(。ᴖ ᴖ) ⠀PRICE 'S BOUNDARIES sourceslovemail !

⸺ ﹒Basic Boundaries
DM: Ask Unless Close + Check Status Guide
FRQ: Always Ask Unless Close.
Pings: Always okay
VCs: Always Ask
Ask 4 Number: Extremely Close People Only.
⸺ ﹒Touch Boundaries
RP-Touch: Okay.
Touch: Always Ask, Unless Close.
Emoji-Touch: No, Unless Close.
⸺ ﹒Personal Boundaries
PDA: Okay if we're friends or more.
Nicknames: Okay.
/Nsx Petnames: Ask, Unless Partner.
/Sx Petnames: Ask, Unless Partner.
/P or /J Flirting : Okay.
/R Flirting: Ask, Unless Partner.
Ask abt Trauma or Triggers: No, I'll talk abt it myself.

⸺ ﹒Status Guide
fti, oti
anyone can interact
iwc, iw/ care, iwec, iwvec
anyone can interact with caution / care,
extreme or very extreme caution / care
dniuc (dniu close)
Partners, Anakin, stargazers gc, acraterra server.
dniuec (dniu extremely close)
Partners, Anakin, stargazers gc + CHROMA staff team, overtime gc.
dniup (dniu partners)
Only My Partners
dni / dniuid (dniu i do)
Only Partners + People i Interact With
dniufp (dniu favourite person)
Xander, Anakin, Matt, Kacper.
﹒﹒strgzrs = stargazers gc
﹒﹒ovrtime = overtime gc
﹒﹒dogboys = Xander, Anakin n Matt.

⸺ ﹒Extras (IMPORTANT)
Don't mention me in vents, where I can clearly see it, Don't vague vent about me. If there's a problem, please talk to me! I prefer direct communciation a lot more, so i can make it up to you and fix my mistake.
Do not copy Xander's layout this includes : status, banner, abt me, pfp, display names, pk profiles, rentries & carrds. UNLESS HE GIVES YOU PERMISSION
I'm fine with nsfw as long as we're in the same age range.
if you're confused what names to use on me check out this page !

Pub: 14 Aug 2023 12:32 UTC
Edit: 12 Jun 2024 16:05 UTC
Views: 209