

Major Settlements

  • Silvanus- The biggest and most fortified settlement of risu, it is also the only one that can be seen from a vessel as parts of it are on the beach. Fortifications became necessary once /meat/ raids began occuring.
  • Gaputan- A quiet settlement that is the main hub for traders at /towa/. They're skilled at fishing and nut collecting but are also known for having small traditional farms where they can grow other kinds of nuts and fruits.
  • Kenkerto- A port settlement that became the initial contact point for /inf/ and began the alliance that changed /risu/ forever. Recently has seen a massive boost in population and activity with talks of it being one of the main production areas of the new pinisi class vessel.
  • Pasuma- Being the settlement closest to the temple of risu, Pasuma gains a massive boost of regeneration magic that's more powerful than most areas. This is the initial contact point during the annual nut tribute and many nearby villagers flock here every year to give risu their nuts. Very strict rule of no settlements being any closer.
  • Sabatangan- Famed for their prowess in fishing. Recently became a port city along Kenkerto thanks to the influence of /inf/. Unlike Kenkerto, the docks here are much larger and more numerous with many planned pinisi to be built in this area. Recently had a visitor by /nasfaqg/.
  • Panrong- Serves as the main settlement for traders from /mep/ as well as being the place with considerable amount of molerisuners. Popular mining facility with rocks and gemstones being traded among all other major/minor settlements.
  • Ceres- The western end of the /inf/ road that serves as a major city. Regularly gets visitors from Sabatangan and acts as a pinisi construction area like the other cities on the west coast. Known particularly for being more fortified than most risuner cities with barricades on the shoreline.
  • Demeter- The eastern city of the /inf/ road. The most kronii populated city, this acts as their eastern base of operations among the risuners that populate it. Serves as a launching point for ships to and from /inf/ as well as to /rose/ recently. Risuners here are more adept and used to kronii customs than anywhere else here.

Settlement elders

Sabatangan- Dwi (male)
Silvanus- Yuanita (male)
Gaputan- Harta (male)
Kenkerto- Susanti (female)
Pasuma- Tamara (female)
Panrong- Prisca (female)

Previous proposals and information.


Current proposal and lore for /infinity/ presence

The Port Town of Demeter

∞'s port town on the Northeast coast of Risu, it is comprised of shipping docks, a garrison and a small shipyard designed to repair and maintain ships, but not build new ones. Demeter was built as part of a joint agreement with Risu and to ferry supplies and equipment through Risu via Hecate's Path to Ceres from ∞, and vice versa. Due to its closer proximity to the ∞ mainland, Demeter doesn't need to be as self sufficient as Ceres, however it can sustain itself if the supply chain is disrupted. Demeter is mainly used as a way point for moving goods received from Ceres to ∞ and for traders to resupply if they are traveling along the eastern coast of the Holo continent.
Demeter was built using supplies that were transported from ∞, and some materials from Risu itself under the agreement that Risu can also use the port town for their own business.
Demeter's garrison is comprised of ships from ∞ (Both steam and sailing ships) and battalion of ∞ soldiers to protect the port town from pirates, schizos or belligerent nations. Due to its relatively close proximity to Risu town of Kenkerto, the Demeter garrison can also be deployed to defend Kenkerto or any Risu allies in the area.
There was a plan to try and move an ironclad to Demter to further shore up defense of its ports. However this was scrapped after the ironcald started to take on water while on open ocean and nearly sank, forcing it to return to ∞.

Port Town of Demeter's theme

Hecate's Path

The main road connecting the coasts of Risu. It was constructed to more easily ferry supplies and equipment to Ceres and move any goods traded through Ceres to Demeter and then ∞.
The area where Hecate's Path was built was all scouted in advance with Risu's approval, specifically for any region that required trees to be cut because of how they are considered sacred in Risu.
Due to its length, there are multiple stations along Hecate's Path (Not marked) to act as rest/repair stops.
Hecate's Path was built with both ∞ and /meat/ manpower and construction starting at each coast, moving inward into the country until they met to create a single path through the country.
The path itself is usually only dirt, however in areas where the ground is boggy, wood or stone is integrated into the road to keep convoys from getting stuck.

