basic layout.. its gonna be better when i do meta data
which server did you come from?
/nakahara /laces /vanilles /lani
server bio wip
dont friend req w/o a valid reason
dont dm if ur just trying to befriend me plz.. talk to me more in the serv & maybe eventually we can be friends. im bad w 1 on 1 if i just met you
basic things:
if you/your friend(s) got banned, it was probably highly likely for a valid reason
open a ticket for questions/concerns, stop dmming staff
if staff r rude to u outside of server 1. my staff arent rude for no reason so thats on you. 2. that isnt our concern and we are gonna dismiss it UNLESS its actually horrible ?? (very unlikely.)
if you got banned you cannot appeal, idc, we ban & unban freely w valid reasons (UNLESS another user reported u and u think its false. dm .nakahara OR luiiroses)
i dont consider kys jokes with people you know / friends w as 'semi toxic' as long as you know the person and arent trying to be harmful its fine