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𓏵 legacys prn list
names here
there may be some repeats, sorry.
thank you lycan for helping me with this rentry!
masc prns
he him, hy hym, hx hxm, hi(e) him, he heir, he hem, xe xim, hae haem, ih ihm, hei heim, vi vim, vy vym, cy cym, xy xym
fem prns
she her, shx hxr, shy hyr, schy chyr, sie ihr, sae saer, sie sier, sai sir, che cher, sy syr, vi ver, cy cyr, vy vyr, xy xyr, xe xir, lae laer, ci cir, ai aier, ai aire
horror prns
lung lungs, wound wounds, organ organs, splat splats, slaughter slaughters, malice malices, sin sins, kill killer, sin sinner, blood bloods, cut cuts, harm harms, mor morbid, mur murder, murder murders, ve vein, vein veins, dead deads, hor horror, horror horrors, terror terrors, putrid putrids, rot rots, gut guts, tor torture, torture tortures, rib ribs, pulse pulses, kni knife, knife knifes, agony agonys, cor corpse, corpse corpses, pain pains, scar scars, chop chops, slash slashes, hurt hurts, gash gashes, vio violent, violent violents, axe axes, bleed bleeder, carve carves, mutate mutates, stab stabs, rotten rottens, rot rotten, skull skulls, bone bones, zomb zombie, zombie zombies, artery arterys, art artery, blade blades, decay decays, fle flesh, flesh fleshes, injure injures, slit slits, slice slices, torment torments, tor torment, grave graves, tomb tombs, cof coffin, coffin coffins, necro necros, carne carnes, spine spines, road kill, stalk stalks, stalk stalker, fatal fatals, uncanny uncannys, bandage bandages, band bandage, bio biohazard, bio hazard, biohazard biohazards, poi poison, poison poisons, stitch stitches, butch butcher, grime grimes, molar molars, razor razors, raz razor, spi spike, spike spikes, tooth tooths, spi spite, spite spites, maim maims, mask masks, rip rips, chase chases, machete machetes, vic victim, victim victims, sha sharp, bait baits,
cute prns
lace laces, luv luvs, love loves, fleu fleur, fleur fleurs, heart hearts, soft softs, rose roses, frill frills, pink pinks, button buttons, but button, let letter, letter letters, string strings, fuzz fuzzes, cu cute, cute cutes, angel angels, wing wings, fluff fluffs, sweet sweets, kiss kisses, ki kiss, rib ribbon, ribbon ribbons, dear dears, plush plushes, shine shines, sparkle sparkles, light lights, adore adores, che cherish, cu cupid, cupid cupids, fond fonds, flutter flutters, pass passion, star light, star starlight, star stars, blush blushes, silk silks, chu chus, :3 :3s, xo xos, pretty prettys, pop pops, doll dolls, bon bons, care cares
sea prns
ocean oceans, coral corals, cor coral, fish fishes, blu blue, blue blues, wave waves, water waters, beach beaches, shore shores, reef reefs, mari marine, marine marines, aqua aquatic, aqua aquas, aquatic aquatics, coast coasts, tide tides, pearl pearls, squi squids, octo octos, glub glubs, fin fins, shell shells, sea shell, seashell seashells, eel eels, shark sharks, jelly jellyfish, cur current, current currents, splish splash, sand sands, crab crabs, kelp kelps, sail sails, bri brine, surf surfs, sea seas, ray rays, sal salt, sea salt, shallow shallows, gill gills, di dive, dive dives, scale scales, float floats, sea bunny, seabunny seabunnys, whale whales, dol dolphin, dolphin dolphins, tur turtle, turtle turtles, ot otter, otter otters
animal prns