Hecate's Path theme

The Port City of Ceres.

The Port City of Ceres is located on the southern portion of Risu and is the main trading hub for ∞ on the Central Ocean [name pending] and the main base of operations for ∞'s Central Fleet. It was established as part of a joint agreement with Risu along with Demeter and Hecate's path.
Ceres consists of the port city, for trading, a garrison to protect the city from pirates, schizos or belligerent nations and shipyards to maintain and build new ship.
Ceres is much larger than it's sister port Demeter because it's designed to be a trading hub on the Central Ocean among Hololive and Independent countries within the area. It's also a port to help facilitate commerce among the winder world for Risu. As a result, Ceres has a thriving city of merchants and dock/ship workers, along with various professions required to maintain the city.
Ceres is protected by the ∞ Central Fleet and a division of ∞ soldiers, with the city asking as the GHQ for ∞'s operations on the Hololive Continent. Like how Demeter defends Kenkerto, Ceres's forces can deploy to defend Sabatangan.
Any goods destined to ∞ from trading in the area, would go through Ceres, then Hecate's Path, onto Demeter, and finally to ∞ itself.
The City was built using supplies brought in from the Central Fleet and Risu, where again as part of the alliance, Risu is given access to use the port city for their own business.

Port City of Ceres theme

The Central Fleet

A combination of trading and military ships that operate in the Central Ocean [name pending]
The supplies to construct Ceres were originally transported from ∞ through the Nijisanji and Nasfaqg passage using the ships that were to make up the Central Fleet.
Due to Risu not having having it's own reliable source of coal, only two steamships are among this fleet with one acting as the flagship for the ships charged with defending the Risu coastline, local sea trade routes and Ceres. And the other being tasked with taking any high priority trades in the Central Ocean [name pending]. Any coal they require for their engines must be transported from ∞ and through Hecate's Path, as a result, the steamships mainly rely on their traditional sailing rigs for much of their movement.
The rest of the fleet are tradition sailing ships ranging in size, with Frigates being the most common.
It was originally planned for Ceres's shipyards to be able to have the ability to construct ironclads to bolster the Central Fleet, however this plan was scrapped because there wasn't a reliable source of metal and the fear that if the shipyards were captured, the ironclads would be used against ∞ allies on the hololive mainland.


1118 VTE Risuners first make contact with /inf/
/inf/ declares /risu/ as a protectorate which we agree to
1119 VTE /risu/ declares independance while allowing /inf/ to be a big trade partner and in exchange for a road system linking both sides. The city of Demeter is established.
1121 VTE The very first Pinisi is constructed. It is immediately sent out to /morig/ in an attempt to make /risu/ a global power
1122 VTE (early) Contact with morig established and trade route confirmed.
Cahya is selected to stay as ambassador.
1122 VTE (later) Sumargo's expedition to /rose/ is launched
Meatheads teach us how to mine bog iron.
1123 VTE Nasfaqg make contact and establish operations in Sabatangan.
Luknights visit Silvanus and establish an embassy.
Morig establishes a lumber depot in Silvanus.
1124 VTE Contact with /rose/ established
The Retro Reich makes contact in Demeter.
Diana's expedition to /meat/ is launched
/inf/ complete the road. Ceres is established.
1125 VTE Stories of /uuu/ have reached risuners. Risuners ask for aid of all powers to build a FUCKLOAD OF BOATS
Contact with /meat/ established
Sumargo returns with /rose/ representatives
1127 VTE The Tri-fleet is complete. Jayawan, Hamdani, and Enoch selected as captains and launch for the 3 northern nations.
Diana returns from /meat/
Neriah's expedition launched to the Retro Reich
1128 VTE Neriah lands on the Retro Reich

Pub: 11 Mar 2022 15:15 UTC
Edit: 31 Jul 2022 04:07 UTC
Views: 1258