x about | likes and spins + more sysrentry | tumblr | pinterest | urldump | rentrystuffs (wip)

x ― BYI
if i reply slow or dont reply at all i am not ignoring you im just burnt out, i dont like to dm first, im awkward and i get nervous easily, its hard for me to tell tone over text and i can take jokes seriously, i have very weird ways of coping so be aware i guess (no i am not a proshipper), i say faggot/retard/tranny sometimes (all reclaimable), i change my profile theme often, my spelling can be bad, and i have depression, anxiety, autism, madd + other things and it can greatly affect my mood. please be patient with me.
please refer to my status before you dm me; if my status says 'no replies' and you dm me, do not expect a dm in return.

x ― DNI
basic dni criteria, heavy cancel culture, you anti/dislike my spins, fakeclaimers, free block

Pub: 05 Jun 2023 03:10 UTC
Edit: 19 Nov 2023 18:34 UTC
Views: 195