arc arctos, ail ailous, al alligator, alligator alligators, ae aes, aer aers, aqui aquis, avi avis, ave aves, an ant, ant ants, animal animals, baa baas, bat bats, bear bears, beta betas, bun buns, bar barn, barn barns, bi bird, bird birds, bee bees, bee beetle, beetle beetles, bu buzz, buzz buzzes, bron bronc, bronc broncs, bo boa, boa boas, bun bunny, can canis, canine canines, cri cricket, cricket crickets, chev chevs, col cols, char chars, claw claws, cow cows, coy coyotes, cub cubs, cha chameleon, chameleon chameleons, co cobra, cobra cobras, coi coil, coil coils, cro croc crocodile, crocodile crocodiles, cer cers, car cardinal, cardinal cardinals, caw caws, chic chickadee, chickadee chickadees, chi chicken, chicken chickens, chi chick, chick chicks, chir chirps, chirp chirps, cluck clucks, clu cluck, coo coos, cor cors, cra crane, crane cranes, cro crows, crow crows, cat cats, ca cat, dog dogs, di dino, dino dinos, dove doves, do doves, doe does, deer deers, dog doggy, doggy doggys, duck ducks, du duck, el elk, elk elks, eq equs, equine equines, equ equine, fea feather, fel felis, feline felines, fel feline, feather feathers, fen fens, frog frogs, fro frogs, flam flamingo, flamingo flamingos, fluff fluffs, fal falcon, falcon falcons, fei feis, fi finch, finch finchs, fil fils, fi fil, foa foal, foal foals, fawn fawns, fa fawn, fa fang, fang fangs, flu fluffs, fox foxs, fur furs, grr grrs, ge gel, gel gels, ga gator, gator gators, gar garter, garter garters, grou grouse, grouse grouses, goo goose, goose geese, gull gulls, goat goats, ham hams, hart harts, hrūt hrūts, ha hawk, hawk hawks, hoof hooves, hor horse, horse horses, hen hens, his hiss, hi hiss, hiss hisses, hound hounds, hive hives, hi hive, hou hound, jack jackal, jackal jackals, jackalope jacklope, jack jackalope, ja jay, jay jays, kat katz, ka kat, kit kit, kitty kitty, kit kitty, kitty kittys, kit kitten, kitten kittens, kit kitz, ka kam, ka kamel, kameleo kameleos, kamel kameleo, lamb lambs, la lamb, leo leos, li lion, lion lions, le leo, ly lynx, lynx lynxes, la lark, lark larks, lo loon, loon loons, lup lupus, mam mamba, mamba mambas, mae mare, mare mares, mu mun, mun muns, me meow, mew mews, me mew, mew meow, meow meows, mo moth, moth moths, mari mariposa, mariposa mariposas, maripos mariposa, maripo mariposa, ne nene, nene nenes, nya nyan, nyan nyans, neigh neighs, nei neigh, ori oriole, oriole orioles, pan pans, pan panda, panda pandas, pa pavo, pavo pavonis, pe peahen, pe peacock, peacock peacocks, pe peafowl, peafowl peafowls, pel pelican, pelican pelicans, phe pheas, pho phoen, phoen phoens, pan panther, panther panthers, pa paw, paw paws, purr purrs, prox proxs, pro prox, py python, python pythons, po pons, pon pons, pony ponies, pos possum, possum possums, pup pups, qua quail, quail quails, ram rams, rac raccoon, raccoon raccoons, rat rats, rep reptile, reptile reptiles, roar roars, ro roe, roe roes, rav raven, raven ravens, ro robin, robin robins, roo rooster, rooster roosters, rapt raptors, raptor raptors, rex rexes, rattle rattles, rat rattle, rept repts, roo roos, sal salmon, sheep sheeps, she sheep, sik siks, sit sits, si sits, so soar, soar soars, scor scorps, scorpion scorpions, sl slug, slug slugs, stal stals, sta stal, steg stego, stego stegos, scale scales, slee sleek, sleek sleeks, sli slither, slither slithers, ser serp, snake snakes, sna snail, snail snails, spide spider, spider spiders, swa swan, swan swans, slo sloth, sloth sloths, squeak squeaks, squid squids, sta stag, stag stags, tod tods, to tod, tric tricer, tric tricerotops, tricerotop tricerotops, ty trya, tyra tryas, tig tiger, tiger tigers, tortie torties, trill trills, tri trill, twe tweets, tweet tweets, thru thrush, thrush thrushs, ve venom, venom venoms, vi viper, viper vipers, woof woofs, wolf wolfs, wi wing, wing wings, wre wren, whi whisker, whisker whiskers, wa wasp, wasp wasps, wor worm, worm worms, ze zebra, zebra zebras
western prns
medical prns
misc prns