Chapter 6: The Shepherding Moon
Iruru: ......Even though what Daikoku said was true, it really is nerve-wracking.
Iruru: (There was once a time where I would give acting my all. Where I would even throw away all other hobbies. I know that.)
Iruru: (My acting is about as good as the average person can get. There's now way I could even imagine going for Daistar.)
Daikoku: That person will never forgive anyone who hides their true feelings. I'm sure she wants to know whats deep in your heart......
Iruru: I wonder what Hatsumi will say......
Hatsumi: You called?
Iruru: Waaah! You scared me!
Hatsumi: Haha. Look at you stand at the front of the hall waiting for me. It looks like you're a dedicated fan or something.
Iruru: If I was such a fan I wouldn't really know how to respond to you calling out to me like that~.
Hatsumi: What are you getting up to here? I thought you already headed home for the day.
Iruru: Ahhh. ......Hatsumi, wanna grab a bite?
Iruru: I've got something I want to talk about.
Hatsumi: Another whisky on the rocks. Also, 1 various smoked fish platter.
Waiter: Is that all?
Hatsumi: Yeah.
Iruru: Oi oi. How can you just drink in front of a minor?
Hatsumi: Of course, I'm not going to let you drink. I'll drink responsibly and stay consious, so we can have a proper chat.
Hatsumi: This place is my parent's restaurant, so you don't need to worry about that.
Iruru: You're awfully laid back as always~.
Iruru: The script for "Salome" going well?
Hatsumi: I've made some progress...... but I'm stuck now.
Hatsumi: Eden's full of talented people. I have to be careful with who I select and what type of role they should play.
Iruru: You've always been the one to pave the way for everyone. It's surprising to see you being stuck in a rut.
Hatsumi: You know, they say that geniuses tend to suffer more than the average person?
Iruru: Speaking about yourself~?
Iruru: But...... You're right.
Iruru: On this comet that is Eden, the expression of everyone is able to overwhelm everyone in the hall.
Iruru: Everyone on the comet is able to colour the play with their own way. I never realised that back then.
Hatsumi: Haha...... I remember your goals back when you first joined the troupe. Back when there were only a few members.
Iruru: Back when there were people dropping out left and right~.
Iruru: And then you came along and shaped the whole place up.
Hatsumi: The old Eden was pretty untalented. Leading to the helm was given to me with no issues.
Hatsumi: After everyone was able to forget the doctrine that Tetra set at the start of the troupe. Everyone was able to start enjoy acting.
Iruru: That must've been rough. And thanks to you, the troupe was able to be re-established.
Iruru: Regardless of what everyone says, the enemies you've made, watching you shoot for the plays that you want to perform, it's honestly inspiring.
Iruru: I thought that Tetra would be the same......
Iruru: Then there's me who can't do that, Hatsumi, you're amazing.
Hatsumi: Way to kill the compliment. Are you getting drunk just from being around the alcohol?
Hatsumi: Alright, tonight is on me.
Iruru: Thanks.
Iruru: For drinks, just a cola is fine~.
Hatsumi: I'm really thankful for everyone. I wouldn't be able to create this ideal stage by myself.
Hatsumi: I wouldn't be here if someone like you hadn't have popped up. I'm counting on you.
Iruru: ......
Iruru: Hatsumi, About that......