♡ The position of the exile (III. Present in the painful aspect, criterion)

The exile perceives the present moment as a criterion. This means that his place and role are crucial to his self-esteem and play a crucial part in determining the overall quality of his existence. The exile is not looking for the role in which he will prove himself best, and not the one that will be most beneficial for him, he longs for a worthy role.

The “exile” position got its name from the feeling that the owner of the third present experiences when he tries to get rid of the destructive influence of the present on self-esteem. The exile rushes from detachment (a refusal to engage in life or find his place) to excessive involvement, where he grabs everything and acts violently in an effort to convince himself and others that he is busy in something important. Boredom and emptiness accompany him in the first case, vanity and meaninglessness in the second. And, in both cases, the exile is burdened by the feeling of his own uselessness. As if he has no place, no role, as if he is exiled .

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Pub: 12 Feb 2023 01:34 UTC
Edit: 12 Feb 2023 01:34 UTC
Views: 838