♡ Position of the Owner (I. Present in the target aspect, goal)
The owner can easily and quickly get involved in any business, and he chooses his own role. The owner can become both an organiser and a performer, and a key figure and an extra - he will choose what he likes and is capable of. The owner himself and the role he has selected for himself will be obvious in every circumstance, whether it be at a business meeting, a party with friends, or in line at the shop. Since the present is the area of self-realization of the owner, it is not only natural for him to express himself through his place in the world, but also necessary.
Whatever the owner does, he non-verbally sends out a message to others that says, "I am here," or "I exist." The owner is more frequently able to include people in his activity than other owners of other target aspects since they do not express themselves in the present tense. At the same time, he does not always get involved at the price of his will - the owner, merging as much as possible with his role, creates space for complicity, activity.
The owner is inclined to delay business and, in general, any processes. Having started something to do, and the owner starts quite easily, often cannot stop in time. Getting involved in a business already started before him can destroy the existing atmosphere with his own vision of the roles of the participants, and it is not uncommon to hear about the owner “he is too much”.