im critical of every thing here obv and mostly dont engage with fandoms. i like a lot of stuff beware this is about 10% of it

key: sp int ; hyperfix ; i hate this and its fandom kill me dni

napping, web developing, early internet and computers forensics, cryptography, horror, religions, history, geology embalming, skateboarding, marine biology, old medicine

hotline miami, OFF, stardew valley, club penguin, half-life ace attorney, portal, pokémon, undertale/deltarune, fnaf outlast, sally face, minecraft, 8:11, identity v, rhythm games brawlhalla, dead plate, stardew valley, danganronpa, pvz faith: the unholy trinity, flash and early web games in general

batman, the x-files, brba/bcs, dbz, nexpo, saw, jjk scott pilgrim takes off, jjba, adventure time, homestuck marble hornets, the sandman, death note, regular show

etc etc etccc some more on my spacehey


Pub: 12 Oct 2023 05:05 UTC
Edit: 11 Feb 2024 18:25 UTC
Views: 548